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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1365442355' post='2039710'] Is it the bug or the pack system? There's been a few things with the bug ones getting a bit of interference from being so close to the active circuitry, so they sell and extension cable and strap holder for them to get them further away. Liam [/quote]It is the Stageclix Jack system....I will look in to the possibility of an extension that will move it away from the actives
  2. The Stageclix came highly recommended, I brought one, but, and it is a big but, it doesn't work with 3 of my 4 active basses, it produces a very unpleasent high pitched whine with all but the Stingray bass, the dealer who sold it to me is currently asking Stageclix for advice as it could be I just have a faulty one
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1365353832' post='2038433'] I just leave the same strings on for months once they have settled, the active treble pot on a ray can make any old strings sound fresh [/quote] Very true, but it's that acoustic thud of a dying set of strings that says..."excuse me...I think it's about time we were retired". At that point I know I have got to change them! The coated strings have been better and I will probably continue to use them as 6 to 8 gigs is stunning for me as I used to change them after every other gig!
  4. [color=#0000CD][quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1365350992' post='2038357'] The tapered post does still apply pressure BigStu, I can't imagine the modern ebmm nut is causing it either so I'd say its either the strings or the truss rod. If my basses are on the stands they are normally a tad sharp but I leave them alone as by the time the first song is finished they have normally settled back to being in tune, if I had retuned they would of gone a bit flat. [/quote][/color] Thanks Pete, that is exactly whats happening, at the start of the night, I will tune up once everything is set up, it will then sit on its stand until just before we play, I tune up and I find it has gone a little sharp so after the first or second song I recheck it and yes it has gone slightly flat...it's then pretty stable through the rest of the half (just dropping a cent or 2 and I guess that can be attributed to how hard you play the bass on certain songs) I then tune up at the end of the first set, retune again just before we go back on and, low and behold, its dropped a little flat after the first couple of songs. Thanks for all the comments all were very useful...interestingly, in god knows how many years of playing, I have actually never been told to tune up to the note rather than down to it...it makes perfect sense but it is something I never knew...so thanks for that little gem. I will re-graphite the nut and check the way I wind the strings [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1365346610' post='2038289'] Particularly if it's got the oiled finish to the neck in my experience. My Stingray seems to be ultra sensitive to everything, it means I'm constantly tweaking the truss rod to keep the action vaguely consistent and the tuning needs to be checked pretty much before every song. [/quote] I have to agree with Rich the Stingray does seem more sensitive than any of my other basses but with all of the above advice applied hopefully it will be more stable than a stable thing now Thank you
  5. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1365337678' post='2038148'] I was in the old Bass Centre in Wapping once trying out the latest Trace Elliot arrival, the little BLX80. Given its diminutive size and shape I was sitting down on top of it playing fairly quietly. There'd been a big delivery of Trace gear and I was surrounded by larger stacks of speakers which obscured the rest of the store. I was also trying out a cheap Yamaha fretless and had a go at playing Wherever I Lay My Hat. I had a basic grasp of it but not exactly the world's greatest tone. To my surprise someone the other side of the Trace wall of speakers started playing along and soloing over the top of me. I thought he was a bit 'good' and slowly stood up to look over the stack. To my, even greater, surprise there was Pino with a little grin on his face Needless to say my face flushed with embarrassment, I dropped back down and slunk away with the BLX in my hands to pay for it. As I walked past him he commented that he thought they were good little combos and that I'd made a good choice. I muttered a startled "thanks" and scuttled quietly away, lol. [/quote] Excellent
  6. I went for the Skoda Octavia as the boot is so big I can get a Ford Focus in there
  7. Most sound engineers will want pre as it gives them better control of the mix, with a decent sized PA I would tend to go pre out on the DI and ask the sound engineer to mike the cab to create a nice balance of both in the final mix
  8. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1365338026' post='2038156'] How do you put the strings on? I pull, stretch and bend mine with all my strength, until they won't go out of tune. Then I leave them slightly sharp for a while, before checking intonation and then off I go. I've had one tuning problem in 26 years of gigs. [/quote] Yes I do try to stretch them as much as possible and leave them sharp after putting them on...I wonder if the coated strings could be creating the problem, it is the first time I have ever used them and it is the first set of strings I have put on this bass?
  9. Hi guys and girls, My main gigging bass is my 2008 Musicman Stingray HS, it sounds and plays fantastic but, I think it is really poor (considering the standard of the bass) at staying in tune and I can't fathom out why, I have covered the following areas: It is currently strung with a set of Ernie ball 45 -105 coated strings, they have been on for about 2 months or 6 gigs, they are still sounding fairly fresh but are definately stretched in by now. The strings all have 2 full winds around the string posts. The bridge, the neck, the tuners, all screws are tight and stable. Intonation is spot on, string heights are all good. I can't think of anything else that could be affecting the tuning stabillity, I don't play it harder than any of the other basses....it is not dropping way out of tune but enough that I find I need to check and correct the tuning every other song whilst with the rest of my basses I will check the tuning halfway through the set....probably find it is still spot on and only ever need to do a minor retune prior to the start of the second set. Any ideas? Cheers Rog
  10. WOW to both the bass and the player....if I buy this bass does it mean I will be able to play like that? Good luck with the sale
  11. Because the Night, Patti Smith or No Doubt, Don't speak...2 cracking songs that are fairly easy to do well Maria, Blondie...well pretty much anything by Blondie for that matter
  12. Stiff Little Fingers, The Jam or The Dream Disciples
  13. I think there was some subtle chorus in there as well, I get a close approximation with the Westone Thunder 3 an octave pedal with the first octave control set to about 1pm and the second octave control set to zero and a nice open chorus but not letting it dominate.....don't know if that makes any sense at all but I know what I mean
  14. By international I assume you mean outside Northamptonshire!
  15. I am sure they did this a few years back and The Clash London Calling came out top...I liked that list...I like this current list less!
  16. I drive the band to be as professional as possible, just because we are not pro musicians it is no reason not to try and look like pro musicians, anyway I aquired a decent lighting rig...the other members then turn the lights to face the wall because they are too bright...I suggested we should all have a dress code....general concensus was dress in black at all times....I suggested looking interested at the very least...guitarist says can't look interested and play at the same time! This could be why we are not professional musicians but I still jump about like a demented whirling dervish
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' timestamp='1364489826' post='2027242'] Thanks for all the kind comments, it is a stunning bass in every respect and sounds as good as it looks. When you have 3 humbuckers on tap, the word immense does spring to mind. I'm going to hang on to it and buy a Jazz [/quote]You know it's the right move and you can be safe in the knowledge that GAS never really gets out of hand.........hang on a minute.....Doh!
  18. Land Down Under....Men at Work White Boys and Hero's and Music for Chameleons...Gary Numan with our beloved Pino supplying the low end
  19. The bassist for New Music looks just like the guy who had his hand stuck up Spit the Dog's backside! maybe it was this demonstration of skill that got him the Spit gig? I was always frustrated that I had to take my hand out of my pocket to play the B in James "Sit Down" but now I have a 5 string I can get in training for the Spit the Dog come back tour
  20. I sold a guitar on Evilbay this week and the buyer decided to send his own courier to collect...queue an unmarked van turns up and the guy says hello mate I've come to collect a package! I said have you got the correct address labels....no he says, fortunately I had already put the address on the box....Am I going to get a receipt....no we don't give receipts he says...well I am not letting the guitar go then....so finally he gives me a City Link missed delivery slip with collect guitar written on it! Not exactly inspiring confidence but I rang the buyer and confirmed it was City Link collecting so I let it go....thank fully it arrived safetly but I can't say much more than FFS!
  21. The Bluetones "If" great bassline never stops in one place too long but has some great little riffs in there and isn't too hard to learn
  22. My mulititasking skills alongside playing bass amounts to little more than "it's allright" from The Vaccines If You Wanna bellowed into a microphone...badly
  23. Well done that man To quote Mr Strummer "Go easy, step lightly, stay free" I reckon that means look after yourself!
  24. What really frustrates me is my inabillity to write songs, I find a great riff and then keep working at it until I turn it into something that has already been written....drives me potty don't know why I do it to myself but every time I do the same thing!
  25. It depends on the demands of the bride and groom, if they want you there early and hanging about for hours it needs to be paid for, if they want you to play longer than the std 2x45 slot again it needs to be paid for, if they want you to learn a specific song factor the practice time into it, if that song is a Justin Bieber song there clearly isn't enough money in the world for that! We tend to do 3 or 4 weddings a year and the starting point is £500......just noticed from one of the other comments that this puts us in the crap catogory...doh !
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