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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. Two quite different styles for me which probably wouldn't work well together but: Setting Sons by the Jam I, Assassin by Gary Numan for the fantastic early Pino stuff
  2. I have the guitar version, brilliant bit of kit, really good build quality but the weight of a small grand piano!
  3. The first proper band I played with back in the early eighties, we only ever did 3 gigs but we had recorded some stuff which seemed to have generated real interest, anyway gig number 3 was Aston university supporting a band aptly named Stress, we played in front of a packed crowd with a bunch of record company execs there just to see us.....before we went on we were kindly informed that said execs were there to see us and wanted to speak to us after the show....now as I said at the beginning this was very early eighties and the punk ethos was still strong at that point anyway 2 minutes before going on stage the singer and guitarist announced that it was uncool to have a record deal so they were leaving the band! We didn't have time to have a fully fledged punch up, went onstage where the opening words from the singer were " we are Subtafuge and this is our last gig" I still listen to the songs from time to time and they are still the best stuff I ever played on... and the rest of the band... I was told the drummer took his own life some years later, the guitarist died in Austrailia about 10 years ago, never seem the singer since and last saw the rythym guitarist at a Pistols gig in London, long since retired from playing
  4. Speaking as a proper newbie, I come here everyday, I really enjoy the site, I read with interest (and have contributed to some of) the new topics and whilst there is a certain amount of friendly banter in most threads, genuine answers seem to be there and I feel that if I need help or advice I will find it on here. I have brought 1 bass since I joined the site and found it to be 100% better than the evilbay experience, to me this is a comunity that I am happy to be part of
  5. I am sure I read in a punk book that he died suddenly shortly after that quote, now that irony for you, it was quotes like that that got me into punk
  6. [color=#A9A9A9]Let the music speak for itself. If you feel the need to get a bazillion views on your vid then maybe you're missing the whole point of playing music.[/color] I genuinely thought you had put "if you need to get a brazillian" and thought yeah that oughta get you a few more views! Sorry must pay more attention when reading
  7. Has anybody got experience of the current range of wireless guitar transmitters, I have an antique Samson VR-1 system that I have had for probably 15 years or more and still works fine, I have a feeling that mine is somewhat illegal nowdays and at one point I was told it was on the same frequencies that the RAF used! As I am trying to be a good citizen these days I thought I may look at going all legal I know they used to be renowned for over compressing the sound but there seems to be good reviews on some of the recent models I have been looking at. Do I need to look at a specific bass transmitter or will the standard one be fine, do I need to look at one that will hunt between channels (if it senses interference) I am looking to spend a couple of hundred pounds max, can anybody recommend one or should I just stick to my trusty leads Thanks Rog
  8. My brain is melting
  9. Been after that exact model for ages but never expected to see it in my perfect colour as well!!
  10. I have found good drummers and reliable drummers but never found one that is both!
  11. In my main covers band, we fight like cat and dog over song choices we can never agree, being the most experienced musician in the band and the biggest prima donna if we can't do the song justice or the song doesn't do us justice I dig my heels in and refuse to learn it (we are a bunch of 45+ year olds playing rock, indie covers and I am afraid Moves Like Jagger just feels like peadophillia to me!) In my second covers band either the guitarist or singer come up with an obscure suggestion from a successful band, usually a song no ones ever heard of but they seem to work pretty well when we gig them
  12. I auditioned for a pretty impressive local rock band doing original material, I learnt all the songs turned up and played them perfectly but I didn't get the gig because "I didn't like Guns N Roses enough!" Got a call from them a few weeks later asking if I would be interested in depping every other week because their new bass player works shifts.....my answer started with sod and finished with off! shame really because I still think the songs were actually pretty good The other upside was that they insited on rehearsing at maximum Marshall stack volume which was stupidly loud, I couldn't hear properly for a couple of days after the audition!
  13. I have resisted the temptation to bid just incase the moron is cleverer than he appears, he seems to be able to hijack accounts at will so I don't want to give him any chance of getting my details, I have to admit I have been tempted to send him a message saying hey it's me again, you keep listing em and i'll keep reporting them
  14. Total scam, just keep reporting it as a fraudulent listing and ebay will pull them off again, he's been doing this under different accounts for a week or so now
  15. This moron has been listing shed loads of expenive gear every other day, dead easy to spot as they are all either free postage or £6 odd, all pictures have a different background, it's clearly a scam, I am not sure whether he is hijacking other accounts but if you look at the other items for sale from the same seller it looks like there are genuine items in there as well, everytime he lists them I pick the first 4 report them all to ebay as fruadulent listings and ebay pull all the listings it just seems a shame they can't close the moron down alltogether
  16. I always try to buy through my local shops, I will look for the best price online and if my local shop can get close I will order through them (I will happily pay a bit more just to be sure the local dealer survives) I am sure most of the online guys do a sterling job but if I don't use the local shops they will just vanish and I won't get the chance to walk into the local shop, have a sudden attack of GAS and leave a good few hundred quid lighter than I went in with! I have brought used guitars online from both private and trade sellers usuallu via evilbay and except for an "immaculate" Epiphone SG with a cracked neck and both pickups disconnected my experiences have always been good
  17. I had a Milan bass for a while and absolutely hated it, infact as it was the only bass I had at the time I actually stopped playing, I brought it quite cheap and the only redeeming thing about it was when I traded it in (for my 50's Classic Precision) I got far more that I paid for it back, it then hung on the wall of the music shop until the day it closed down
  18. I had a Silver Series Jazz some years back and found it totally un-inspiring only kept it for a month or so, from what I can remember about it I didn't like the neck profile and it was way too heavy
  19. Much the same as above, I have actually run out of things to desire partly because I have run out of room to store anything else, but I have got to the point where I am genuinely happy with the gear I have got, all my guitars and basses are fully gigable all my amps are light, portable and currently as good as I need. I find myself in the previously unheard of position of looking at any additional gear as, quite frankly, clutter and I can't justify more clutter.
  20. For me the lead bassline styles of Bruce Foxton and Peter Hook have been the biggest influences on the bass parts I wrote especially in my early days but having been playing rythym guitar for the last 5 years that is probably the biggest influence on the bass at the moment as in picturing an interesting rythym guitar part and creating it on bass
  21. Many years ago a band I played with was once offered a showcase gig in Soho along with a couple of other upcoming bands, we were told to be at the venue for 11 oclock sharp....not being very experienced in such matters we duly arrived at 11am prompt, after much banging on the door we were kindly informed by someone (no idea who) that 11 oclock sharp actually meant 11pm with the first band on at midnight! At that point we had 2 options either go home and forget about it (never going to happen) or hang around until 11pm....where else could 4 up and coming rockstars possibly spend the day other than in the pub...we all agreed to drink sensibly and as we didn't have a lot of money for extras (such as food) 2 pints an hour seemed a sensible approach.....anyone wanting to put an exact date on this it was the night England beat San Marino 6-0 in a world cup qualifier...anyway as excitement in the match grew so did the pace of drinking....after the match finished somehow we made it back to the venue somehow managed to set up the gear to the point that it worked our drummer was in the best place as he had the back wall to lean on to stop him falling off his stool I was playing fretless (unlined) bass via a radio link so was free to stagger around as the mood took me...I cant remember for some reason exactly what the guitarist and singer were actually doing but somehow we managed to lauch into our 5 song set....all I can remember from there was walking out into the audience and giving my bass to a young lady to play because I was far to drunk to play it anymore this was about the same time the guitarist stepped too far from his amp and pulled the lead out....assuming that the amp had broken he turned round and drop kicked it off the stage!! which as you can imagine meant end of gig. We woke up the following morning in the car in a car park near the venue and groggily made our way back to Northampton, amazingly we were called by the record company we had "showcased" for a couple of days later and were asked to send them any other material we had as for some reason they were actually impressed with our performance....sadly it never came to anything but I learnt not to drink at gigs and still gig happily sober now, the drummer went on to be a TV stars house drummer, the singer emigrated to the Czech Republic and the guitarist (with new amp) went on to perform more legendary drunken gigs over the years. It's been many years since I last recounted that night and I have to say....no regrets
  22. Thanks everyone, I probably should have added that we are a fairly sucessful covers band (in the scheme of local covers bands that is!) with songs all chosen and played over the last five years as a five piece band so radically changing the basslines is probably not an option, with more experience the lead guitarist should really being adapting his guitar parts to cover the holes where the rythym guitar has been but he just doesn't hear it at the moment, but I think there are areas I can double up the timing of the bassline and I still have an old Octave pedal which may work elsewhere, I like the idea of a 2nd overdriven amp and may look at that option if nothing else is working. Thank you again
  23. Hi people, I need a little advice if possible, our current bass player has decided to leave the band which will result in me going back from rythym guitar to bass (which I am quite happy to do) Our lead guitarist is ok but I wouldn't class him as a strong guitarist and to me he really needs the help of a rythym guitarist to hold things together, the band doesn't want to bring another guitarist in and basically just wants to go out as a 4 piece which means I am going to have to cover both bass and rythym at the same time..my thoughts are to buy a bass overdrive or something along those lines so I can kick it in in the parts where the rythym guitar is missing but I don't want to lose the clean bass sound that most of the songs we do already have so I need to be able to keep the clean sound whilst being able to kick in the overdrive as well when needed I am using a Mini Mark Bass amp and the matching 102 cab and using my HS Stingray bass but I am not sure how or what I need to make this work (I have never been one for bass effects before so it's a bit of a new area for me) Is anybody doing the same kind of thing that can suggest how I can make this work Thanks Rog
  24. Musicman Stingray Trace Elliot Twin Valve amp Mesa Boogie 1516E Cab Chiropractor as part of entourage
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