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Everything posted by PaulDB

  1. Interested in a Stingray? [url="https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/l/t1.0-9/1175755_10151757789108886_430221329_n.jpg"]https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/l/t1.0-9/1175755_10151757789108886_430221329_n.jpg[/url]
  2. I have a MM Stingray 5 which I love to play live, but have jut borrowed my mate's Sandberg California 4 for recording as the MM is very hot and aggressive. I prefer the Sandberg for range of tone and studio. Fairly similar in terms of playability though.
  3. Hi there, would you consider a trade? I have a very nice 90's Musicman Stingray 5...
  4. Haaaaaaaaaa! Though that would get someone's back up!
  5. Hi guys, I've just regressed(?) to electric bass after seven years playing primarily upright. I'm a little rusty and need to get my fingers working around a fretboard again. Another added complication is that I have just got a new bass, a stingray 5, as a replacement for my trusty old Hartke WK5. This is a 22 fret scale instead of the 24 I'm used to, so playing adjustments are necessary in that area. I've never been a fan of scales and arpeggios and am currently learning Ain't No Mountain High Enough as a practice routine. Any song/practice suggestions greatly appreciated, particularly if they can be added to my function/dodgy pub covers band repertoire
  6. Hi eubassix, thanks for the interest. Currently talking to someone about a trade, but if that falls through I will let you know. Thanks for the interest.
  7. Hi guys, still going and as it's looking like most folks are having difficulty making the price, I am now considering a swap/part ex for a good 5 string, also looking for a decent top. Would prefer a Stingray 5.
  8. Still looking to sell this beautiful instrument. Will consider part ex for bass amp seperate, possibly combo, or 5 string bass. Cheers
  9. PaulDB


    Completely mystified... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LowAction-Trans-Jungle-Green-Freted-Fretless-5-4-string-electric-Bass-Combo-903-/221240605543?pt=Guitar&hash=item3382f7bb67
  10. Check out Gallien Kreuger - they do some tidy little boxes, but out of your price range.
  11. Good grief... Don't tempt me, Frodo! Seriously though, I'll need to have my current 5 looked at before I consider exchanges. Times are hard and as much as I want fifty sexy basses, I need to pay bills and buy food too
  12. I've used a fishman dual piezo pickup for seven years. I bought a fishman preamp too, but ended up not bothering with it. I never found the need for an amp, as I've always just DI'd into the PA. As long as you have a monitor for yourself, or a little amp, then you'll be grand. Depends on the show of course!
  13. Hi Mr B, no problem. I'll post that up later for you.
  14. In an ideal world I'd get a Dingwall, but that would probably eat most of the money! I have a Hartke WK5 at the moment which will be ok once serviced and set up with decent strings, my first priority is a decent bass rig, then possibly looking at a Fender Jazz 5 Deluxe.
  15. Hi guys, I have recently moved back to electric 5 string after seven years playing double bass. I have, therefore very little knowledge of electric gear - I have either played completely acoustic or straight into a DI. The first few recording sessions have gone very well but I have noticed my bass doesn't come across as well in recording as it does live, and it also sounds a lot worse overall than it did seven years ago (is this coz my ears are better or my bass is worse?). The B string in particular rattles something awful when I'm bouncing between B and D! There is a huge drop in the midrange output - my amp EQ is permanently rainbow-shaped. I currently have a Hartke WK5 that I bought from The Bass Centre 10 years ago, well looked after, and no amp I am willing to admit to owning on here. I am hoping to get a decent top (not a combo) and 5 string for around a grand. Any suggestions of makes etc are much appreciated. I am going to be playing in numerous bands so want a good all rounder. I don't tend to play with a pick, nor do I do a lot of slap. I am also interested in sub bass - there is a dance/hip hop element to a lot of what I'll be doing (think early Primal Scream). I have added a link to a soundcloud demo below to help you get an idea of the sound of one of the bands. Thanks in advance. https://soundcloud.com/musicbycarousel/the-charm-offensive-1 http://www.samsontech.com/hartke/products/hartke-bass-guitars/wk5/
  16. Hi guys, sorry to those who have replied to the thread, I didn't realise I wasn't getting email updates about it. Mark ii - that is a fine P you have there, but I am selling this to raise funds for a 5 string unfortunately. Thanks for your interest. Scotyork - one of the slight issues I had with this bass was that the neck diameter was a little more than I am used to. The work was carried out by Martin Healey of MJ Healey Violins, London (now retired). You can see that the back of the neck is much lighter than the rest of the bass, as he has stripped the varnish off, sanded down the wood and then reapplied a light varnish finish. Cheers.
  17. http://www.fishman.com/products/filter/type:pickups/instrument:upright-bass See above. I can't sell you mine as I'm using it, but I played in a folk/roots band for six years with one of the dual piezo fishman jobs. I also bought a fishman preamp at the time, but after a few shows found that it was unnecessary and actually caused a bit of an issue for sound guys. You can't go wrong with dual piezo pickup and a DI straight into a decent PA. If you have an adjustable bridge I have also heard good things about the other pickup on this page. Good luck.
  18. You can see the scratch on the shoulder here:
  19. Hello all, due to a change in direction and the need to buy a new amp, I am sadly forced to sell one of my treasured basses. This is a Stentor Profundo, the unusual Buseto shape based on a German Pollmann bass. It has a solid Maple back, sides and neck, and a solid Spruce front. The fingerboard and tailpiece are ebony, machine heads are brass. I bought it about two years ago from Martin of MJ Healey Violins, London, for £3000. He did a full set-up and thinned the neck down, as you can see in the photos. Can't member how much the set-up was. Totally fine structurally, only one or two scratches superficially. I have shown the only major scratch in the photos. It is set-up for the folk/jazz player, low action with Tomastik Spirocore Strings. Questions and viewings welcome (I live in Liverpool). It plays lovely, as you would expect for a solid bass it is LOUD! More photos available - just ask! [url="http://www.promenademusic.co.uk/stentor-profundo-34-double-bass"]http://www.promenade...-34-double-bass[/url] [url="http://www.musiccorner.co.uk/Double-Basses-Double-Bass-Outfit/p120117/Stentor-Profundo-Double-Bass/product.html"]http://www.musiccorn...ss/product.html[/url]
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