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Everything posted by Mokl

  1. As an aside, this line is tougher than it sounds, anybody nailed it? Sounds like the chord slide each in the riff is tapped, but can't decide if it's overdubbed or not!
  2. For a long time I've admired the bass work on The Pointer Sisters 'Steppin', and thought it was all Paul Jackson on bass. Looks like I was wrong, as credit to most of the tracks is given to a "Eugene Santini". Bass line on the below is one of my all time faves, anybody know anything about him? Interested to check out any other recordings he might appear on, but Google isn't giving me much to go on.
  3. I can't get into any of the more recent material, but I have to say I think they do genuinely have a love for what they do.
  4. Apologies, just clocked the thread over in repairs & technical...
  5. My go-to guy has retired, and I find myself needing a repair to my Thunderfunk 550 head. It works fine, but intermittently and without warning, puts out a horrendous screeching through the speakers Anybody able to recommend a good amp tech? Ideally in the Herefordshire area, but I'm willing to post if further afield. Love this amp, and they're supposed to have been designed with repairability in mind... Thanks in advance!
  6. Mokl


    I think the colour is "graphite pearl"? Oldish bass , but in great condition.
  7. Mokl


    So this bass combines 2 things I never thought I'd own in one: 6 strings, and a Musicman Bongo. Picked this up today, needs a good deal of setup work to get it where I want it, but an hour this evening and new strings on and it's about 80% there I reckon. Initial thoughts are it's going to sound huge. It is actually physically kinda huge too. The Bongo shape looks way more aesthetically impressive in person than in pics for some reason. Now to figure out how to play it. Good news is that after 20 mins noodling on this, I picked up my 5 string and it seemed way easier to get around than it did last time I picked it up! 😀 Sorry for crap pic.
  8. Whereabouts are you based?
  9. It's rare that I feel strongly enough to share my experiences of retailers etc, but I am compelled to sing the praises of Will at Bassbros. He helped me out with what should have been a straightforward commission sale, but which turned complicated and potentially very costly to me and him as the bass had made it to the US, but the buyer having received it, experienced a change of heart. Will went totally above and beyond to get this sorted to everyone's satisfaction, was professional, calm and friendly with great with comm's throughout. By some miracle of coordination he found another buyer in the US who thankfully is very pleased with the bass. I look forward to supporting Bassbros going forward, as well as visiting the showroom again now it has a little more stock in it!
  10. Ps I don't use Roto steels any more, prefer Dunlop or D'addario nickels these days.
  11. I've had good success in the past, boiling stainless steel rounds (nickels don't seem to work quite as well, but still ok), with a little washing up liquid and dash of vinegar. Smells foul, but actually almost miraculously rejuvenated old Roto's for me....screws up the silk windings though. These days I tend not to bother and just change strings less often, but I'm tempted to try some Elixirs, just the price of entry is off-putting. Fwiw the string 'snapping' thing works pretty well for me too - I do that fairly regularly. I find it gives a bit of definition back to the tone of faded round wound strings.
  12. I'm finding it a bit tricky to come up with what I think would be a reasonable scenario in which one would even ask to borrow someone else's bass for a gig. I'm afraid it'd be a no from me.
  13. I believe they backed Dr John and Robert Palmer, amongst others. They were all session players AFAIK.
  14. Gotta say, I like the original guard, lifts the body colour and works with the maple board imo. Nice bass, enjoy!
  15. Yep, C# on G string dead spot on my Jazz fretless. Feel a little less annoyed about it now!
  16. Have just received a comprehensive reply from John, suggesting the pot may be bent - which would be logical. I'll try to carefully bend it back, but if not looks like it can be replaced.
  17. Thanks! I believe John has an excellent reputation for responding to stuff like this - I thought he might be away on an Easter break! To be fair, I'm not the original owner either - just hoping for guidance on a remedy from him or the BC hive.
  18. Excuse the weird thread title! The stacked pot for the mid control on my East U-retro pre is binding. It's annoying, because when you want to cut or boost, the frequency shifts with it. It's not seized solid, just feels overly stiff. I've removed the knobs to check it's not them, rather than the pot itself, but it makes no difference, so deffo the pot. I've tried turning both top and bottom portions liberally to see if they'll loosen up, but to no avail. I emailed East last week, but no reply as yet, so wondering if anybody here has experienced and hopefully fixed similar? Pot replacement doesn't look straightforward as it's surface mounted... Thanks in advance!
  19. Weird, but I kinda like it - from that pic at least.
  20. These look truly excellent- enjoy!
  21. I'm gonna stick my neck out and say the California thing started with Californication. Before that the place name drops were way less annoying e.g. Out in L.A., New Orleans (BSSM) etc. I might be wrong though - usually am.
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