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Everything posted by Rubbishatbass

  1. Beautiful!
  2. I was watching a marlowedk youtube piece the other day and he was whipping through explaining something as he does and he played a duff note (too far from the fret) and got *the buzz* - so even the best do it occasionally ... The other 3,408 notes he played in the 10 minutes were perfect though ...
  3. That top one went for £320! If I won the lottery I'd buy up loads like this and just hang them on the wall artfully located somewhat ... Certainly wouldn't play them!
  4. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1412496582' post='2569249'] Maybe get hold of some slow downer software. That can let you hear the notes in the same pitch only slower. [/quote] Now, that is a GREAT idea ... !
  5. Knew it wouldn't hang about long - that was a bargain - if it had had the lines I'd have had it in the first 30mins I reckon ... !
  6. Magnificent looking beast is this. Lovely ...
  7. My guess is it's probably not that cheap to return something you don't want to Germany as a one-off. In the end I have bought from a UK shop - not because of cost but due to the fact that it's the only place you can get these basses now as they're stopped making them so hands were tied (luckily one chain had some in still). But feels as though I'm doing my bit for the economy!
  8. Nicest looking fretboard I've seen in a long time ... !
  9. That IS lovely - I'm after a fretless but sadly it is a) too much for me at this time and has no lines on which I am gonna need ... so maybe I think the SR370F is more my level at present. I have an SR500 fretted ... Best of luck with it though - it's a great price you're offering it at. It looks a cracker ,,,
  10. They're currently £89 cheaper on a £400 bass from a UK shop ... it's a no-brainer surely? Plus they have a 36-month warranty. Manufacturer's 12-months plus two years ...
  11. Thanks for the reply ... I'm not convinced that IS the fretless - even though on that linked page it says MPN SR370F-BBT F being fretless of course ... I can't see anywhere else where it is mentioned as being fretless ... which you'd have thought it would have said. I might fire them off an email or ring them to check ... that photo if I had to bet on it, looks like a fretted bass as well ... Anyway, what do you think of it having played one? Worth the money just to have a fretless on the wall?
  12. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1417267871' post='2618710'] PMT in Norwich were very helpful. Let me try a bass in a small room, great TC combo to play through. No pressure to purchase, told them I was only window shopping. Went back a couple of weeks later, bass was sold. The [b]Ibanez lined fretless is no longer in production[/b] but they found one in another of their stores and had it sent down. Wouldn't let me take it away until they'd checked it over. Excellent service, recommended. [/quote] Do you mind me asking if that was the SR370F? Reason I ask is that I can't find any for sale anywhere - they all seem to be fretted ... did Ibanez discontinue them?
  13. In 1981 I had one just like this save for the dark fingerboard and for it being a fretless ... had the thumb rest, the lot. I wish I still had it ... if I was single, I'd buy this just for the hell of it and not even play it which would be a shame but I'd just hang it on the wall or something. But I'm not so I can't get it through ... It's a beautiful piece of workmanship though ...
  14. VERY nice ... !
  15. I sold a 1979 fretless Precision in about 1986 for £250. Regretted it ever since.
  16. Beautiful, and I'm in North Cambs so maybe very close, but out of my price range unfortunately. Lovely looking bass though. Best of luck selling it ...
  17. Hi, got any more info on the Status fretless? Age, condition etc - looks very nice. I can see it just standing in the corner of my office, looking cool! Taking offers on it?
  18. Shameless bump ... as I had one of these - EXACTLY the same in about 1982-87 ... I remember how much I sold it for as well - £250! So a sound investment ... ! Could never play it very wel though - I just loved the look of it.
  19. You must have it by now, yes? What's your overall impressions? I fancy one - would you recommend it - or should I think about the PX5D?
  20. Lovely looking machine - bet it plays as well as it looks. Have a bump
  21. There might be a few tabs that need to be taken out somewhere maybe!
  22. Post up a few pics, warts n' all ...
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1353921634' post='1879625'] The only problem you have is unrealistic expectations and, seemingly, a need to blame everything else. You've only been playing "one or two months" and you're impatiently (all be it with some humour), already, blaming your gear! Don't get caught up in Basschat's usual focus on the gear. Who cares what strings you've got. You shouldn't. They are not even close to being a problem for you at this stage. Of course Scott Devine is good. He's been playing for years, he's taken a lot of lessons with great players, he's worked hard and he's got a lot of talent. Sit down and practice (I was playing for 2 hours a day when I started). Not just scales, but your favourite songs. Start with the easy ones, and keep at it for a year before you come back with tales of gear problems. [/quote] Hey Chris, it's me I know - it's not the gear - that was more tongue in cheek really - I read reviews of this stuff online and no-one says *it's the gear* - I'm a novice, a beginner, I know all that ... I have poor tecnique (read no) at the moment - time will improve that - I ain't daft. It was a need to sound off really - as I'm new to all this. I know it's practice, practice, practice - how does the saying go? You know ... See you in 52 weeks.
  24. Haha - don't worry Purple, I'm not really slapping away merrily - I realise there are far better ways to spend one's time learning to play half decently ... (I was mucking about with the settings on the combo that was all) Will sort out some lessons and keep up the practice - determined to put the time in. I have a teenage daughter and she is embarrassed beyond help that I'm playing at all ...
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