Hi all, only been playing a month or two. Treated myself to a nice Ibanez SR500 and one of the TC BG250 combos. Only managing to practice for a few hours a week at present (if that) - so with that little experience under my belt it must be me I hope. Obviously a decent technique takes many years to perfect but I just don't seem to be able to play clear notes, sometimes however slow I play! Started off trying to play 1F1F but soon gave that up down the lower end ... practicing scales and whatever I'm trying to learn I can probably do a couple in a row without making a duff note but that's all. Strings are new Ernie Balls ...
I know these things don't just come overnight but I don't be able to see any improvement - please tell me it WILL come eventually, otherwise the thing can go on the fire.
At first when I got the bass out of the box, I could tell the set up was all wrong so had it done by a local guy who knows his stuff - been doing it 20 years or so. He played it for me in his shop and it sounded fine so the bass itself is no problem.
So why can't I get a decent sound from it? Strikes me I'm probably too imatient. I see Scott Devine's lessons online and he NEVER gets a bad note, slightly bad note, nothing and he plays in bloody gloves!. WIll I get that when I've been playing for years? Or am I doomed to a back bedroom bass existence
If I see someone do a slap thing on YouTube say, I'll try and copy it but the note I get from a fretted E string just sounds DUFF - flat and with no pop at all - yet I listen around and everyone else's seems to make a ringing note ... I'm confused. Is it ALL down to (at the moment) simply no technique which'll come with practice?
Don't be too harsh guys ... I'm trying, honestly.