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Everything posted by Rubbishatbass

  1. Hi Dad - yes call me Rubbish if you like (the wife does). Cambs is my location ... I'll try and do it every day if I can from now on - ubt sometimes, it isn't always possible - but I'm a trier if nothing else. Thanks for the tips. I'm sitting here half the time, combo off, unplugged, just moving my hands around the guitar, getting familiar etc - all helps in the long run I'm sure. Will defo try and get more time on the thing ...
  2. Cheers guys - maybe a couple of lessons would sort me out - but nothing can improve you like practice can it ... thing is, I'll do half an hour or an hour, then not pick it up again for three days due to work etc - so by the time it comes round again to practice I'm starting from scratch again so it seems. Don't seem to be able to get into any rhythm (pardon the pun). No others to play with ... those days have long gone ... not got the time/space/opportunity etc. It's just me and You Tube (for now) I never hear a duff note on there though. Yet I don't seem capable of playing a dozen notes without hearing a few ...
  3. Hi all, only been playing a month or two. Treated myself to a nice Ibanez SR500 and one of the TC BG250 combos. Only managing to practice for a few hours a week at present (if that) - so with that little experience under my belt it must be me I hope. Obviously a decent technique takes many years to perfect but I just don't seem to be able to play clear notes, sometimes however slow I play! Started off trying to play 1F1F but soon gave that up down the lower end ... practicing scales and whatever I'm trying to learn I can probably do a couple in a row without making a duff note but that's all. Strings are new Ernie Balls ... I know these things don't just come overnight but I don't be able to see any improvement - please tell me it WILL come eventually, otherwise the thing can go on the fire. At first when I got the bass out of the box, I could tell the set up was all wrong so had it done by a local guy who knows his stuff - been doing it 20 years or so. He played it for me in his shop and it sounded fine so the bass itself is no problem. So why can't I get a decent sound from it? Strikes me I'm probably too imatient. I see Scott Devine's lessons online and he NEVER gets a bad note, slightly bad note, nothing and he plays in bloody gloves!. WIll I get that when I've been playing for years? Or am I doomed to a back bedroom bass existence If I see someone do a slap thing on YouTube say, I'll try and copy it but the note I get from a fretted E string just sounds DUFF - flat and with no pop at all - yet I listen around and everyone else's seems to make a ringing note ... I'm confused. Is it ALL down to (at the moment) simply no technique which'll come with practice? Don't be too harsh guys ... I'm trying, honestly.
  4. Hi everyone - shocking player here. No idea really, just bumming around at home. Ibanez SR500 and BG250 combo. All the gear but no idea ... isn't that what they say? Off to post somewhere else on this superb website now to ask some questions ... First query posted: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192650-duff-notes-bad-technique-cant-be-the-gear/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192650-duff-notes-bad-technique-cant-be-the-gear/[/url]
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