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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1450183520' post='2930313'] I've never used a mic for recording, I've always just gone DI. Is it cause you guys are getting a chunk of your desired tone from your amp / cab set up? [/quote] Partly yes, partly because 2 channels means more scope for fine tuning the overall sound of the bass track. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1450178992' post='2930239'] IME bass drum mics are terrible because they have an EQ hump to bring out the best in a bass drum and therefore make the separation between the drum and the bass guitar almost impossible to achieve. [/quote] You are indeed right, they aren't the most ideal, but still usable depending on what sound you are after. It is VERY important to use an engineer who knows his gear, and can understand what you and the band want to achieve. I've used a bass drum mic to achieve a thump more than a true reflection of the tone of my gear, when mixed and seated within the mix that can work so very well in giving me a VERY vintage vibe, I'll see if I can dig up some examples and you can see/hear what I mean
  2. You'd have to pay a fee to an aggregator who will sort most sites out for you. There's no point doing that if it's going to be a free download. Pretty sure SoundCloud has a free download option somewhere as well, as it's a demo I'd stick to the free sites so you can link the stuff about etc.
  3. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1450127847' post='2929925'] Different sounds at different times :-) [/quote] No single mic will work to achieve loads of vastly differences in tone and sound! Importantly you should experiment and have no preconceptions about what you should use, I've had awesome results using a wide range of different mics, all depends on the situation really! Large diaphragm condensers work well, as do bass drum mics, dynamic mics can work well, the possibilities are endless! Always have a DI channel as well!
  4. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1450125591' post='2929900'] Does anyone have a preference? [/quote] What sound are you going for?
  5. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1449790169' post='2927002'] Whilst there are lots of amazing Precision basses out there (this thread is a little like 'Which family car is best'), I can comment on my experience with ordering from Maruszczyk. Adrian will be your point of contact, and whilst there is a slight language/translation barrier and some short answers every now and then, Adrian is so incredibly helpful and fast at replying he's a true credit to the brand! He has made the process very quick and easy. My build has been 13weeks and 3 days from deposit paid to arriving with me (tomorrow), a little longer than most of a similar spec on here, but I did have some non-standard custom options. From a customer service and ease of use point of view, couldn't recommend them enough. I'm very much looking forward to getting my hands on it, I'm confident it'll be great though as, like Michael, I'm coming from a '71 Precision. The other suggestions I'd have are: - Find an awesome 70's Precision - Get a Mike Lull (not tried a bad one) Both those options cost more than the Maruszczyk, but will be awesome Si [/quote] Si have you owned a Lull? If so I'd love to hear how the Maruszcyck compares, I'm after a new P and like many, Fender just doesn't seem to offer what I want anymore, Lull and Maru are the ones at the top of my list.
  6. Store trade in prices are by nature, ridiculously low. I got a quote on a 4003 limited edition Rickenbacker, they came in £750 LESS than the second hand private sale value. Your best bet is to go through the hassle of selling the basses separately. Does the Am Stnd P have to be new? If not I've seen them around the £500 mark recently in the market place on here.
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449514166' post='2924241'] This record never came off my deck..... Listen to Gadd and Jaco go at it around the 4 min mark...and give it 60 seconds or so To this day, this influenced me so much... without me really realising it. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFzMYsLkuxI"]http://www.youtube....h?v=pFzMYsLkuxI[/url] To me, that is why it makes perfect sense to say Jaco re-wrote the book for bass players......... and I never considered myself a fan..!! Never owned a fretless.. but did I cop a lot of those licks from this one album.. [/quote] 12 seconds I lasted past the 4 min mark! That interplay was ASTOUNDING! Talk about great rhythm sections.
  8. I can certainly put some credence behind what Bassman Steve is saying, he knows his P bass VERY well, and has some amazing examples of that era he talks of, I should know, I've played them all! My profile picture shows me in Denmark Street playing a 66 P Bass. It is WITHOUT doubt the single best instrument I've EVER played. The feel was perfect, and the sound was bliss.
  9. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1449506540' post='2924162'] Jaco does nothing for me, sorry! A genius yes and outrageously talented but game changer? Nah. Jamerson for me, did that on bass. [/quote] Jamerson set the bar, Jaco raised it once again. Both are equally fantastic, and provide an equal number of must know lines. My old bass tutor once told "Go learn all of Jamerson's lines, all of Macca's lines, and all of Jaco's lines - They are the only 3 bass players you need to know about to cover all genres."
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1449432123' post='2923497'] Maruszczyk. Just ridiculous value for money. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/254344-the-official-maruszczyk-club/ [/quote] If I can spec the exact shade of colour I'm after, then I think this is where I'll end up going, currently it's between these and Lull.
  11. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449350928' post='2922895'] I just wish Jamerson had a small fraction of the career Macca has had. Even then I guess you had to have few more offerings other than playing bass a lone. It's a fair comparison, however I not sure session guys set out to rule the world. Blue [/quote] I can barely contemplate what sort of a career he'd have had! They certainly don't set out to, few manage it. He was truly one of a kind, Macca was even influenced by him!
  12. British Jamerson. Many have followed him, all have learnt from his lines. His lines still stand up to the test of time, just as Jamerson's do. In fact, one of my old bass lecturers claimed that 'If you learnt ALL of McCartney's, Jamerson's, and Jaco's lines, you could become the complete player.'
  13. It sounds a bit like the string is being choked, i.e.; not free to vibrate properly, try raising the action a tad, or adjust the truss, which ever is easiest for you to do. Alternatively as people have said, fiddle with the EQ. Mids are your friend!
  14. I've been GASing for a new P for a while, been through a few incarnations of what I want as well! Lately I've settled on a Lull P4, but the more and more I see about the Jake's on here the more I can't help but think perhaps I should go for one of those instead! The price is just obscenely low, and the quality sounds like it's right up there with the finest! WOT you really know how to make a bloke envious! Those two Jakes are absolutely beautiful! I might have to fire Adrian an email asking if he can match the shade of red I want, and find out what hardware, pick up, and neck options there are...
  15. Not heard anything of this album just yet, but I know she's had the draw of some top names previously, guys such as Pino have played with her! That alone says it all for me.
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1448382782' post='2914946'] Hard to describe. It wasn't bad, just not "Precisiony" enough for my taste or for what I want a Precision to sound like. It felt a bit too big and dark and "unrefined"... I know, I know, this would mean different things to different people but that's the best I can do. I ended up with a Seymour Duncan SPB-1. I had a couple other pickups to try but that sounded good so I kept it. I like it much better than the original. [/quote] Interesting description of the pick up, what would you say was missing, articulation and clarity?
  17. I'm finally looking to get in to the world of pedals and effects, and need a bit of guidance, what would people say are necessary pedal types to have on your board? So far I've got distortion, comp, phaser, octave, tuner, delay, and chorus. Is there a type of pedal I'm missing? Also what is a goad pedal board and power supply?
  18. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1447678818' post='2909419'] Schecter Model T, perhaps? New one would set you back about £6-700, so a little more than a MIM Fender. There's a perfectly serviceable J pickup in the bridge position as well as the obligatory split-coil; both are Seymour Duncans. The neck profile is more akin to a Jazz than a Precision - don't know whether that would put you off - but I'm certainly very fond of mine! [/quote] Looking for a straight up P, and the J width(Or close to) is a huge put off to me, much prefer the feel of a P neck
  19. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1447356509' post='2907067'] May I ask why you're looking for an alternative to a P bass? - the right one is unbridled joy. But the sound can be approximated by other instruments. [/quote] Just curious, I've got a MIM P and was thinking of adding another P to the stable, one for rounds, one for flats kinda thing. So was curious to know what else is out there and what people are rating these days, I know Fender are rather hit and miss at times, I've had experience of that myself, played a 63 RI P and it was a pig, pick up sounded too bright to me, the neck was just uncomfortable, mainly due to the finish on it, and the set up was beyond terrible. My MIM P is my favourite bass I currently own though.
  20. Mike Pope's are supposed to be damn fine!
  21. So bar going for a Fender made P, including the CS, what else is out there?
  22. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1447341334' post='2906864'] +1 Lots of pro players seem to use compression all the time. I like to use at least some as I prefer the way it makes the bass sound in the mix. I don't need to use it but it just sounds better to my ears. Fatter and punchier. [b]There does seem to be some kind of purist snobbery that kicks in as soon as compression gets mentioned. [/quote][/b] You're right there! I think this aversion to compression has come about because of the modern mixing methods, and the over-produced sound most modern music has, both live and in the studio, however that's only the case in a few songs/albums in the scheme of things. As for using compression, I do indeed use it. I feel for me, it controls my playing, taking peaks off when I let my right hand get away from me, and helping to add a tighter sound to my rig, which is hard to get without the use of compression. It's great when you know what it does, and how to use it!
  23. [quote name='bassfan41' timestamp='1446782062' post='2902326'] It's about 8 months old. I've had rounds, tapes, and half-rounds all on it just experimenting, but over half of the playing I've done has been with rounds. I play about every other day for 1-3 hours, so it gets a bit of use. This seems to me if it gets worse, it may cause some "fret" buzz. I could see this being an issue simply from being a lower end and lower priced bass, but mostly wondering if some of this is normal. If not, wanna find a fix early on. [/quote] Return to shop with the issue, you should still be in warranty! It's worth at least speaking to the shop and an independent luthier.
  24. I play standards and trad jazz on a P bass with TI flats, and while I don't have an out and out upright bass tone, I do have a VERY pleasing and usable tone to get ball park with the records, which for me is all you can really aim to do unless you're in a tribute band/the DM specifically asks for the exact tone.
  25. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1446549710' post='2900158'] I've just discovered Snarky Puppy. Really like their P bass playing bassist. [/quote] Michael League is a phenomenal bass player, his tone is superb bearing in mind he can be on stage with literally dozens of other instruments, and his lines while complex on first listen are rather simple when analysed a bit more! He's up there as one of my main influences, currently!
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