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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' timestamp='1437825496' post='2829321'] Hi guys, haven't been able to see from online pics but just wondering if these limelight basses have authentic looking checking in the relic finish? They look great from a distance! Thanks Russ [/quote] Check out MJT Guitars for authentic looking checking, know they are US based but, they look to be far and away the best in the biz currently!
  2. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1437983201' post='2830433'] I'm dying to see what the two model P's and the model one that he posted end up in! [/quote] I saw those, whatever they end up in it's going to be a monster!
  3. Had my first gig with the Ross Murphy band yesterday, which was also my last gig at the AMAZING venue, The Cellars at Eastney, sadly the venue is closing its doors on the 2nd August. The gig was a resounding success, some fantastic songs and a very good crowd. One of my best gigs at the Cellars as it happens! But I feel I played pretty great, and so did the rest of the band. Sad that such a great venue is closing mind.
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1436957420' post='2822281'] Glad to report Peter is back on track after sorting out some personal issues NBD in a week or so [/quote] Has it arrived yet? Just been looking on his Instagram feed and he's got some cracking looking basses on there!
  5. I'm 21, just finished Uni and just started working at a local supermarket, music wise I'm teaching on average 5 hours a week, playing for up to 18 hours a week just rehearsing with bands, gigging two nights a week, and doing my own rehearsing and writing. I plan on working at the supermarket for a year before leaving to fully pursue cruise ship work, tours, gigs, etc. etc. The best advice I've had off other guys who've done this is to save money like crazy before going full-time, as to begin with work is largely irregular and low paid.
  6. Think he normally has Michael League playing bass for him live, could be wrong!
  7. Went to a jazz jam tonight, the house bass player played an electric fretted bass for this and played a lot of the standards. His reasons for using an electric; space, ease of transport, and the cutting tone of a PJ combination for solos and chords, also the BL asks for electric players only for this jam night. When I spoke to him, his opinion of DB and EB is - They both have their place, but the versatility of an EB, and the fact it takes up less space is a huge positive, he's also of the opinion that you can find the standard of player easier, if you open it up to both EB and DB.
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1435241026' post='2806887'] Not quite as punk as this: And definitely not as punk as this: But seriously, don't underestimate the ability of your hands to control your sound by how you play your bass - if it isn't growling enough dig in more or pluck/pick closer to the bridge. If you use a pick all the time, try fingers or vice versa. Don't forget you have a thumb too - and fingernails. Power to the hands!!! [/quote] Alex is wealth of knowledge! Only thing I'd add is cut, don't add to your EQ.
  9. At the Jazz jam I go to, I rock up with a Fender P with flats, the house bassist uses a Jazz bass or something else electric, depends who it is. One thing I get asked is how do I get such a nice tone, all the guys there like it cause it's bright and modern, but mellow and old school. My answer. P Bass with Thomastik Infeld Flats, and a KiOgon wiring loom. FWIW, my P is a 2011 Mex, it still has a stock Pick up.
  10. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1434566021' post='2800873'] I'm rather hoping it will be this good.... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP_eX2jhw6E"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP_eX2jhw6E[/url] ....I'll let you know if it isn't! [/quote] That's a great review! Still be good to hear from a BC member on the pedal mind
  11. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1434560484' post='2800803'] ....and it's on it's way! That was jolly quick [/quote] Will you be doing a review when it arrives?
  12. I'm planning on going for a creamery pickup for my P build when I get round to it!
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1434144586' post='2797213'] Yeah it is tricky James. but practice has a great way of rewarding you. this is not so hard but so very rewarding. . Like Harlequin said. Awsome. the music behind it is just fantastic. one of the great Jamiroquai records. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PPvrA_CnxE[/media] [/quote] I practice on a daily basis, and Time Won't Wait shall be added to the repertoire and practiced a hell of a lot as it's so damn fun!
  14. Decided to learn this one today, it's bloody tricky! But great fun so far! Anyone else learnt it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyksRAV7qPM
  15. [quote name='dan_thebassman' timestamp='1434108639' post='2796763'] Still a lot of love out there for the markbass, so, does it piss over the aguilar or is it that fewer people have owned or tried the TH500?? Getting closer to making a choice, similar prices for these units so I really don't want to go, oh poo, wish I got the other one. Not many music shops close by for me to try them out first. I can probably get to a local one for the Tonehammer but not the markbass. Any ideas....I'm in Bedfordshire. [/quote] Try to get to BassGear if you can, or centrally London is your best bets. I've tried the Aggie and it's very very nice! It's the most vintage sounding class D amp I've ever tried. But I haven't tried MarkBass yet
  16. Good Times by Chic is another I'm gonna put out there!
  17. Sounds somewhat like I jazz bass to me, just has a certain something else added/removed from the tone! I'm interested in one of these potentially, but first up is a new rig!
  18. Another happy, but now former, CTM user, I had the CTM 300 which was a monster! Captain Rumble and I had a play with my CTM when viewing for a possible sale, and he had experience of a Trace V8 and said they didn't even compare, two very different beasts, but two amazing sounding beasts.
  19. Got to be Real by Cheryl Lynne is damn simple and very easy!
  20. [quote name='Basska' timestamp='1433549604' post='2792135'] Thank you very much! Great answer. Are the agencies contacts you speak of more towards the personal contact side or did you join these agencies? Either way I am intrigued as I'm fairly unaware of where to go even for dep work. Networking has been my main squeeze but that can only go so far sometimes. [/quote] I was in a band that were signed to one of the agencies but the rest have come from chance meetings and having my name passed on. One of the best ways I've found to network is go to gigs, get talking to the bands bass player, and offer to buy him a pint over a talk about all things bass, lots accept and if you have business cards just hand him one and explain things, that's gotten me a few local pub deps, the better paying function deps have all come cause I've known someone or known of someone in an agency. Have you got your own website? Do you use social media? Do you post regularly on social media? Do any cover videos? How about just straight up covers, no video? These are all things you need to be exploring and pushing to get your name out there!
  21. [quote name='Basska' timestamp='1433524686' post='2791893'] *tumbleweed* [/quote] Only way I've gone about it so far is to do it all myself, it's a massive ball ache but I'm in control and any cock ups are my fault, keeps things simple! Though I do have contacts at agencies for dep work, they just recommend me on if a band needs someone.
  22. Get on Spotify and listen to the best bass lines ever playlist. Lost of INCREDIBLE lines in there, not all by the pioneers as well! As far as things go, I'm doing something similar and bass players I'm most influenced by currently are Jaco, Jamerson, Pino, Michael League, and Nard. I think you have a VERY balanced group of players there.
  23. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1433445335' post='2791204'] Tone is quite obviously in your feet ;-) [/quote] WRONG! The tone is in the bow tie, christ how can people still not know this!
  24. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1432718753' post='2784157'] Really? Are you stringing E - C? If you're looking for B - G (which I assumed you were) then I'm not sure how chordal or soloing is "opened up". It'll be the same top end as an E - G strung bass. I play and recommend 5 string basses but they "open up" the lower and middle parts of the bass. [/quote] Well I'm looking to go either way, It wouldn't take much to change around the strings at home for experimenting with chordal stuff.
  25. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1432721781' post='2784216'] Of course there's always Squier active http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=07011213222329 or passive http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=11071313165319 but as others have said Yammy or Peavey make fine basses that punch way above their price point. The Ibanez SR305 and SR375 are also solid, price conscious fivers with twin pickups, for that J vibe. Ultimately, playing a bunch side by side will make the decision for you. I don't know where the OP is intending to go shop-wise, but a trip up the A3 to Guitar Guitar in Epsom is currently well worth doing as they've got tons of stock in and available to play off the wall (Andertons in Guildford need to called ahead of time for any thing specific to be fetched from the warehouse, as I discovered recently). [/quote] I'm gigging in Brighton Saturday, and amp buying/trying in GAK, so I'll try some out there
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