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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. [quote name='BruceBass3901' timestamp='1426250916' post='2716136'] Can't believe that somebody would want to part with one of these! I love mine to pieces...great, great amp with bags of tone! Good luck with the sale One quick question though, I noticed that you have all 6 tubes running a little on the cold side... Is there a particular reason for this? Or have they just drifted that way as it has been used? [/quote] Yeah it's been a hard decision but I just don't need this much amp! It's utterly gorgeous, so tonally wide! I've done every type of genre with this amp since I've had it and I've never had a bad tone from it! But I'm gigging more and more these days and while taking it out for 2 gigs a week was fine, taking it for more than that is killing me! The tunes have drifted that way over time, I did have the tool Ashdown recommend to bias the valves but it got nicked with my old gig bag I wish I didn't have to move it on but I need something lighter, and after trying the ToneHammer before Xmas and I've GASed for one since then! It gives me more than enough vintage tone and it's mid's are more flexible
  2. [quote name='CalDeep' timestamp='1426246717' post='2716078'] Dont suppose you'd be interested in an AG500? [/quote] PM'd for further details
  3. [font=Helvetica][size=2][color=#141923][size=4]I have for sale my beloved Ashdown Classic Tube Magnifier 300 watt bass head. The head has been gigged but has been extremely well looked after and comes with a roqsolid cover which has a few tears.[/size][/color][/size][/font] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]The head itself is an absolute monster! The tone is utterly incredible and is by no means wooly! It has an incredible presence and can be EQ'd to give a very nice, cutting tone. There is no loss of tone at lower volumes either, something I've had to become accustomed to with the type of gigs I've been doing recently![/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]The full specs are as follows: [/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Power Output 300 Watt[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Power Handling 750 Watt[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Power Requirement 115-240 Votls[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Speaker Outputs Speakon/Jack[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Frequency Response 35Hz - 18Khz[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]High Instrument Input 450MV[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Low Instrument Input 150MV[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]DI Output Valve Driven Transformer Derived[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Output Impedance 2 Ohm Minimum[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]EQ Passive EQ Section. Bass, Middle and Trebble plus shape push buttons[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Effects Send Jack[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Effects Return Jack[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Pre-Amp Tubes 1 x ECC83 1 x ECC832 1 x ECC99 2 x ECC82[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Output Tubes 6 x KT88[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Weight (kg) 33[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]I'd trade for an Aguilar ToneHammer 500 + cash my way.[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]The head is located in Portsmouth, unfortunately I'm unable to offer shipping, unless the buyer wants to arrange their own shipping. I'm willing to drive a reasonable distance to meet the buyer. I'm often down in Worthing for Uni so head can be brought down that way with me as well. [/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]FINAL PRICE DROP PRICE [s]£1050 [/s] [s]£900!!![/s] £850[/font][/color] [color=#141923][font=Helvetica]Pics available here: [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y8fyrgirzo7xdpl/AADZuVDYrYLckfky31tkD6YBa?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....y31tkD6YBa?dl=0[/url] [/font][/color] NOW SOLD.
  4. [quote name='Freddy Le Cragg' timestamp='1426194168' post='2715603'] get a tinypic account, upload then use the image tags in the toolbar up there ^ [/quote] Cheers buddy!
  5. Probably done to death but, I'm just about to post a rather awesome amp for sale and wondering what the best way of including pics is?
  6. I own a 2011 MIM P, and after giving it a new loom provided by KiOgon, which is absolutely top notch! The bass got fitted with some TI jazz flats and I don't feel like I need to replace the pick up at all! It's utterly spectacular to play as well!
  7. Having played all of Steve's 70s P's his Kent Armstrong pu's are awesome! I'd def go with that, or I'd contact some pickup manufacturers direct and see if they can help you out!
  8. Change cables, then if that doesn't work, engage the -10db pad and see how that effects it?
  9. Gareth, it might be worth you going down the custom route. I know Jaime at the Creamery, www.creamery-pickups.co.uk makes a hand wound 65 P pickup that costs about £80 as opposed to the £110 of an Aguilar. Though I still can't decide which I want to go for to put in my MIM and my parts build I'm planning on doing! As for the Gzr, there's a super thread over on TalkBass worth checking out, http://www.talkbass.com/threads/geezer-butler-signature-pick-ups.1046730/ Let us know what you finally decide, I'm really interested to hear whatever it is you choose!
  10. [quote name='Mr H' timestamp='1425730674' post='2710121'] Age, chemistry and BBC 6 Music have opened my ears to this kind of stuff over the last couple of months; those clips were mightily impressive and I'll watch the long video soon. Anyway, I followed a link to their website, and it seems they have a UK tour coming up in autumn. After a Dublin date on the 29th of September they play from the 1st to the 7th of October at Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, London and Brighton. [/quote] Already got tickets to the Brighton show, literally CANNOT wait! These guys are my favourite band at the minute. Everything they do is so well thought out musically and so well arranged! Plus dem grooves yo!
  11. Try Aguilar, the ToneHammer 500 is an incredible amp and sounds so lush and warm for a solid state/class D! Plus it's damn cheap! Also if you can, try the Gallien Krueger MB800 fusion, they get AMAZING write ups! I'm interested by the new Rumble amps as I had one as my first ever practice amp, it sounded ok but it wasn't the best! So if these new Rumble heads are sounding good, are light, and cheap then I'll be looking to try one!
  12. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1425544371' post='2708306'] Don't get sucked in to this, I did with the LB30 and it just isn't loud and I can't imagine the 15 is any louder. [/quote] That would depend what you pair it with, and how loud the band is! But I've used a CTM15 on a gig or two with a Barefaced super compact and it was PLENTY loud enough! If the op needs volume then there's always a CTM100 or 300!
  13. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1425489214' post='2707867'] I see. Thanks. I still think £200 is excessive, but i suppose it saves some money on needing a special case for the head for storage. I am very tempted. Is it worth it just for a pracice amp? I do like the thought of trying out a vavle head without spending over a grand to try one. [/quote] It's not worth it solely as a practice amp as it goes plenty loud enough to gig small-medium venues with!
  14. [quote name='natjag' timestamp='1425395138' post='2706878'] I tried rotosound flats, they lasted one gig due to being such high tension. I also tried pyramid flats (as the band I'm in had is endorsed by them) they only lasted one gig as well. So I've stuck with La Bella's. Those our you that use TI's how is their tension compared to regular roundwounds? Are the similar or slightly tighter? [/quote] They feel the same as my D'Addario EXLBT 170s to be honest, so yeah comparable in terms of tension! I play in a jazz/soul/funk covers band and I can be heard in the mix live but still give the band more than enough bottom end!
  15. Cheers for the replies! Barefaced and TKS seem to be getting the most love without a doubt, still need to move my Ashdown on before any foray in to the market happens, but I like to know what I'm saving for if you get me! @Gilly, your review seems like it's exactly what I'm after! I play a slightly upgraded MIM 2011 P bass fitted with TI flats, and a KiOgon loom and it sings through any amp I use! But portability and tone to £ ratio is certainly what I'm after!
  16. So over the past few years I've gone from having a lightweight-ish combo, to a huge monster of a rig. Now though, I want to go back down in size for portability purposes, but I don't know what to get! Currently I play though an Ashdown CTM300 and love the warmth the tone has, but I just don't need to push the valves anymore with any of my projects so having the big old school valve drive is just not worth it, especially when it weighs so much! This runs through a Laney RB410, and while it's not the best match it certainly sounds good! I know I'm gonna go for an Aguilar TH500 head, but I'm really not knowledgable about what cabs are out there! I want a rig I can add to eventually to make it louder with more speakers but really not sure what to go for?! The Aguilar SL112 sounds awesome but I quite like the idea of having a really nice 115 cab and then adding either a 112 or a 210 to it sometime in the future, what would people recommend? Budget is open to suggestion! Portability and tone are my main wants!
  17. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1425240548' post='2705514'] That's a good point James. I wasn't in the kind of frame of mind to look too closely (bit stressed in the soundcheck when the sound guy asked for some bass and NWR was sitting there, just by the stage), but I have a feeling now you suggest it that the rack tuner had more than one scale on its display. So what I thought was a few cents (between 5 and 10) was maybe actually a factor of 10 less. [/quote] I can imagine the pressure! But it's awesome you got to use his rig and play support such an awesome band! Gotta say I'm a tad envious aha
  18. Chances are the rack tuner will be more sensitive than your pitch-black. It'll likely show the tuning on a smaller scale. i.e.; intervals of one as opposed to perhaps 3 or so. If you follow me that is?!
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1424855456' post='2701107'] How do Jazz jams work? I've never been to one... I always hoped they would be the kind of thing where someone told you what key you were going to jam in and off you went? I'd like that I'd be less interested if you were expected to know a load of standards I would never have heard of... [/quote] As has been said it vary's but last nights one was a turn up and the band leader would come over and greet you and ask if you wanna get involved and then when the house band finished he got everyone who wanted to get involved up to play. It was very much a here's a lead sheet no jam that with these guys! I fluffed summertime badly as I tried too hard to impress so decided to chill and groove and improv when I felt the need too! It's a daunting experience but don't over complicate things, everyone there last night was nothing but complimemtary and understanding and it worked really well! The Jam itself is down in Portsmouth, in The Wine Vaults, it's a brilliant night! Well worth going to if you're fairly local!
  20. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1424857652' post='2701135'] That's great James. There's one near me I'm heading down to next month. Where was this one, and what tunes did you do? [/quote] Did Summertime and Fly Me To The Moon as well as a VERY quick rearrangement of some PPP tune in Aminor which was great fun!
  21. Can't believe For Once In My Life hasn't had more suggestions!? For me it's Stevie's best song and probably Jamerson's best bass line IMOOC. But seriously you can't drop superstition, it's a killer track! Especially if he drop the guitar from the riff and have a keys player who has an octave wheel! I'm actually dead interested to here this gig so when it's all sorted message me and I'll come along! I LOVE Stevie and his music!
  22. So I've finally gotten round to going to my local Jazz Jam after weeks of planning to go but failing to get there. And I've come away a better player already. Until last night I had never played with a sax player nor had I player Jazz live, and I learnt so much during the 2-3 songs I played. It's also allowed me to network and possibly get some work out of it! So for me this is my regular jam night from now on! If anyone has an interest in jazz but hasn't diped their toes in to the water, I urge you to do it! The guys I jammed with were all seasoned pros and all really top blokes to go with it! I'm one happy determined little bass player today!
  23. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1424518192' post='2697171'] Spot's great. I've just had some dots through the post for an upcoming gig. My reading's OK-ish but it was good to get a crib off the original versions. I recently got a pair of Bluetooth headphones and am looking around for speakers. But could anyone point me in the direction of gizmo I can put on the front of my hifi to get a signal from my iPad. Any suggestion gratefully received. [/quote] If you've got a 3.5mm aux input, then a Bluetooth to Aux adapter is possible? Or, just use a straight aux to aux?
  24. Think we are gonna need to see more pics and maybe even hear some sound bytes? What does everyone else think to that?
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