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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. budget is max of £250-300 at a push. The room is a master bedroom size and it's going on to a shelf on my book case, I can sound proof that no problem and the speakers will be placed around the room, uncertain of placement till I find sizes out, it could be multiple places. Headphone use will probably be sporadic to average. I don't mind buying a seperates system but any recommendations are much appreciated. I've seen plenty out there just not sure what I should be looking at.
  2. Didn't know where was best for this so apologies if it's not in the right section! Recently I got my parents old Hi-Fi out of storage and low and behold it's knackered and Sony don't have any sort of support for it so minus reverse engineering it I need to buy a new Hi-Fi. Just wanted to get some peoples opinions and experiences with Hi-Fi's. I mainly got my parents one out of storage for the use of the turntable, so I'd want one with a turntable. I don't own any tapes so won't need a tape deck but would like a good cd player included as well. Any recommendations or guiding thoughts out there? Thanks James
  3. Beautiful! I will have to get some up of my 2012 limited edition walnut burst!
  4. I've had a similar issue myself, I wanted to keep my squire P and just mod it but the price of modding it is like a new P bass, so I've started saving for a new P bass because I had no real attachment to my squire. You sound like you love most things about your Korean Jazz so why not price things up and see what that comes to, if it's similar to a new Jazz, go try one if it feels and sounds great then go for the new one if not you have your answer.
  5. No, neither of them, it had a slider to change the speed I seem to remember
  6. Cheers for the suggestions guys, might have to look in to getting the software or finding the logic files and doing it that way...
  7. Someone a few months back posted a link to a website that allowed you to slow or speed up youtube videos just by using a link. Anyone know what site it was or one like it? Thanks
  8. JamesBass


    Any sound clips of those fine looking basses?
  9. I have a John Moyer Signature 4 string, it's ok, fairly great for its price but it doesn't set the world on fire, the neck was too thin width wise and too pointed at the back for my tastes, the pre-amp is way, way too bass-y for me too, it just became about the rumble and no tone or definition then if you began rolling the bass off it'd just be weak in sound and volume. Originally though I loved it, just guess once I began to look for a new bass and played some in shops, playing my traben just brought all my gripes and dislikes to the front of my mind as I kept dreaming of the Ric I eventually bought
  10. So swamp ash is typically lighter in weight and "can" make the bass brighter, sound's like my sort of wood if I were to self build, I guess I need to get out there when I find one I'm interested in and just try it and see. Let's not end here though, I'm finding it all very fascinating and I'm learning loads! Yep Mop - I will send you a PM when I'm more available, should be several weeks from now, but thanks for the offer!
  11. Ric 4003 Nah just kidding, it's gotta be a P if that's what you're choosing between, P has much the simpler and more workable tone in my opinion, plus the J's skinny neck is just yucky, you're playing a bass for god sake man, have a decent sized bit of wood in your hands!
  12. Cheers for the replies guys, interesting responses and views. Might just have to find a good P bass in all possible woods
  13. I'm currently looking to pick up a second hand P bass with either an Ash or swamp ash body but most P basses don't seem to be made using ash or swamp ash, it all seems to be alder. What preference do people on BC have, and why do you have the preferences?
  14. One of Entwistle's slab bodies, Frankenstein and well all of his basses! I'd also want Steve Harris' P Bass Chris Squire's Ric James Jamerson's P bass Maybe my P bass GAS is worse than I thought!
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1373486138' post='2138243'] Hmmmm. I think if I was a savvy manufacturer I'd be 'relicing' any basses off of the production line that were cosmetically flawed. Nice business model where you can sell off your 'rejects' for more than the prime model. [/quote] Simple and effective, I wonder how many manufacturers have actually twigged with this?! Personally you should buy a new bass and take care of it and use it and then it will become relic'd in its own way and will have an authentic look and story. It might just be me but the relic'd basses that you buy off the shelf are just too perfectly relic'd it doesn't look real?
  16. Thanks, Evil Undead Unfortunately I have my heart set on an ash body, have HUGE GAS for a slab body P but a normal ash would do more than fine haha
  17. Are you looking for fully valve or hybrid? If you're after hybrid, the Ashdown ABM series are supposed to be very nice!
  18. Nope never been sacked, always walked or done the sacking myself. Previous bands where I didn't get on with certain members and the changes in direction with sound and setup led me to get in spats and I knew even before the change they wanted me out so I just walked. Other times I've been in bands where because I'm a fairly up front and diplomatic guy I get asked to do the sacking, I've sacked people for not turning up on time for 3 months straight, not getting involved in discussions about gigs and then pulling out a few days before because they couldn't do it. I have ALWAYS sat down and talked to the person and asked them if they want to change and 9/10 times they just want to chill and not take it seriously so we part ways. I would NEVER do it via text! Find yourself a great new band do show them guys what you can do!
  19. Bloody hell! That's impressive! It's not the AOR30 I'll have to ask him when I see him next
  20. JamesBass


    My god! Why have you done this to me! My Slab GAS is just getting worse!
  21. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1373009716' post='2132650'] Also, IME, with a P bass the bass itself (woods, construction etc) has more impact on the tone than the pickup. To the OP .... if you're not hugely keen on the Affinity's tone as is, then I suspect a new pickup will not be the answer. You can only polish a turd, you can't actually change what it is. I'd personally spend my money on a different bass. I'm not saying you have to spend a load of money, but if the Affinity has a basic thin tone, for example, that will not change completely with a new pickup. I would play a load of cheap and mid-priced P's and pick the one that sounded and felt the best. Only then, would I consider a pickup upgrade. [/quote] Having begun to price up what I want to change about my affinity, I am better of just buying a MIM or a second hand MIA, the affinity on inspection needs a new neck, partly cause I never really liked the neck it came with, partly cause it's rosewood and not maple and mainly cause the neck is bent all out of shape, it's looking horrible, that'll teach me for not learning about set up and care when I was younger! Plus when I bought the bass it was only £120 no point polishing a turd as you say!
  22. I have looked at the Lindy Fralins, would love to hear them some more, especially in comparison to the others I'm looking at currently. On my list so far are the Lindy's, SD Antiquities, Fender Originals (Although I could have sworn they did a 60s Custom Shop P Pickup?) and I'm now about to look in to the Aquilar! Hopefully this bass will be unrecognisable after I'm done with it, I'm gonna put a maple neck on it, new bridge and sand it down and look to get it resprayed but maybe that'll cost too much, if it does I'll nab myself a second hand P bass and change the pickups!
  23. I'm starting a new practice schedule from Monday, the old one wasn't strict enough and lacked a challenge. My new schedule has me playing for a minimum of 3 hours a day with 1 hour on scales, arpeggios and general theory, 1 hour working on timing and playing things in different signatures and tempos, then half hour song practice/learning and half hour technique. Maybe my schedule shows just how dedicated I am to trying to make a living from playing bass, maybe it just shows how desperately unemployed I am...
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