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Everything posted by Netballman

  1. It is indeed a lovely bass anyone in the vicinity do feel free to come and try!
  2. Actually as an afterthought... don't suppose anyone has a nice 5-string fretless Ibanez Musician they might consider swapping for this (adjusted as required)?
  3. Don't suppose you'd fancy a trade for my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=95453"]GWB35[/url]?
  4. [quote name='SignsOfDelirium_bassist' post='898872' date='Jul 19 2010, 01:04 PM']At least I know someone was interested now [/quote]
  5. Any interest in a possible trade for my GWB35? TBH I wasn't looking for something like this, and I've never played one, but my son has a matching F250 and I'm just wondering if he might play with me a bit more if I had one like yours
  6. Lots of views - no interest?
  7. Hi guys, After much soulsearching I've decided I'm gonna part with my lovely GWB 35 - I'm afraid my new custom fretless Stingray is more often what I go to now when I'm in a fretless mood, and there's no point having a lovely bass like this sitting around not being used. I bought this 5 string fretless new as a christmas present for myself Xmas before last and it's never been gigged - it has one tiny pinhead-sized ding on the front near the RH side of the ramp but is otherwise pretty much pristine. It's got recent Rotosound flats on it and sounds superb - loads of punch and sustain, the ebonol fretboard is a dream! It's dead easy to play with a nice thin neck and narrow spacing. It's a brilliant bass for its price bracket! I don't really want to post it so would deffo prefer either collection from Northolt (NW London) or central London ( I work at UCL near Euston Station) or I can deliver in the vicinity- within say 20-odd miles? [b]NOW JUST £380![/b]. Bargain! Feel free to arrange to come give it a try if you''d like. If you need it I have an as-new pristine Deluxe gigbag (30mm) which is also up for sale - first dibs to anyone who's buying the GWB. It's the one on the right in the following photos! [attachment=54447:22739_10...733005_n.jpg] [attachment=54446:22739_10...489196_n.jpg] Will consider trades, with cash if necessary, 5 strings preferred but open to offers! Andy
  8. Yep, excellent day all and fantastic work by Tom to put it all together - all I did was man the desk, cook the spuds and fold the raffle tickets, he's the one who deserves the real credit! A special hats off to Bernie who must have set up at least one bass for almost everyone gratis in addition to giving a tremendously informative talk! And my personal thanks to Stingray 5 who supplied a load of raffle prizes (and to everyone who contributed so generously) and Ari, not only for coming so far, but for playing some lovely stuff at low volume while we were watching the footy Great day all - roill on next year (and other bashes before then )
  9. 01. Essexbasscat 02. Aero , I'll bring:- Status Fretless Neck Jazz /Fender Aerodyne Jazz- David Eden WT800-Eden 210XST and XLT - Eden 115 - H&K BassBase 600 03. Jerry_B - Peavey T-40, MIJ Fender Jazz fretless 04. Stingray5 - Selected basses from my signature pic below; Trace Elliot GP12 SMX 1x15 + 2x10 rig; Boss GT-6B; (donuts...? smile.gif ) 05. Bloodaxe - A couple of Aria SBs, Ashdown Superfly, Epifani UL-110. Possibly a couple of other bits & bobs if I can blag a lift. Oh, and a tenner. 06. silddx - my Warwicks 07. Waynepunkdude - Fender Jazz, VMJ with Wizard 84's, Ampeg SVT 5 Pro, Ampeg 410 and DHA DI/EQ 08. Netballman - Ibanez GWB35 fretless (FOR SALE...), Spector Legend Classic 5, Markbass Jeff Berlin combo 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
  10. My vote's deffo surplus to charity (which we ought to nominate beforehand?)
  11. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='867103' date='Jun 14 2010, 03:25 PM']Not aware of any incidents, but it is traditional that someone leaves something behind - tuners are popular, a 3-way Hercules stand at one![/quote] Ah well if people just FORGET stuff, then surely... .... it deserves to be raffled off?
  12. [quote name='molan' post='866975' date='Jun 14 2010, 01:01 PM']Can keep just one entrance to the hall open (from the foyer) - highly unlikely to get any people just passing by [/quote] If we have a "choke point" like that then it should be fairly easy to scrutinise everyone going in and out. I think the idea of name badges with both sitename and real name is good, both from a security and a getting-to-know-you perspective! Assuming we DO have a choke point, I have another idea (which I won't broadcast for obvious reasons) for a further layer (or two) of security. So long as we realise that at the end of the day people are bringing stuff at their own risk, I think we can neverthess provide a pretty decent level of security quite simply (just depends how intrusive people want it to be). Has anyone actually HAD anything pinched from a bassday? Or are we being a bit paranoid? Can I also put in another plug for raffle prize donations... pleeeeease
  13. Regarding "for sale" can I suggest a two-pronged approach For small items, let's have a "bring and buy" table where stuff can be left out for viewing and priced - then we can either take money for items and hold it for sellers, or simply hold contact details. For bigger items (rigs, cabs etc) just put them in the main hall and stick a "for sale" notice on 'em?
  14. At the last SE bash the food and drink (just doughnuts and muffins, water tea and coffee) was on a help-yourself honesty box system. If we stick it in eye range of wherever we're putting reception that would probably be OK, unless we are expecting hordes? Indeed if we put that, the raffle, the bring-and-buy and checkin all physically together then one person can probably manage the whole lot most of the time. I'm happy enough to do a stint of nannying it as well as selling raffle tickets. If we can get half a dozen volunteers none of us would need to spend long each. And/or we could perhaps do a car run to the shops to buy sandwiches on an order basis at lunchtime? Get the caretaker onside whatever you do! oh and a ps - perhaps some kind soul might consider doing a ferry service from the station early in the day? Apart from the spirit of cameraderie, it might encourage attendance!
  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='847185' date='May 25 2010, 09:04 AM']If I can then I wish to be placed near the very front of the 'to be laughed at' queue please....[/quote] With so many of us feeling this way, maybe we should have a special prize for the most embarrassed..?
  16. Well here goes nothing... I'm in Malta for three weeks teaching at the University, and am bereft of bass. One week in and I have withdrawal symptoms! I don't suppose anyone on here has any idea where I could borrow one just to fiddle with in my flat (in St Julians)? Yeah, I know... but if you don't ask...!
  17. Hahaha get in the queue behind me for being laughed at...
  18. I think the cases Jack! Two prizes are always better than one... more happy people Raffle will definitely be on - can everyone donate whatever you have please? And chase your suppliers too! We'll also do a bring-and -buy for those who really can't face giving their stuff away...
  19. BigRedX is of course correct but having said that, +1 for Rotosounds, and definitely flatwounds for me! Checkout[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EB3NQ4104I"] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EB3NQ4104I[/url] (with apologies for the feeble playing)
  20. [quote name='urb' post='828165' date='May 5 2010, 09:23 AM']I would really love to be at this but the 6th is out for me - got a relative's wedding to go to - the 27th is best for me after that... just so you know [/quote] I'm another NOT the 6th please person... returning from overseas that day. Clearly we need voting reform here rather than first past the post to ensure a tru representation of majority views... hehehe
  21. [quote name='johnbiffa' post='788398' date='Mar 28 2010, 11:43 AM']You are first in the queue for the Dynaverb !!![/quote] Merci
  22. My vote's for the school, better capacity and flexibility and (presumably) less cost. Happy to help out with a stint on the door and/or raffling duties (or whatever) as long as it's not on the 6th (which I can't do - out of the country!). ps I think there were a LOT more than 30 for the SE day last November... Surely it'll be as much about how we market and advertise as anything? I do't think we should simply assume everyone who's interested is monitoring this thread, for instance! Once we have hard details, we should really go sell it to all london-based members on here. Is there any way we can easily get an admin to PM them, for instance, once we have the deets?
  23. If you decide to split I may be interested in the dynaverb... first dibs?
  24. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='782091' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:45 PM']Surely a Sunday meet excludes going down the pub in the evening, seeing as there's work the next day...?[/quote] ... Eh...? Sunday it is - democracy has spoken, time for DECISIVENESS. I used to be indecisive... but now I'm not so sure
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