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Posts posted by TrevorG

  1. It was the successor to the Overwater explorer I still own. As I remember it was a very nice bass(though it was a long time ago). Any bass over 30 years old is considered vintage. Saw a lesser version of mine on sale for £2000!! But the owner felt the shape was a big seller. Be surprised if it didn't turn out to be a bargain. That said I would still try it first.

    • Like 1
  2. Such a tricky question, not just because it requires a subjective answer but because the strength(of lack) of the pound has as much to do with price as actual value. Many old pieces were cheap because they appeared when the pound was really strong(a long time ago)! Then there's technology and outsourcing. My present combo(built in Indonesia) cost a third of what my old combo did(built in America) and is ten times better. It's also about a thousand pounds cheaper than the Messa Boogie equivalent. Companies have been out sourcing for so long that countries like China are actually getting very good at musical manufacture (something you could not have imagined twenty years ago). Taking a Chinese guitar to a good work shop was once pointless. Now the instruments are good enough quality for a workshop to get them up to the same standard as an American guitar for very little money. 

  3. Someone has already mention the EBS multicomp and I have the studio version but have to say also had technical difficulties. Took it back to the shop and the owner went off to get another one while I tried a few other compressors. Some were more expensive but I hated them all. The owner came back with another Multicomp which had the same problem to a lesser degree. He went off to get a third unit while I continued not to like any of the others. When the third arrived it worked great and I was grateful to take it as its simplicity, transparency, tube setting, and split signal compression gave me everything I needed without having to search for it.

  4. 19 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

    Well i do agree with you, i think, I’m not sure what the opening sentence is actualy saying. My point was more that the Cali seems quieter than the Spectracomp, and its easier to sit and tweak the knobs in a studio or at home. With the Spectracomp its quite fiddly to adjust IMO, but it also means its not being played with all the time. The Cali can be tweaked to work with a recorded track a lot easier.

    I’d always expect a studio to prefer to use their own comps, which will be more adjustable than any box i could take in, but given the choice of my two it would be the Cali. 

    Hideous spell check. Sorry.

  5. Can't say enough about my Spector NS5 XL. Bought in 2000. Issue no.18.  In that time I've had one pot changed.  Had a Warwick Steamer before that. Heard they stole the design from Warwick and sought one out. Can't play anything else now.


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  6. On 03/03/2018 at 19:27, dave_bass5 said:

    Ive already commented on my change from Cali to Spectracomp, but today we had a rehearsal and i took both. Now, i know the Cali has more knobs, and has some sort of ‘magic’ in it, (apparently), but the Spectracomp blew it away, at least for my tone. 

    Just using the TC tone print Rockwall brought everything to life. I know the Cali is a more than capable comp, and it was the fact that it has more knobs that made it appealing, but ive really struggled to get it to work to a point where i need it. Maybe the Spectracomp having so many parameters does make more of a difference. The fact tha tit has one knob was the thing that sent me looking for something that was more tweakable in a live situation, but its also the feature that means in not always playing with it.

    i can see the Cali working better for me in a recording situation, it does sound warm and less aggressive, but as i dont plan on doing any of that then its off the board. 

    My take on it is the Cali is a studio engineer's problem solver. In the studio there are way more problems that only an engineer can solve. Sticking the circuitry in a (really well made) box makes it hard to ignore but I don't have any group tracks coming out my bass that would justify blending my dry signal with my compressed signal. Excuse the layman's example but even average equipment is so good these days that I can understand players wondering if they should have a compressor!!

  7. The last two posts were heavy on the wisdom! I was so glad you read Dave_bass5' s thoughts on the Cali-76. It is a brilliant pedal but I knew I would have played with it more than my bass(if only to justify the price). Instead I got the multi comp and completely agree with Ghost_Bass. I get the sound I want very quickly and don't spend the whole gig looking at my feet.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I totally sympathise with you. I only got mine because I was nervous about gigging with with a 1000 watt combo (MB k1) having blown my last amp up with a fodera pre amp. Ended up getting the ebs multi comp to keep everything under control. Leave it on all the time now. Slap, fast playing, tapping - all so much clearer. Of course the big selling¶ point with pricey comps is transparency. The better it is the less clue you have that it's there.

  9. I love my EBS Multicomp but have looked jealously at the Cali76. With everything I get from the multicomp I can't justify the 76. The the build quality is WAY ahead of the EBS but the tube sim supplies similar warmth to the 76's HPF(though not as flexibly) and the attack and release are brilliantly preset.

  10. [quote name='Bassulike66' timestamp='1354281394' post='1884386']

    Hi and welcome to BC, stunning bit of kit you have there!

    I think you may have to list a for sale price direct with your add....not sure if using an Ebay link is allowed within the forum's guidelines. (Please don't quote me on that).

    Thanks for the heads up. Only put the link up because I can't upload the photos. Hope I haven't offended anyone.

  11. [size=5]PRICE £2,300.....or nearest offer.[/size]
    I have treasured this beast for a few years now but the truth is it deserves to be with someone who will have the time to use it properly.

    The sales bumpf goes like this...

    [size=3][color=#000000][font=arial]The timeless, ergonomic design of this instrument has made it a standard fixture on stages and in studios worldwide. Their distinctive sound and effortless playability have made Spector NS basses the first choice of discerning professionals for more than 20 years. Solid AAAA figured maple body, EMG USA pickups, Spector USA 18-volt active electronics, gold-plated bridge and tuners, neck-through 3-ply maple neck construction with graphite stiffening and heavy-duty truss rod. 35" scale. Spector crown abalone inlays decorate the fretboard.Solid AAAA figured maple body[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]EMG USA pickups (EMG 40DCs)[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]Spector USA electronics (18-volt)[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]Gold-plated bridge and tuners[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]3-ply maple neck construction with graphite stiffening rods, and heavy-duty truss rod[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]Spector crown abalone fretboard inlays[/font][/color]
    [color=#000000][font=arial]35" scale[/font][/color][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial][color=#000000]The bottom line is it's the best instrument I've ever played but children and other commitments mean I have to let it go. There is barely a scratch on it. The instrument is as new. I can't get photos to upload here but you can see the beast here[/color][/font][/size]


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