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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1320860451' post='1432457'] There is a slight volume drop compared to going into the amp directly and I'd say a very slight loss of bottom end 'clarity'. The changes are very slight though, and for me, no worry as I don't use a clean bass tone EVER, plus the EQ I use on the amp is extreme (big boost of 50hz). I've spent a lot of time and money getting the signal path as clean as possible. [/quote] i see! kinda like you'd notice but an audience would not!? andy
  2. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1320829940' post='1431846'] There are several variations on the subject, but I quite like the EHX Steel Leather. It is basically the opposite of a compressor, but what it does is increase the attack, great for fat metal tone (especially if you don't use a pick). [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/steel-leather"]http://www.ehx.com/p...s/steel-leather[/url] [/quote] cool ill check it out andy
  3. nice! is there any signal loss after going thru all the pedals? andy
  4. 0175westwood29

    Boss LS2

    everything shep said!!!
  5. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1320707271' post='1430473'] That are wise words, it should always be to better your own tone not to copy..... unless you are in a tribute band No matter if you use exactly the same gear, fingers en style make up a fair bit of the equation and thus one bassist will always sound a little different from another. Good luck with your quest for tone........ [/quote] yeh i completely agree! oh and what did you mean by expander pedal i forgot to ask? andy
  6. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1320768017' post='1431134'] There's a Youtube video of his brother - also his bass tech! - talking people through his live gear. Some very impressive stuff, was a little envious! [/quote] yeh its pretty cool isnt it! just really annoying theres no pedal board walk through!
  7. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1320685150' post='1429984'] No worries, I think many bassists are quite protective of how they achieve their sound, I have spent lots of time and effort in understanding what Justin Chancellor, Timmy C, Chris Wolstenholme and Troy Sanders use - they are all quite secretive. One thing I realized is that they all use "clean" and "dirty" amps and that signal splitting is one of the reasons why they sound so massive....... they lose no low-end and always have that basis to work with. With my option you actually don't split signal between 2 amps or cabs (like a cross over). What I do is: Bass>Morley ABY Mix Pedal (this pedal has a separate A and B output, splits the signal in 2) Output A - CLEAN Output B - Dirty (lots of Fuzz, OD, Filter etc pedals) Both these chains are then combined again using another ABY pedal (A+B=Y) so that I then have a single input into my GB STM 900. I've played around with 2 amps, but for most of us the extra elbow grease and space is not handy and this accomplishes the same. One important thing to note: I actually use a blender in my output B chain so that I can completely manage how dirty my dirty signal is (if this makes any sense). Your Aguilar DB750 is "nice" amp, so you may need to crank some mids (or have an expander pedal) on the dirty signal chain to give that smack in the face an Ampeg SVT at full whack would give. Never hesitate to contact me, I will gladly help in sourcing pedals etc. Might as well help some people miss the hassle and aggro I went through... [/quote] yeh i love my db750! gain cranked and like you say push the mids, sounds really nice and add my boss 0c-3 and either odb-3 or way huge swollen pickle! im in love but i would love to just have some lovely thick bottom to round out my sound, which could be coming from this second amp, plus i kinda wanna see if i can use the stereo outs on some of my pedals? like my bf-3 and im looking into the ehx pulsar trem. my board has quite alot of dirt on it like troys, ive got a metal muff and the swollen pickle and odb-3. i blend the muff with clean using an ls-2 so i can't say that my sound is small! and just incase people take this as me wanting to copy troys tone, im just looking to see what i can do to make mine better! andy
  8. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1320672022' post='1429687'] He uses a Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B for all the Muff type sounds nowadays. The board on Talkbass is old....... fyi. Key is clean amp + another amp for FXs. Good if you have the money and the roadies. I have the poor man's option: Morley ABY> A signal direct for clean + B signal for FX (with added blend pedal for best bass response and more flexibility)>a second ABY>Multicomp>GB Streamliner 900 I would suggest you buy an Earthbound Supercollider, Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B or Wounded Paw attack goat (or AND) for the Muffs as they all have variable MID, while Muff always sounds Scooped. The MXR El Grande is really good for the money. My 2cents. [/quote] thanks man! ive heard of those pedals! so ill check them out! on the dual rig thing im def looking into it! ive been close a few times but its never really been viable but my band heard troys bass sound and we all love it! so i think im gonna try and get something together? im thinking of maybe trying to get a 210 combo and use that for my clean then i can use my current 610 and aguilar as my dirty. ive found a video of his rig but they skip his pedalboard!! Grrr! andy
  9. a little sunday morning bump! im open to offers so please pm me if your interested in something andy
  10. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1320430928' post='1426890'] I thought he'd swapped over to an MXR El Grande for his fuzz? [/quote] i know he switches pedals alot, ive heard rumours hes using the new mxr bass fuzz, the bronze one. and i just read that he used a tc chorus. all info is helpfull guys thanks andy
  11. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1320416523' post='1426629'] Now looking at a Warwick 611 (6 x 10) 6 ohm cab. Anyone had any experience of these? Meant to be 900 watts (1200 peak) but at 5.3 ohms. So I'd get about 700 - 750 using a 4 ohm head? Now thinking of a cheap alternative to the Ampeg. Would the Warwick be as good as...? [/quote] id say that it being 6 0hms just causes a few problems? i mean although you may never want to its nice to know i can add another 4 ohm or 2 8 ohm cabs to my current head? andy
  12. Yeh maybe have to wait a bit for new album board shots. Ive managed to find out his touring rig tho and its epic! Clean channel tc electronics blacksmith into 2 410's And his dirty channel, is either svt or a pro 4 into to mesa 810's And after listening to the blacksmith videos that is one hell of an amp! Andy
  13. im loving the new mastodon album! troys sound is massive! i know he has a clean and dirty set up and some beasty amps but am wandering if anyone knows what he has on his board? this is the sound im taking about! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwgqenxNUfs andy
  14. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1319548523' post='1415553'] The 6x10's are awesome but are friggin heavy too [/quote] +1 but its never really been a massive problem for me? as if the load in/out is on a flat with only a lift to the stage it can be rolled in and out and as i help my guitarist and drummer out with there stuff they can help if its a bit more than that. but size wise i managed to fit my amp, cab, bass and pedalboard in my 05 three door ford fiesta honeslty dnt worry about moving it around andy
  15. [quote name='retroman' timestamp='1319480169' post='1414731'] +1!! Been contemplating this as well......Got two heads that will drive either 4 or 2 ohms.........hmmmmmm [/quote] im having dreams of 2 rigs basically a clean and a dirty, basically two of what i have now! one with all my dirt and then my chorus, delay and wah on both! id be in heaven! andy
  16. as you can see i have the 610hlf, ive had a few rigs and am really happy with what i have at the minute. if im honest im actually thinking of adding another 610 to my collection at some point! before i bought it i was told that it can be boomy and id be better of getting a 410 115 set up but im so glad that i went for the single cab route, the 610 is 4 ohms so i get 750w out of my amp and its so loud! no need to get my amp past half normally! yes i have to be carefull with the bass knob on my amp but id do that anyway, i dnt use the tweeter and its so easy to move around as its got beasty casters which i use to pull it up stairs and its not that heavy i can lift it on my own its not a massive pain but you dnt have to as mostly you can use the casters. if you can try one out im sure you will love it! works well at low volumes and have i metioned that it looks epic! and also as was metioned above you def can feel the bass coming from this cab! and if you want the ampeg sound then surely the best thing to get is ampeg? andy
  17. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1318957493' post='1408271']I used one a while ago and found it actually rather good. as above, would have preferred a tap tempo function, but for making wobb;y noises whilst playing bass chords it did the job. HTH.[/quote] yeh id only want to use it in some short passages and breakdowns? although i have started looking at a line 6 mm4 but im thinking ill gamble on the pulsar first. andy
  18. well i use my boss bf-3 to sound kinda like a chorus? but ive always used separate pedals? can use both effects then.... not that u'd probs want to tho! andy
  19. looking at getting this or something in a similar vein, sounds amazing on guitar. anyone tell me if its a good trem for bass? hows it stack up to the boss say? thanks andy
  20. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1317628536' post='1392362'] Possibly any pedal with an EQ of some description. The Boss ODB-3 can get quite distorted Apparently the intro to Around The World by the Chilis is done using one of these. I know its an overdrive pedal but I could never get it to overdrive the way I wanted it before the distortion set in [/quote] it is indeed, you do have to watch how high you have the gain as it can get fuzzy but you can also use it as a clean boost which i have before and put it after a metal muff and its sounded really nice a crunchy! . you could always grab the boss ls-2 and blend some clean signal back in to your sound? thats if you like the dist you have at the min andy
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1317418010' post='1390672'] You have checked the master volume right? let us know how you get on with the tech [/quote] yeh man indeed i did. took it to the tech this morn! he said it sounds like a tube could have gone? but on the good side he did lend me a db750 so i still had an amp for the gig tonight! andy
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