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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. [quote name='sk8' post='1001688' date='Oct 26 2010, 08:37 PM']the [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=micro_red_dragon"]red dragon[/url] could be right up your street and its tiny[/quote] awesome! im gonna start saving now! thanks man! andy
  2. thanks guys really helpfull! how would a sansamp work? or can they only do dirt? i only want the slightest hint of dirt probs more of a gain boost is what im looking for if that makes sense? andy
  3. hi! im not looking to get exactly robs sound but i love how his bass sounds go from just absolute distortion to beautifully crisp and clean and thick sounding bass! im just wandering if anyone has any idea on what effects hes using to get these sounds in the vid? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEAQGMqFXZw&feature=fvst"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEAQGMqFXZw&feature=fvst[/url] im guessing chorus in the slow part? but is it flanger or phaser in the main riff? ive tried using my fm4 and got some bits near but anyone know what he uses? or shed some light so i have somewhere to start as the fm4/metal muff combo isnt quite right. andy
  4. ok just got myself a guitar link for 15 quid! hopefully this is all i should need interface wise? until i get on to vocals etc? or does anyone know if i could use it for those? and also i tried plugging my bass straight into my laptop but the signal was distorted and broke up, im guessing due to a crap sound card, im guessing this interface seeing as it usb i wont get any of that? andy
  5. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='998529' date='Oct 23 2010, 11:04 PM']if its rock, then you cant beat ampeg. Industry standard and bargain prices 2nd hand. I would recommend a 4x10, they have the clarity and bottom end you will ever need. Plus, more specifically, my ampeg is quite easy to move around. Ampeg all the way with me. Lovely gear, amazing rock tones, decent 2nd hand price and resale value plus looks nice. Ticks all the boxes [/quote] +1! my first proper rig was ampeg! svt pro 6 on top of a 610hlf sounded awesome! still have the cab as you can see! at some point i do wanna grab myself a pro 4 as they are beasts! ive seen them go dirt cheap 2nd hand to! andy
  6. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/tu-80/11989"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/tu-80/11989[/url] i used to have one of these before i bought a tu2, now have a tu-3 andy
  7. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='998516' date='Oct 23 2010, 10:30 PM']it works really well with bass on some modes but not so well on others. The harmony setting is ok, but due to the low frequencies, it seems to struggle tracking wise. The pitchshifter set for a chorussy type thing sounds great, although perhaps a little digital - might be what you're looking for! It also has a wet/dry blend on the pitch shift mode, so that opens some possibilities too Where it shines for me is with the s bend mode. 3 octaves down and 4 up available. variable rise and fall time from almost instant jump to a slow sweep. The pedal can be totally self contained - ie you won't need an external exp pedal for the sweep, as the switch is momenary in this mode, and will hold the note you're set to reach until you release it and the pitch will return to normal according to the fall time. It sits really well in a dense band mix, and is really fun. in short, get yourself to your local boss dealer and give it a good try! If you're near London try Stompbox / Effectspowersupplies - really great guys with excellent pricing and a great range of pedals in stock! \ad (!)[/quote] thanks man i think ill do that! andy
  8. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='993331' date='Oct 19 2010, 11:35 AM']new toys - and.... some beautiful sounds here![/quote] hows this on bass really considering getting one!? andy
  9. [quote name='igloobuilding' post='997923' date='Oct 23 2010, 11:55 AM']For sale Boss Phase Shifter PH-3 £65 including delivery Excellent condition, fully boxed with instructions, has a bit of velcro on the bottom but can easily be taken off[/quote] pm'd
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='997996' date='Oct 23 2010, 01:23 PM']There are two mode 4 cabs, I know the 240w is loaded with Vintage 30s and is totally happy playing distroted guitary bass. Just make sure all your lows are provided by the appropriate rig. Fairly sure the newer 400w mode 4 cab is also happy, the distortion to get with the Mode4 will compress everyhting enough to keep it safe. However, the Mode 4s do get a bit breaky sometimes, overheating problems, there were a few at local practice space, but they all died, so watch out for that.[/quote] yeh our guitarist had his output transformer blow up! but other than that i love the sound he gets, if it were an ideal world i'd go buy myself a boogie dual rect! but can't really afford 1700 on a head! andy
  11. in a few months my bands gonna be doing an unplugged set at a local bar, basically the only major dif is the guitarist going to an acoustic, but in some parts i need a clean boost as in some songs in taking on the solos! so need to have a bit of a boost in volume, also maybe add a little grit so its not just my main bass sound but louder. had a look on the net but there's lots of boost pedals, anyone suggest anything for me to try? andy
  12. [quote name='Colledge' post='997674' date='Oct 23 2010, 12:43 AM']using a bass cab - no problem at all, fire away. with a guitar cab as you say, just be careful with the bass knob, the speakers won't be made to handle deep bass, but then again, using a bi-amp setup means you don't need the bass to come from the guitar rig.[/quote] yeh thats what i figured, the mode 4 from what ive heard is a really bassy head a cab combo anyway. would a crossover help im wandering? been thinking of getting one for my bi amp rig im making anyway? just send the mids and hi's to the guitar amp? although i would still want to send all a true signal to my bass amp? although actually i can do that with my lehle switcher and have the b going of to the crossover! should that work and protect the guitar amp and cab? surely if it can do really downtuned guitars it can take a standard tuning bass if its only getting mids and highs? andy
  13. i did a quick search, but couldnt find anything! the guitarist in my band has a mode 4 marshall half stack and on a song where looking to record soon, i have a part where i want some crazy distortion going on but also a clean bass track so im gonna split my signal and run in to a dif amp but rather than bass i was gonna try the mode 4? any danger in this? what can i do to limit damage? im guessing not cranking the bass up to much? but is there anythiong else i can do? andy
  14. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='986442' date='Oct 12 2010, 11:50 PM']Which is why one can use a converter... Anyway no you're right it doesn't really make a difference unless you're recording more than 4 tracks. Are you going to be recording more than 4 tracks at once?[/quote] no im only looking at recording my bass so all would be good! anyone suggest or post links to stuff they use? andy
  15. looking to get some monies together so selling a few things i never use! an as new usb guitar link, only used once comes with everythging you need to get going! looking for 20 quid for this posted. and an old wireless system that i got worked fine when used it last, it doesnt have the origanl cable for connecting the transmitter to the bass but the one it has works just fine. taking into account that im only looking for 30quid for a whole wireless set up ? am looking for a few boss pedals if people want to do a deal, im interested in a dd-3, ph-3 and a ps-6 andy
  16. probs a stupid question but whats firewire?
  17. hope this in the right place? im looking into starting building a bass, i wanna get my head round the electric first tho. how did you guys get started, were there courses, books etc or did you just do it on the fly? im thinking of getting a cheap bass and just doing lots of work on it to start ie changing the electrics working out how it all works? does this sound like a good place to start? i also wanna get into looking at amps as ideally i want to become a band tech any advice ? andy __________________
  18. thanks guys! yeh im looking into getting something record the sounds instead of just plugging into the laptop, maybe some sort of di box and ill probs grab a mic to. whats a good bass mic?, on gigs ive seen people using sm58's and 57's but also some weird things! whats best guys? also any suggestions on what you guys use for an interface would be good! andy
  19. hope this is in the right place? basically im getting a laptop soon and i want to do some recording on it, so looking at getting something that i can record good qulity song demos etc, using di box from my bass or a mic input. so my question is what would you guys recomend? for software and also what does the laptop im gonna get need to have to support getting the sounds in to the software, im guessing the soundcard needs to be good? and its gonna have to have a fair bit of memory? andy
  20. ok on looks and sound from all the clips i think im gonna go with this! but just on the of chance does anyone live near plymouth that owns one? andy
  21. also check out our cover of knocking on heavens door here! theres a few dodgey backing vocals from me! but other than that what you think? [url="http://www.youtube.com/syruss"]http://www.youtube.com/syruss[/url]
  22. thanks kev! andy
  23. sold my lm2 and 210 av ampeg cab, paid quickly and a nice guy to deal with! much thanks! andy
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