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[quote name='Mentira' post='378769' date='Jan 13 2009, 11:20 AM']all sorted thanks guys! got a Hartke LH500 for £184 including free next day delivery... [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_product_large.php?product=harlh500"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_p...roduct=harlh500[/url] and an Ashdown MAG 810 cab brand new for £270 from a friend who works at Reverb... So for £450 I reckon I have done okay... I think... [/quote] thats pretty damned sweet for a 500w 810 rig! plus 810's rule wish i had the money and space to get one!
hi guys im decided on the bb600 so im talking to someone bout it atm. i know im not suppose to talk bout selling stuff, if you want to look at my current amp theres a thread in the for sale forum.
hi guys i hav to sadly sell this lovely amp due to size constraints. i dnt have any pics but here is a link to where you can see this amp [url="http://www.planetoftheamps.com/orange-ad140b.html"]http://www.planetoftheamps.com/orange-ad140b.html[/url] mine is number 17 the last one in the run. its in perfect nick and works like a dream is nice and loud! and toneally very similar to the 200b. if you want pics i have them as prove of the number and condition, as you can see from the valuation on the site im looking for around £1600 ish, i know thats pricey but its a piece of history and is in as good as new condition! comes with leather cover for protection( of course in orange!) obviously im looking for ppl in the uk who are intrested and would be able to pick up the amp or at least drive to meet me at a certain place. i also have a 115 cab which will be up for sale if you are intrested, or indeed want to by the whole rig! as it kicks ass! hope to hear from someone soon andy
mesa boogie powerhouse 210? any good? also if anyone intrested in my ad140 pm me
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='370094' date='Jan 4 2009, 05:07 PM']Good choice. [/quote] indeed now all i need to do is keep my eyes peeled for a bb600
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='370078' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:55 PM']There aren't many bass amps designed to run @ 2 ohms and even the ones that can it doesn't pay to run them hard @ 2 ohms for too long (even H&K told me that when I contacted them about running my 600 @ 2 ohms). Believe me unless the amp manufacturer recommends it (which will be displayed on the rear of the amp) then you don't want to even consider plugging a pair of 4ohm cabs (2 ohm load) into 'most' amps. 'IF' your amp can do a 2ohm load, you won't necessarily kill a pair of cabs if they run your amp down to 2 ohms, even if the power handling of your cabs looks like it is exceeded by the amps output. The biggest problem with buying a pair of 4 ohm cabs around an amp that 'can/will' run @ 2 ohms is that if you ever decide to change amps or borrow someone else's amp, then their amp may not do 2 ohms (which is the load an amp would see if your cabs were 4 ohms each) and you couldn't then use your two 4 ohm cabs. I speak from bitter experience on this one! [/quote] yeh thats a thing im really not wanting to even think bout, 8 ohm cabs it is
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='370035' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:18 PM']I've owned plenty of cabs and among them H&K cabs but not this 210 with switchable ohmage, which tbh looks a bit of a dogs dinner; 4 ohms great as a stand alone rehearsal cab, 16 ohms... shyte if you are mixing it with other cabs for a gig rig! 'IF' you are going to mix those particular cabs up for a rig I reckon you're potentially going to get all sorts of odd levels from each cab due to it's ohmage and handling characteristics. It may work fine but I'd not be buying that particular set-up blind in a month of Sundays and that's before we even start getting involved in mixing your driver sizes without appropriate crossovers etc.[/quote] glad its not just me that thinks thats weird, be ideal if i wanted the bb400, and i dnt know why you would want a 16 ohm bass cab! very weird. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='370035' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:18 PM']Whilst on the subject, the H&K 600 has the potential to split the signal and bi-amp your rig but you need a separate power amp![/quote] i was looking at that in the manual, good thing to have if i ever needed my rig to be huge. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='370035' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:18 PM']Further to your choices for cabs; I'd be wary of going the route you've outlined and I personally think that even a pair of those 2x10 cabs (4/16ohms) would be a mistake, as you'd be running at 2ohms or 8 ohms using the pair. In essence you'd be running your amp at 2 ohms (H&K will do that and put out something like a stated 1010watts) which in theory is good but not the best condition to run an amp for longevity OR you'd be running at 8ohms and be getting 400w out of your H&K600... not what you wanted really![/quote] is running at 2 ohms bad for an amp?, but yeh that was my problem your either not getting the full output or killing 2 quite pricey cabs! [quote name='warwickhunt' post='370035' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:18 PM']Don't ditch the idea of a H&K amp (though there are loads of alternatives if you want 500w+ and 2 channels)[/quote] yeh im just digging the hughes but im aware theres a lot of others. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='370035' date='Jan 4 2009, 04:18 PM']but you'd be far better off looking at a pair of 8ohm cabs with a fixed speaker size in each (ie all 10's, 12's or 15's NOT some 10's 12's and/or 15's mixed). There are loads of threads on here as to why this is best and it's not to say that it can't work but I always think back to when I tried to figure out how I could EQ my amp sending a full range signal to different size drivers in separate cabinets (a 4x10 and a 1x15), when cab A could do with a bit more top end whilst cab B sounded like it needed less but cab B could do with more bottom end which cab A didn't need (does that make sense?).[/quote] kinda yeh i love how the hughes cabs look, but they just wnt cut it, i think aggie do a high rms 8 ohm 210? ill have to go have a look. our drummer has a old tracey 410 i can use for practice/gigs if it takes me a while to find some cabs. thanks for getting bk to me man!
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='369966' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:44 PM']On eBay (£220 BIN)... Carvin amp; 500w @ 4ohm amp that can if need be do 800w @ 2ohm which gives you maximum flexibility when buying cabs (thought I'd still go for a pair of 8ohm cabs every time). [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Carvin-B800-bass-head-800-Watt_W0QQitemZ110333016997QQihZ001QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Carvin-B800-bass-hea...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] thanks man im looking at it now. may work im waiting for a few ppl to get bk to me. yeh im thinking 8 ohm cabs now the 210 h n k cabs are just weirdly confusing. you shed any light on this "warickhunt"? you seen to at one point at least owned some hughe cabs, what the best combo, thet say that you can put the 115(8ohm) with the 210(4/16) help me out here does that give you 2 possibly loading of 8 and 3 something ohms?
[quote name='deksawyer' post='369719' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:31 AM']I've been using Tec cabs for a few years and they're fantastic (my old rig is still in my sig. below). I'm 40 years old and I've been playing bass since I was 17 and I really consider myself very lucky to own such amazing gear. My Wal is nearly 30 years old but it works so well with ultra modern Tecamps! I can only suggest what I've actually used and being an old codger, my choices seem to deviate towards the lighter end of the bass amp weight spectrum and the amps you've singled out as candidates really don't differ much in size or weight from what you currently own to merit a change at all. You need to seriously rethink!! D.[/quote] yeh those amps look nice! im not gonna rush in to anything at all but the main thing is overall size, ie the heads ive named, mainly the hughes are alot louder, have aspects to them i dnt have currently, and yes they aren't that much smaller but the weights going down a bit as will the cabinet size and weight if i go to the 210's.
[quote name='umph' post='368614' date='Jan 2 2009, 04:53 PM']this thread hurts me inside ;<[/quote] why?
[quote name='dannybuoy' post='369382' date='Jan 3 2009, 05:08 PM']Yeah, if I ever get one I'll try and get a lightweight 4-ohm cab that can handle 500W. I'd view it as a 500W amp with an extra 500W thrown in for free should you ever need it later![/quote] indeed ill probably end up getting one after they been out for a while
[quote name='dannybuoy' post='368626' date='Jan 2 2009, 05:10 PM']If you want a dirty rock tone like you get from the Orange, I would suggest Ashdown - get the Little Giant 1000. A 1000W portable amp for only £290 delivered. It's even orange, so you'll feel right at home! They are brand new, but a few reports on Talkbass I've read are all very positive. Keep the Orange 1x15 cab if you can handle the weight, it's a beauty! I'm tempted to get the LG1000 with an Orange OBC115 myself, they'd look so PUURRTY... [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=8585"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=8585[/url] [/quote] i nearly got one of these b4 i got my orange rig, thing is you dnt get the full 1000 unless you use two 4 ohm cabs, as it 500w a side, and you can't bridge it either.
right ive made a decision that if i try a bass base 600 and like it! the orange will be for sale! im gonna try and track down 2 8 ohm 210 cabs and sell my 115 orange cab. theres just one problem the bass base 600 has been apparently discontinued! so from here on i might have to look for one secondhand.
[quote name='Delberthot' post='366959' date='Dec 31 2008, 11:40 AM']Until a few days ago i was a very happy GK user. I personally like a good, dirty rock tone and the GK is the dogs in that respect as it has the valve emulator built in - The Fusion has the real valve dealy. It also has the motorised knobs so with the press of a footswitch you can change the EQ to something else which is ideal as you have different basses. Plus GKs are reliable as hell. I think there's a guy on Talkbs that got one of the first ones so there should be a review over there.[/quote] yeh he's posted in a thread i got going over there [quote name='Delberthot' post='366959' date='Dec 31 2008, 11:40 AM']I am now using a Genz Shuttle as the GK was too heavy (Probably still lighter than the 'Orange' logo on your amp). I bought it because it was light, small and sounded good based on the reviews I read. I'm very surprised to say that it can produce an even better rock tone than the GK.[/quote] to right! im intrigued by genz im probs gonna have to try, its got a tube pre yeh? [quote name='Delberthot' post='366959' date='Dec 31 2008, 11:40 AM']I also use a Schroeder cab; mine is the 1212L which comes in at 42lbs. That's nothing for a 2x12" cab that can produce a phenomenal amount of volume, so much so that i use it in my rock band without a PA.[/quote] this sounds good im considering getting a 212. thanks man
[quote name='craigjf1969' post='367014' date='Dec 31 2008, 12:55 PM']Hi all,looking at a new set up and need some feedback....saving up at the moment,as well as still needing to shift stuff,but been looking at HEADS-Little Mark 2 £499 or Ampeg B2RE £340(both from Absolute Music Solutions).......COMBO-Marshall MB4210 £274(from DV247.com)......or package deal from Dolphin Music of an Ampeg B2RE+15" cab for £586........anyone got the Marshall combo here,seems a bit cheap for what it is!!!....or any comments on the other equipment...cheers Craig [/quote] i know someone who plays that marshall, really nice tone actually he only had it for bout 6months but nothing gone wrong with it so far, he in a three piece and he more than loud enough, and if not he can add a 4 ohm cab. ive not heard good things bout the ampeg but thats just hearsay as i have never played one so i dnt know.
[quote name='ezbass' post='366885' date='Dec 31 2008, 10:15 AM']That's a 2x12. Yes I had 2 ABM 2x10s. I retro fitted them with Ashdown Superfly neos, but the Schro is still lighter and has a better "in the mix" and on stage sound. Not as pretty sounding soloed indoors as the ABMs, but that's not what it's for eh.[/quote] indeed, ive been looking at the 212 aggie 600w cab i get it in 8hm i think it be a nice cab. any views?
[quote name='lemmywinks' post='365550' date='Dec 29 2008, 04:10 PM']It's 2x12 or 2x10 or a combination of the two. Schroeders have a second speaker behind and angled upwards (where that big hole is) I recently changed from a full stack to a Little Mark II and a Schroeder 1212r and couldn't be happier. My band mates are eternally grateful as i can carry my amp and cab in one go![/quote] ill bet my bandmates moan at me cos of the weight of my head when we clearing up cos sometimes they have to move it, so glad i didnt get the marshall vba 400 now! cabs not really a big problem for me but i might change to a dif cab/s if needed?, but the head is so big fills up half my boot! i know with heads ive suggested i wnt be saving much but i will be saving on weight at the very least.
[quote name='BassBunny' post='364885' date='Dec 28 2008, 03:32 PM']Lean Audio sell them as well as The Bass Merchant and I understand from talking to Mike that GAK are taking some. If all else fails try e-mail to [email protected] or call Mike direct on 01376 502930[/quote] thanks buddy i throw them an email.
hi guys is there a site to go and check out the zoot neo bass cabs?, im looking into getting a couple of 210's for a new rig, but they dnt appear on the bass merchant site anymore?
[quote name='ezbass' post='364799' date='Dec 28 2008, 01:29 PM']I recently changed from an Ashdown ABM head with 2 2x10 cabs to the rig below and couldn't be happier. [/quote] is that a 15 in there? did you have the ashdown 210's?