decided to try running a second rig from the monitor output, sounds bloody grand! I’m gonna have to push this a set more next week as I’m only using one side of the little giant 1000! So can actually run three 215 with it and the kemper…………..
also I have two LG’s so could actually split the out put from the kemper and run two more……I mean I might have to just for a YouTube video!!
I had some time at home and spent to long staring across the room at my warm audio ringbringer so decided to put it on in place of the ps-3
currently I run it on the clean patch to add a little flavour
Selling my ML5 from Morningstar as I’m just not gonna use it and need the money atm
has Velcro on the back but is in great condition as it’s always been on my board
price includes postage
ok so looking forward to putting some parallel loops with the ML10x but need a data usb c to start programming that!
ps3 and sy200 back on to add some mad sounds
also vocoder obviously for vocal duties
ok so I love the Helio but realised it’s pretty close to the black emperor mini so switched the positions a bit, the lurid is now in the second dirt fixer and the Zoar is a place holder atm
ahead of the big upgrade next week (the Morningstar ML5 is going and a ML10x is taking its place
the top dirt fixer is for the life, crimson and mountain, the bottom is on the helio and the blooper is on the big fella atm