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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. thanks man! cant wait to sort the custom cab im modding! 412 so 212's for each amp
  2. its super weird everyone i know locally to test the audio not on my setup is fine really strange how people are getting these issues
  3. few practices in and im totally sold on the Ob1-500 ! great amp! blends really well with the RV not that my ashdown was a slouch but this just sits better Andy
  4. This is by far the most brutal drive i have in my collection! this is at the min a one off as this was his first go at tuning this for bass! i think it sounds epic! yes many will say it to much but i like that its got it own sound and isnt another pedal that sounds like an svt or is trying to be a darkglass pedal ( no bad on those companies)
  5. a tad! ive had a few random audio complaints but literally everything sounds good my end so i have no idea why the audio is like that for some people, ive read it might be down to a bad stereo to mono conversion and some are only getting the left or right side but no idea why this would be happening @BreadBin glad you like it i have another video on the channel were i have a fuzzrocious heliotropic infront of both amps that to be honest is a bit much but i love it!
  6. Great bit of kit! love mine! just love my orange Ob1-500 a tad more!
  7. i nearly sold this pedal till i plugged it in again! love how heavy this fuzz is! and love putting it into my full two amp set up!
  8. another xr18 user here, this setup is just for practice atm
  9. bit of a bump as we recorded some more songs at the weekend and am going to be putting this up on itunes .....etc soon.....
  10. ok so can bring my Orange Ob1-500 and rockerverb 100 with at this point a 210/115 cab set up however will probs be hopefully a dual 210 set up by then! basses wise ill probs just bring my main basses so a chowny chb-1 and squier jaguar. oh and my very modest pedalboard!
  11. Have we started a gear list yet?
  12. still using my ashdown cabs as they sound great however im on the look out for some orange stuff! the main part of the board go tho the OB1-500 and the Subnup goes into the Rockerverb mk3 the DD200 goes to both. does ambient and brutal very well! also hiding under the bridge is a cali 76bc and my moog clusterflux and LPF aswell as a decibel 11 split personality which covers the out puts to both amps Andy
  13. current set up! spent the last two evenings programming it at home and making full use of the midi in the Ms3 needs new midi cables as they are a mess!!! but hey they work! also have a few things incoming from boss, A Ps-6 and DC-2W not sure where but we will squeeze them on!
  14. Latest version of my board has a bit of space which will soon be filled over the coming weeks with a boss dimension c waza and an not yet 100% sure it it will be a md or Od 200 inder the bridge is a Cali 76bc and a moog clusterflux and lpf as well as my midi aby which lets me pick between amps ( orange ob1-500 or rockerverb mk3
  15. My band just released are new ep, im super happy with the bass sounds! http://smarturl.it/gbsxn6?fbclid=IwAR26rTMyXxAA8rwqXC3j7Sj5KL9km-nssQnvj9gdRE4M02qd3a8Uc1b7OrM follow the link above and it'll take you to your music streaming site of choice in a few clicks. would love to know what you guys think aswell! Andy
  16. so my custom made littel board is living now to turn my pedaltrain pro into my second board that gets used for my second amp (the little line of EQD plus a few more moogs! )
  17. for this stage yeh the orange uses my two notes captor and goes straight to FOH, i have a 115 and 210 setup that lets me split the amps into cabs
  18. honestly the rig is getting a bit silly now! sounds great tho!
  19. Had a blast bringing my rig and as always a excuse to have a really nice grub!!! i mean look at bass gear!
  20. got me some new cabs so will bring them rather than the 810 ashdown klystron 210 and 115 might bring my rockerverb mk 3 aswell if i can get the switcher on the board to make set up easy
  21. Totally missed this!! I’ll be there unless something crazy comes up!
  22. And were back to 4 moogs!
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