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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. Looks like it, drive section from loin fuzz from pickle but with a blend.
  2. Love my two notes captor obviously no selectable sim just the one your given but it sounds cool! Would love a torpedo tho
  3. This video is top draw!!! A really good showing of all the fuzzes land I’m 100% sold on a deluxe big muff (red version)
  4. In the mxr I have to agree as the blend is horrible! Glad your happy with the turbo rat man! I used to have a standard rat and they are cool! Lots more rat rat clones out there which do the spluttering nasty sound than just the fuzzrocious that keep your lows so if the low end loss becomes a problem it’s a easy fix.
  5. Your better of paying a little more for a proco or a rat clone like the fuzzrocious cat tail imo, I doubt the moose will sound as good as the standard or clone. Plus the standard rat does loose some low end on bass compared to the more bass focused clones
  6. Will be watching that tomoz looks great!
  7. im actually prefering the guitar orientated one as it has a mids control and bass boost, the muff sound really does get lost due to the mids, with the blend at 12 even the fuzz turns more into a slight buzz under the clean. its all rig dependant i know however! but that one gets me more interested
  8. Seems a lot of hassle maybe just look at a did power supply? The new new strymon Ojai R30 is all in one rather than two bits but there are many more. No isolation between the outlets aswell not a big thing if the pedals are ok with it but the pog and pulsar I’m guessing would add a bit of noise, being big drawing digital pedals
  9. That is a crazy price! Had to go for it just because!!!
  10. Just get the cat tail with 2nd distortion mod you still have the diode selection etc
  11. If you want gritty over drive the cat tail is a cool place to start, a lot of control over lows and clipping, also there moth ok you might not be interested in the treble side but sounds great a lot less eq control tho but I dnt find I loose lows from it. Also the lateral sound spore is very cool for this sound!! my cat tail is a custom so has a clean boost and kaeden drive before it aswell as a clean blend, not that I use it like a standard blend.
  12. This thing is a beast def a part two needed to mess with the internal dip switches
  13. Yep its gonna be a long one!
  14. a million sounds in this! its getting its own video because of this
  15. It’s a serious comment I think they all sound great imo, I set them up to all have sounds that I liked from them not trying to get the same sound out of them.
  16. Decided to do a video comparing my fuzz pedals, there’s some pricey ones and cheap ones! They all all sound great tho!
  17. Selling this due to just not getting the chance to use it! Great at delay and is like new comes with box and full paperwork
  18. cant see why not as long as i can ok it with the boss to have the little dude that day. last years was alot of fun so happy to bring my stuff up again! andy
  19. Few changes to the board, brought back some oldies and favourites
  20. My 810 is a ashdown but every 810 I play thru just makes me love them more, have played A svt thru one and for the sound I want it doesn’t work, however the mid presence in the cab def does!
  21. Ill be there! probs with a camera for the youtubes!
  22. New band is now officially go!
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