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About Byo

  • Birthday March 14

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  1. Really cool basses these. I have a trans red one that used to belong to Scott Whitley, he modded it to have a 3-way, Vol + Tone. They have a really cool sound with both pups on, almost Alembic'ish in character IMHO, and the body shape is soooo cool. GLWTS!
  2. Always found the first version of the Bass VI so cool, with their unique-looking pups and the lack of a strangle circuit. GLWTS!
  3. Very interesting pedal. Amos' NAMM demo was great. It's great to see another bass player bringing out their own parallel Octave + Drive unit 🤘 I had Tom over at COG Effects build me a custom parallel Octave/Drive unit over a decade ago called the Octagrit. https://www.cogeffects.co.uk/octagrit.php
  4. Sounded great on Zack's video, looking forward to hearing what other bass players do with it.
  5. Nice one! At one point, I was also using a similar setup with The Accountant always on, feeding a Darkglass B3K!
  6. Thanks Terocious, already have an Accountant. Great little pedal, with lots of character. Love it with a P-Bass and a pick!
  7. Based on what I've heard over the past few days, the Trondheim seems way more versatile than what it seems. Keep us posted @A.G.E.N.T.E.!
  8. Yup! It's on my list 🤘
  9. Completely forgot about these EBS pedals! Thanks Jasper!
  10. If only Jackson Audio made a bass version of the Bloom... with the correct frequencies and a drive stage instead of the Bloom option. That would be a killer pedal. One that resonates a little with what I need is the Trondheim Audio Devices SkarBassOne. Never tried one, but the drive section seems to be geared towards more metal and harder bass tones and not an all-rounder drive.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion! 🤘 I did try one years ago, when it came out, and although the cleans were nice I was never amazed by the drive sound. I might need to revisit the pedal, as I am sure there are way more Toneprints available nowadays. From memory, the Spectra Drive is too big for what I am looking for (it's a pretty tight fit).
  12. Hi all, I am currently building a pretty tight Nano board for some potential fly dates, and wanted to check within the community if you know of a compact Compressor + Drive pedal out there that could do the job (I have been thinking of getting something custom made at some point). The board size I am working with is of the same footprint of the Origin Effect Compact Bass, and it would be an awesome bonus to be able to control on/off each effect independently and north-facing jacks (am I asking for too much? 🤣). Thanks in advance! Byron
  13. Lovey bass there, and really good price too! So tempted, but cannot afford 😭 Cool to see a reversed P pickup too, subtle but it does tighten up the low E and A string sound a little in a positive way. GLWTS!
  14. One of Juan Alderete's favourite pedals GLWTS!
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