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The Hat

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Everything posted by The Hat

  1. Can anyone give me any tips on trying to learn the bass for this Sly track ? I'm still a beginner so I'll need it in easy terms https://open.spotify.com/track/2BydLQAh7CUIFvSEqAMc4x Cheers folks
  2. Sorted now folks
  3. Hi all, can I possibly ask a favour of any forum members near to me in Bolton. I've just bought an EBS session 60 combo amp but am currently bass less at mo as mine is in the luthiers for a set up. Would any kind member let me bring my amp round to test it everything is as it should be ? It was purchased via this forum so I've not been able to test it. There is absolutely nothing to suggest it won't be anything other than tip top, but as I won't have my bass back for over a week it would be nice to just check it
  4. I know music theory is music theory no matter what instrument you play, but I'm only really interested in the bass and accoustic. I'm s there a music theory only book geared towards bass players ? I've got bass guitar for dummies but am more after a music theory only book
  5. I'm New to bass, so for me it's because it's deferent from everybody else just learning the guitar. I think if you play bass there's something about ya and I like to be different
  6. What's the difference between polyphonic and chromatic tuners ?
  7. No option of trying first. At £25 the Superflux are worth a punt.
  8. Just ordered a pair of Superlux H661's
  9. Those Superlux look the business for the price. Can't find em on Thoman though
  10. I can't understand why this ain't gone yet. A good bass at a superb price
  11. Are they well above the £80 mark
  12. That skill is not inherent. It's as simple as hours and hours of practise and coming from a supportive family
  13. Primarily for use with the bass but also for listening to music. Have been thinking about some PJB H850's but have heard they are not so good for listening to music. Are there any other options in this price range, £80 ?
  14. Cheers Lloyd, nice to know I e made the right choice. Can't wait to get it back now
  15. Funnily enough my bass in s with Jack at mo. I only asked to see if there was one in Bolton coz I'm lazy
  16. Doh, maybe I should read the sticky on this first !
  17. Can anyone recommend a quality luthier in or near Bolton ?
  18. If it's about £15 then yes, I'd be interested
  19. Leave it pal. Think it wold be at least £30
  20. [quote name='Alanbass' timestamp='1455895366' post='2983420'] I could find out about the cost of sending but I suspect that would make it a lot more expensive if sent through a decent courier service! [/quote] Yep, your probably right there pal
  21. Interested, but it would have to be posted
  22. Where you based ?
  23. Bump for this people
  24. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1455789000' post='2982381'] A sticky along the lines of "TalkBass's" [i]"How to get Started"[/i]would be a good idea IMO . http://www.talkbass.com/threads/how-to-get-started.1098564/ [/quote] I'd be willing to run it ?
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