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Total Watts

  1. Found myself at one of their gigs a few years ago. Whilst not my bag by any stretch I'll tip my hat to them - they were very, very good. Had the fans eating out of their hand. Professional, but somehow accessible to a large crowd and executed a long set perfectly.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1359447951' post='1954771'] Nobody has mentioned this guy yet! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x2i7AmCHXM[/media] BTW, Youtube is all things to all people. Anyone expecting to like all of it is simply naive or deluding themselves. [/quote] Apologies if this is a daft question - Is that the guy from Barcelona??? Seen him/someone like him playing in the street many times.. Funky as it gets
  3. Me and 'cool' struck an accord some time ago. I don't bother it and it doesn't bother me. Works just fine for the pair of us.
  4. I tip my hat to Behringer - a surprising package. Sounds like I'm not alone either Guilty as charged for the stupid preconception that means I would never have considered plugging in before... Live and learn as I tell t'lad
  5. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1359042474' post='1948907'] Yep, an old torque head i bought years ago as my first head, and an old green 4 x 10 cab. Dragged it out of storage yesterday and still sounds as sweet as ever. Would have been 6 years ago i last used it! Will be a behringer blx3000 going up for sale soon by the looks of it :-) [/quote] lol... I used to have an old Laney (PL-100??? or something like that) with some bits missing and spiders etc living in it. Lived in a garage for years but when i fired it up it was just perfect. I'm a complete clot for selling it.
  6. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1359036327' post='1948778'] ive got a Behringer BX4500H that i brought as my first gigging amp head played through a cheap cab, always thought it was ok. I sold it off when i bought my ampeg, but brought it back recently and when my ampeg went down i was forced to practice with it and was impressed with it when i cranked it through my ampeg cab. a lot noisier than my ampeg, but wouldn't be worried if i had to use it in an emergency. [/quote] Sounds like a decent plan B?? I'm thinking that for quiet acoustic stuff in a pub these could be just great...
  7. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1359036000' post='1948774'] I like it when stuff shouldn't sound good and does, but you missed out a huge pun in that you should've said Wise Old Drumbledore Liam [/quote] With your kind permission I'll be using that shortly...
  8. So, had the opportunity for a practice/jam last night. Usual rush getting out of the house, bolting down dinner, grabbing a guitar (Stagg EUB was convenient), can't find shoes and talking to son about school that day - mild congratulations incidentally as for once as nothing was destroyed. Arrive still feeling rushed when guitarist/singer says try plugging into newly aquired Behringer monitor. Set dials to stun and not kill, turned up bass volume and that sub-bass thingy and what greeted me was just lovely. Warm rich bass, clear high notes and approval from everyone. Even wizened old Dumbledore on drums commented on how nice the sound was. Couldn't believe just a simple PA monitor could do this. Ashdown will sit in the hallway for a little longer methinks... (at approx. 400 tonnes it only comes out for certain gigs anyway) Anyone else ever been surprised by the most unlikely of sources???
  9. Sheer class. Could listen to that all day.
  10. Great playing on a cool song... I prefer her cover of Panic Station only cos' I love Muse.
  11. It's all about the knowledge. Know more about my amp, approaching playing and thanks to BassTractor, jazz. Not been here long but i can bring more to my band and have expanded my musical habits from drop tuned metal, country and folk to now proudly include some jazz. Work to do, though...
  12. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1356990756' post='1916221'] Mate , that sounds like a lovely gig [/quote] Thanks, E. Was a really good night. Played for a long time but was one of those nights when the atmosphere just carried you through! If you get a chance, get up to Wells and the Albatros, it's a great place for a good beer and the best dutch pancakes ;-) Happy New Year mate!
  13. Will be on a lovely old sailboat, The Albatross, moored off the north Norfolk coast working my EUB like there's no tomorrow...
  14. I've had this problem on a Evo II and was rectified by simply changing the pot last summer. It had just worn and was cheap to sort with a local fella. He actually replaced one of the others whilst he had it apart as it was happening with that one too. One of the other knobs (I think it's the valve drive) is starting to do the same although it's only very slight. Figured it's just wear and tear and will be quite easily sorted by a local amp tech again - I hope More than worth a bit of routine maintenance on such a cool sounding amp...
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355917833' post='1904366'] Not sure? just using the link on the Thomann site. Cool how are you finding the EUB? are the strings rubbish, does it rattle, does the nut need filing down a bit? Plenty of questions Can you play it or are you a novice like me? I say novice mine is not even here yet so I am a minus novice really [/quote] I'm loving the EUB. Opened up a whole different world; not better, but just different. Strings are ok, playable for the moment, needed to lower the bridge a bit but that was easy enough. I am a complete novice on the EUB but learning fast (not really put it down in 4 weeks ) and am really learning as I go along (all that sliding and rising note malarky). I'm sure there's a lifetime of stuff to go at but that's good right?! I'm trying out plenty of songs to see what works and translates and have even road tested it at a gig. Got a nice compliment from a couple of folk who steadfastly refused to believe i'd had it for only two weeks I'd put money on you REALLY enjoying it...
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