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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. Are you interested in a part ex with a 90s silver series Squier Jazz?
  2. Are you interested in a part ex for a mid 90s Squier Silver series Jazz?
  3. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1395768717' post='2406055'] There is a Silver Series Squier Jazz in the classifieds at the moment. These have a great neck. Wider than usual Jazz - 40mm at the nut. These final MIJ Squiers are very good - I've had Silver Series Jazz and Precision, both exceedingly good. The Precision, particularly. [/quote] I've got a mid 90s Silver Series Squier Jazz and it's a superb instrument - closest to my '63 Fender that I've found. I sold a modern Mexican Fender and Squier CV and VM Jazzes when I got it, because it's better than those for me. But I still prefer the '63 so it never gets played and I'm thinking of selling it to help fund a Fender custom shop model.
  4. The pick ups in my 63 Jazz are louder than any other passive bass I've played. I've also played a 65 and 66 Jazz bass and both had powerful pick ups, while the 63 Hofner Senator was even louder, so I don't think vintage basses are normally quieter than equivalent modern ones. Maybe your 68 pick ups have a problem or need rewiring - just a thought, I don't know anything about the technical side
  5. Nice one - say hello to Spike from the Holyhead massive
  6. I've used Pyramid Golds and [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]D'Addario ENR71S half rounds, but my experience is limited to a few hours with each.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Pyramid Golds are the closest to TIs, with very similar feel and tone, just a bit more tension - t[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]hey are also expensive though.[/font][/color] The [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]D'Addario ENR71S half rounds are also nice strings, but higher tension again. [/font][/color]
  7. I have a set of GHS light gauge I'd swap for the LaBellas if you're interested. Similar gauge to TIs but not as floppy.
  8. Am I seeing double?
  9. What gauge are the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]La bellas?[/font][/color]
  10. Maybe your pic is too large, I'm not sure if there is a size limit but it might be worth trying it with a reduced image. BTW Mike I pmd you about the silver series
  11. I have a silver series Jazz and it's a corker even in standard configuration.
  12. Cliff bought my fretless Jazz in a trouble free transaction. He's a diamond geezer - deal in confidence.
  13. Just to show it's not all about the clank: [media]http://youtu.be/neXuVL_7n5Y[/media]
  14. I know just how you feel. I've lost count of how many basses I've bought and sold since joining this forum, but I always go back to my old favourite. On paper it's an awful bass - ugly, heavy and butchered beyond recognition. I have bought much 'better' basses and loved them for a while, only to sell them on when I pick up the old beast again. Nobody else likes it and I don't know what it is that makes me love it, but it feels and sounds just right for me, which is what really counts. That's not to say I won't keep looking........
  15. It goes to show that you don't need to spend big money to get a great bass these days
  16. Yeh man get it bought, guilt is for losers
  17. So it's a tribute band that needs a Ric and only in London....... The Jam?
  18. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1393455235' post='2380655'] Aesthetics? Picture Lemmy with a Steinberger, Flea with a Hofner, Jaco with a Bongo and Mark King with a Ric.....? [/quote] Do you really think those players are only successful because of the brand of instrument they play? I don't feel strongly about what bass or basses you sell or buy, as long as they look good in London
  19. London my arse - make your own style and fashion innit... What's the worse that can happen if some cock doesn't like how your bass looks? And you want to pander to these people....... c'mon Chris get a grip man
  20. What band? Have you got any links?
  21. Nice one rasta, I've got the Farida Jazz and it really is a scorcha and totally underrated. Enjoy
  22. Thanks that's an amazing price - cheaper than going to the library!
  23. I got mine from the library but I'd buy one at that price - where did you get it? Sorry for derailment...
  24. It's called No Off Switch and it's a very good read. The acts you mention are best understood in the context of their place in time - they were so different to everything else, like a breath of fresh air and a beacon of light.
  25. I just finished Andy Kershaw's autobiography, which I highly recommend. His favourite 3 acts were Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and The Ramones and he explains how they affected him hugely when he first heard them. They each touched his soul in different ways, along with lots of other people including me. You had to be there at the time to get it - who feels it knows it
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