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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1393401205' post='2379688'] makes all my basses sound like [s]different instruments[/s] basses. [/quote] Fixed
  2. Volume on a passive bass has a major effect on the tone. The higher the volume setting increases the presence of higher frequencies. I keep the volume on my Jazz bass below 70% for a deep reggae tone - more than that introduces too much treble. Once the tone is right from the bass, the amp is used to adjust overall volume and to tweak EQ for different venues.
  3. Part 2: [media]http://youtu.be/-t11vdNtb2U[/media]
  4. For anyone interested in Jamaican music: [media]http://youtu.be/OKJSJypxKKQ[/media]
  5. Thanks for this review. Basses seem to be getting cheaper by the day - how low can they go! And the Telebass is only £78.00 How does the sound compare to the J&D jazz that you returned? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the Telebass...
  6. Active Mackies for us - compact, lightweight, easy set up, reliable, versatile and they sound great
  7. I believe the silver series were made of basswood. There is a recent thread on here somewhere showing the original brochure, here it is: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/229795-very-interesting-japanese-fender-other-makes-brochures-through-the-years/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/229795-very-interesting-japanese-fender-other-makes-brochures-through-the-years/[/url]
  8. Nice one
  9. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1392579511' post='2370322'] If so you outbid me on it, bargain from Stockport? [/quote] Cheapskate!
  10. Thanks tyc, I don't like Precisions for reggae because they're not clear enough. I need depth with clarity, which is probably why Jazz basses are most popular in this genre. I can add bass with EQ and heavy flats will help too.
  11. Thanks for the replies re weight and tone - it's getting harder to resist...
  12. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1392572383' post='2370183'] With you bro...i shouldn't have read this The Tort on green did it [/quote] Sorry man...... but they're so pretty for very little dough
  13. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1392572141' post='2370180'] I got one recently and you're not wrong - lots of bass for the money. There's an entire thread on them in this forum :-) [/quote] I asked a coupla questions in that thread, about weight and tone...... if you have time
  14. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1392569579' post='2370140'] Sorry guys, just this minute scored a Farida P bass on the evilbay for £95... [/quote] Well done with the Farida - I got the Farida Jazz and it's a corker, better than the Squier CVs that are made in the same factory and better than the Mex Fender I sold after buying the Farida, it's more on a par with US Fenders IMHO. I might have a gamble on a J&D just for the hell of it What's a [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Qtron+?....... do I need one??? [/font][/color]
  15. I'm finding it hard to resist purchasing one of these bad boys - I play reggae and I need a deep, smooth tone using heavy gauge flatwounds. just 2 questions to any owners out there: 1) What do they weigh? 2) How is the tone from the neck pick up soloed with the tone rolled off?
  16. I would also consider one of these inna familyman stylee: [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/jandd-jb-vintage-1975-sfgr-bass-guitar-surf-green--201561"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/jandd-jb-vintage-1975-sfgr-bass-guitar-surf-green--201561[/url]
  17. When in doubt, do nowt
  18. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]PM'd back [/font][/color]
  19. Thanks Chris - I'd like his job!
  20. Thanks for the ID, looks like they stopped trading last year.
  21. There's a good view from 2.40 but I don't recognise it. Also, does anyone know who the player is? [media]http://youtu.be/RF7lrWlExms[/media]
  22. You could try clicking the monitor button on the record channel of cubase, but it might introduce latency depending on your system and settings.
  23. I have a '90s Squier silver series Jazz if you're interested. Or a 2010 Farida Jazz.
  24. I have Owen's Acme 12 on loan and it is the best single 12" cab I've ever heard, solid as a rock and still reasonably light weight. Surprisingly loud with my LM11, (it's the 4 ohm version) and deeper sounding than than my 3015LF loaded 15, it's great to hear[b] all[/b] the bass [b]all[/b] the way down with no nasty peaks or bumps across the tonal range. Here's a look inside: [media]http://youtu.be/uJy3TscsL-U[/media]
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