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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. I don't find it surprising that the fee might put some people off. Ebay is free or very cheap to list with no sale no fee and it reaches a much larger audience. There are many for sale pages on Facebook which are also free and there are also places like Gumtree. It may be particularly the aspect of paying before your item sells that people don't like, because of the risk involved if it doesn't sell. It's very easy to photograph your item and post on a free site, so why pay for the privilege? Also, people may now browse the items wanted or for trade sections more, instead of listing their item for sale and just wait for someone who is looking for their item. I am not saying the fees are unreasonable, just offering a possible explanation. Edit: I have spoken to a number of members privately who have expressed their unhappiness with the fees, but they are reticent of saying anything publicly, for fear of a backlash against them.
  2. Maybe it's because of the cost - £20 is quite a lot to risk if the item doesn't sell or attract a trade.
  3. I got my digital luggage scales from Morissons for £4.99. Easy to put in your pocket when you go bass shopping
  4. As the previous owner of the fretted Blazer, I can recommend it as a great bass. Very solid, with a great punchy tone, the neck is fast and dead straight with perfect intonation. It's a player's bass with a cool, classic feel - they don't make 'em like this any more (unfortunately).
  5. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1371081573' post='2109722'] I have to say I have never taken a backup bass with me in 35 years of playing, nor Have I ever needed one. [/quote] Same. [i]Edit:[/i] And it's the same bass....... which was 15 years old when I bought it in 1978.
  6. I think most of us musicians who play live want to be at least liked and at best adored by our audience. Why else would we get up on stage? Or am I the only one
  7. Thanks Dave. I don't get on with Precision necks either, this one is Fender Jazz like, but with no dead spots. The whole thing feels very solid with an even tone across the strings and the Precision body is light and comfortable, giving the best of both designs imo. But I now have 8 basses and it's too many, so this will probably have to go along with a few others. Keep watching the classifieds.......
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1370886008' post='2106931'] wow that's clever! [/quote] Completely unintentional though
  9. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1370884569' post='2106884'] Glad you're lovin it matey! I enjoyed meeting you and the opportunity for a natter too! [/quote] Glad you like the Blazer too Andy. I ended up leaving the roundwounds on the G&L, they sound so funky
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1370885796' post='2106919'] I'm trying to work out who's who! [/quote] The clue's in the name
  11. I've been intrigued by these basses since first hearing about them and now I've got one, thanks to a trade with Andy (andydye on here). It's a lovely thing, very solid, yet lightweight - sings like a good Jazz with the comfort of a Precision body. Powerful single coil pick ups go from bright to deep and there is no hum like on some lesser instruments. Build quality is much better than my Squier CV or Mex Fender Jazz and it feels closer to a US Fender. It was a pleasure to meet Andy - here's a pic to prove it: [attachment=136659:g&l.jpg]
  12. Could it be this one? [media]http://youtu.be/X6dFeVos3X0[/media]
  13. I can only add to the glowing praise for Andy - he's one of the good guys for sure. We met yesterday to trade basses and it was a real pleasure, deal with confidence.
  14. Depends on the gig and on the band. If it's a quiet intimate do then sitting is fine, whereas a big loud do might require a bit of showmanship. Ask the band what they think and have a great time either way
  15. Oh happy day!
  16. Have you considered sitting down at practise sessions?
  17. So..... a risk well worth taking I'm glad they suit you so well. I love them in theory and I keep stringing basses with them and then taking them off after a couple of weeks because they lack oomph and they rattle too much on the frets. Maybe they suit players with a lighter touch than mine, I just can't get a deep dub sound with them and I wish I could because I like the feel and playability. The only bass I've kept them on is a fretless Precision and they sound good on that, but not for dub reggae - I prefer GHS precision flats on a Jazz for that. My friend uses them exclusively and you can hear him here with them on both his Jazz and Precision, proving it can work: [url="http://amarumusic.net/#releases2"]http://amarumusic.net/#releases2[/url] PS: I don't like new strings, they all sound better after at least a year to me.
  18. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1370237071' post='2097839'] Mate, I can't see why your negative about someone taking a risk to try these well regarding strings? It seems to me like everyone here cares about their bass tone, how do you know if you don't try? I like Flats and been using them for a few years, now I want to get a top shelf set for my top shelf Fender Custom Shop bass. I'm sold on the idea! [b]"It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win" – John Paul Jones[/b] And really, mother jokes like that? [/quote] Sorry if I offended you mate, you started with the mother jokes not me so I mistakenly presumed you had a SOH. You asked for advice but you didn't say you only wanted positive comments. I find TIs too thin and middy for the styles you mentioned, hence the warning - wish I hadn't bothered now.
  19. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1370203555' post='2097602'] True, but it's £42 so is relatively low risk. More importantly, these strings are well recommended and I was concerned about the balance, KiOgan seems like he's on my wavelength and the curiosity is building for sure. The pro's like them, I wonder why? You're not hanging out with my mother are you?!! Cheers pal. [/quote] Hey pal, if you think £42 is relatively low risk, good luck to you Let us know how you like them. PS Give my love to your mother
  20. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1370193382' post='2097423'] can't account for personal taste though can you! [/quote] Exactly and from what you've said you are taking a risk.
  21. Pino seems to like them and he plays all the genres you mention, (on a Precision).
  22. This is the first song of our set at Kaya Festival in North Wales last weekend. It's a jam with cover version lyrics we made up as a sound check. We had a great time and look forward to the next one - festivals are what summer is made for [media]http://youtu.be/BAyMhV9CH-s[/media]
  23. A friend of mine bought one new and had to return it because the bridge was so rusty, it was impossible to adjust. He's very happy with the replacement though.
  24. On the i player for another week: [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00cp52s"]http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b00cp52s[/url]
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