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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1360429091' post='1970286'] I think this Fretless/Fretted bass thing only became really noticeable when Jaco became popular and everyone noticed (and it was often mentioned in reviews etc) that he played a Fretless bass. Before that i remember Bass players with a few popular groups played Fretless and no one ever mentioned it. [/quote] Can you name them please, I'd really like to check them out. Thanks, Steve.
  2. Not everyone's taste I know, but what canyerdo... [url="https://soundcloud.com/tacsiband/sets/masters-13"]https://soundcloud.com/tacsiband/sets/masters-13[/url] Hard copies a fiver including UK post. If you do happen to like it, please like us here and see our groovy videos etc: [url="http://www.facebook.com/tacsimusic"]http://www.facebook.com/tacsimusic[/url] Thanks for listening, Steve.
  3. I thought you were selling up - you hopeless bass addict you...... PS: Takes one to know one.
  4. They've been around for quite a while now and there's a 4th model too - the limited run sunburst with blocks and binding. I've never played one, but I know the weights vary from approx. 7.5 lbs to 9.5 lbs because I called a shop in Sheffield who had a few in and they weighed them all for me.
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360412957' post='1969952'] What are your large speakers? [/quote] My large speakers are 1970s Goodmans Goodwoods - not great I know, but I've had them so long and I know what a good mix sounds like on them. But they are not professional monitors and they are flattering rather than revealing, which is why I need more detailed near field monitors. Unfortunately, I'm also broke. I just remembered, I have a pair of small Wharfedale concentric speakers with the tweeters in the middle of the woofer cones - I might try them with an old Eagle amp... Thanks chaps for the M Audio recommendations, they do look more professional than the Creatives, if I can get the dosh together.
  6. Thanks Mr. Stone, I just read all the reviews on Amazon and there's a lot of complaints about over heating, which is a worry cos mine will be going on a window ledge. I already have full size speakers, I want something for near field work to show better detail and stereo imaging and also to give an idea how my mixes would sound on smaller systems.. I have been using headphones, but I'd like something between cans and my large speakers.
  7. I've gone off the JBLs after finding out they automatically switch themselves off after a short time without any signal and take a while to fire up again - that would be very annoying when mixing. My new plan is to go for these: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001IZZ2PE/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i4?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0ZPNW8ZJXPJXZ5E8Y7DA&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=358549767&pf_rd_i=468294"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001IZZ2PE/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i4?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0ZPNW8ZJXPJXZ5E8Y7DA&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=358549767&pf_rd_i=468294[/url] Has anyone here used them or have any other suggestions? Anyone?.........
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360321949' post='1968498'] I resent those remarks! You did drive too fast, and I never got to see the scenery that I came for. Chill out or I'll fetch my gang from South Wales! Clown! Whore! Taxi Driver! [/quote] You Norwegian tourists are all mouth and trousers and terrible tippers to boot Steve.
  9. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1360283342' post='1968213'] ................annnnnnyway, back to what you peasents think is expression, what touches your hearts? [/quote] Mostly Studio One and some Motown, also The Doors and Miles Davis.
  10. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1360277088' post='1968135'] This can be a wonderful and supportive place, but I don't think this has been its finest hour. [/quote] Agreed, I've been ganged up on by the BC massive before and it's very unpleasant - I notice a few of the same names are involved here. Some people just like to put the boot in and they feel stronger with their gang in support. Very easy on line, but I wonder how tough these people are face to face, one on one. It's all a bit 'Lord Of The Flies' and quite unnecessary.
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360273444' post='1968031'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][url="http://www.youtube.com/musselerran"]http://www.youtube.com/musselerran[/url][/color][/font] [/quote] I don't think so.
  12. I'm thinking of going for these: [url="http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/reviews/audio/3423960/jbl-jembe-desktop-speaker-review/?tab=verdictTab#top"]http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/reviews/audio/3423960/jbl-jembe-desktop-speaker-review/?tab=verdictTab#top[/url] Only £30 from Tesco and they get good reviews.
  13. Thanks Jack, that looks a good buy and very ergonomic, have you got one and if so is the audio quality good enough for mixing multi track recordings? I wonder if the closeness of the right and left speakers will make stereo imaging difficult when panning instruments in a mix. I have an iPhone but I don't use it for music, so it's not a feature I need, nor is the remote control.
  14. Greetings fellow recording enthusiasts, I want some small PC speakers for monitoring my mixes, so I know what they sound like on small systems. I have large speakers, but I want something small for near field monitoring, so I can get a better of the stereo field and as an alternative, since a lot of people listen on small speakers, in the car etc. Is a sub woofer a good idea or not? I'd prefer not to have one for ergonomic reasons, providing there is a reasonable bass response from the speakers. I'm considering these: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/ref=pe_207271_34401401_pe_pack6txt/?ASIN=B000WQIKJ0"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/ref=pe_207271_34401401_pe_pack6txt/?ASIN=B000WQIKJ0[/url] But any suggestions are very welcome. Thanks, Steve.
  15. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1359548426' post='1956342'] I think the best thing to come out of all this is, that you/we will probably listen to our [i][b]own[/b][/i] efforts with new ears... I gotta get away from presets too - your not alone there Good luck with the the new album,man [/quote] Thanks and also thanks for your links about using busses for FX - I'm kind of half way there on that one. It's hard to break old bad habits and I use a project template for all my band recordings, which has the same pre set plug ins on each track. I told you I was lazy The new album is all in Welsh and it will be ruff and ready, with all the tracks recorded in one session. We are also starting on a new English album next week - we've got so many new songs and this is the time to record them, before the gigging season starts again. I'll post a link to both albums when they're done. Thanks again to all involved in this competition, the knowledge I've already gained is invaluable. Steve.
  16. Thanks a lot for that great in depth analysis Skol, I will listen again to your mix with new ears now. It puts my mix to shame - just a few pre sets and none of the fancy stuff for me! I will try and utilise some of your ideas on my next project - we just recorded a new album, (10 tracks in one evening) and I'm about to start on the mixing.......
  17. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1359276155' post='1952276'] If you place reverb as an effect to the track directly it tends to overpower or take the voice 'back' into the mix with limited control over whats happening. Using the FX group method lets you adjust very precisely and send again to other FX either wet dry or a combination. [/quote] I always use insert effects rather than aux sends and I control the amount of eg. reverb with the mix control. Is this wrong?
  18. I just listened to them all again and gave my vote to 51m0n. I'm not very technical and my mix uses pre sets in cubase, whereas I think you have all gone the extra mile with plug ins, eq etc. Having said that, my mix is still the one that will go on the album, because it sits better with the other tracks already mixed. Si's mix adds another dimension and really lifts the track - I love the way the bass and drums sound and I particularly like the vocal fx. It sounds more radio friendly and would make a good single, with a bit more work on the intro - I agree with Charic that the snare sounds too loud at the start. All in all, it's been very interesting to hear all the mixes and they all have something new and different going on, with none of them sounding at all bad. I have learned a lot, but I am lazy and I'm not really cut out to be a sound engineer - I just want to play bass, but I'm the one with the recording space and cubase, so it falls to me, since we can't afford a proper studio. I showed this competition to the rest of the band, but they couldn't give a monkeys - which was no surprise. They would be perfectly happy with any of these mixes and I suppose we are all more interested in writing and performing than recording. I would like to thank you all for your hard work and I look forward to the next competition, which I might even have a go at Oh, here's a video I nicked off youtube to go with this song: [media]http://youtu.be/Sowdkd4vnW0[/media]
  19. My link is now [url="https://soundcloud.com/redstriper-mix-stems/no-2nd-chance-un-mastered-mix"]https://soundcloud.com/redstriper-mix-stems/no-2nd-chance-un-mastered-mix[/url] Sorry Si, the previous one doesn't work.
  20. I have a kappalite 3015LF in a very small Flite cab and I like it very much. I play mainly reggae and soul music and I like a very deep bass tone. This driver sounds clear, deep and smooth, with more treble response than I expected. The non LF version might be more suitable if you like more upper mid and treble. I have no idea how they would sound in your cab though. I also had the kappalite 3015LF in an Ashdown cab and it sounded great there too.
  21. Dunno, unless it's coz you're a.... [quote]Totally Juvenile Idiot[/quote]
  22. I just did it for you - I clicked 'share' on the youtube page and then copied and pasted the url. Hope that helps.
  23. I just copy and paste the url - it usually works, but sometimes not and I don't know why.
  24. Come to think of it, it was just after moving to Wales, that our kids arrived and I stopped gigging. It's a great place to bring them up though and they will probably be bilingual like mine too. I hope you find your niche here and that you find some interesting musical projects. My youngest daughter has sung with my band and we played at her wedding...... all in the future for you grasshopper We will play down your way sometime and it would be good to meet up. If you do facebook, like us there and you should hear of any local gigs. [url="http://www.facebook.com/tacsimusic"]http://www.facebook.com/tacsimusic[/url]
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