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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. Thanks for the weight mate! I have a Farida Jazz, the model below this and it's a fantastic bass.
  2. I hardly listen to anything else these days, despite having a huge collection, in fact I can't remember the last time I played an album. I record and mix my band every week and really enjoy listening to the results, particularly with new songs. It's great having the multi tracks and I love the technology that lets me do it so easily.
  3. What does it weigh please?
  4. I went for the LPB because you said it's the darkest sounding and would suit flats - they should all have flats to be period correct IMO. My 'customised' '63 is the deepest sounding bass I have ever played and I'd love to compare it to these.
  5. Funny, I just passed my Squier CV Jazz on to my nephew and he preferred it to all my basses, including US and Mex Fenders. My favourite after my '63 Jazz is the Farida, it is so well built and feels and sounds like a much more expensive instrument.
  6. I think they are over priced in comparison to many copies, but I'm only going on the few that I've played and one that I owned. They are built on the cheap and churned out with variable quality control. The price is over twice what it would be without the name on the head stock. I prefer the Squier CVs and even better the Faridas which are made in the same factory.
  7. I really wish I understood any of this, but I don't and I have no idea how my rig sounds to anyone else.
  8. They take about 3 years to start sounding really good
  9. They'll only get better
  10. This is also quite useful: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIzV9462xeE&feature=relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIzV9462xeE&feature=relmfu[/url]
  11. I just leave it on.
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1350248462' post='1836421'] "Millions? Then what?" [/quote] Love that and so true, not many people die wishing they'd made more money.
  13. There's more to life (and music) than the fee you get at the end [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ERbvKrH-GC4"]http://www.youtube.c...d&v=ERbvKrH-GC4[/url]
  14. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1350221924' post='1835897'] I do wonder if people playing for free realise how much they spend on gear, rehearsals, transport etc... [/quote] No, we're all too stupid or rich to care
  15. A new bass won't make you play any better. If you like the Jet King, keep it and play it - don't let GAS take over, it's a terminal illness with no happy end. I'd have the 62 Jazz BTW.
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1350130426' post='1834905'] It's really not! But your diplomatic skills are duly noted. [/quote] Thanks man, you're right it's really not!
  17. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1350130174' post='1834899'] A couple of years back, a blind, one-legged lady, wearing a blue duffel coat and odd socks tripped over my dog... I was most upset, as was Fido. I really don't think that blind, one legged ladies wearing blue duffel coats and odd socks tripping over dogs should be tolerated... I feel I should speak out against this kind of thing. What do you folks think? Only kidding [/quote] I resent old people, young people and animals, especially when they do things for free....... swines And don't start me on rocks, plants and insects... AND FISH !!!......... FFS - what have they ever done for us? - lazy sh1ttin' tossers, come over here, taking our men.......
  18. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350127225' post='1834838'] That's was my point all along just see both sides not just your side [/quote] Chill dude, I'm trying to see your side and I'm not simply trying to win an internet argument here. It's an interesting subject that affects all performing musicians. I haven't seen any evidence here of anyone being hurt by bands playing for free and your example doesn't mention the phenomena. Unless you're saying that band fees are generally going down and eventually we will all have to play free to get a gig? Unknown bands have to play free or even pay to play, just to get noticed and most of them will never reach the professional level. Big name acts and function bands get decent fees, leaving unknown original bands to struggle - this has always been a problem and it's due to market place economics, which are particularly bad right now. Them's the breaks dude
  19. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350126174' post='1834828'] I don't play the venue, only ever did one gig there and really diddnt like the owner so never went back. [/quote] So dude, that's one venue that cut it's band payments and it doesn't affect you anyway. There is no mention in your post of bands playing for free and [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]30 quid a man sounds reasonable to me (more than my band usually gets).[/font][/color] Times are hard and both venues and bands are struggling, but blaming other musicians won't help or change anything. Sorry, but I just don't see what all the fuss is about.
  20. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350125255' post='1834812'] Really don't think it is a prob for me [/quote] So who is it a problem for? A few real life examples of bands losing work please.
  21. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350124081' post='1834792'] Redstiper ..,. I gave a real world example in a local venue. If you want to read it go back a few pages you diddnt get it first time I doubt you will now. [/quote] Why do you do doubt me? I'm sorry I missed your post of how this has affected you directly - what is the post number, to save me trawling through the whole thing again?
  22. Nobody has yet given a single example of how bands playing for free has had a negative effect on them, financially or otherwise. Can we have some real world examples showing how this disgraceful behaviour has caused such misery and resentment?
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1350084518' post='1834539'] that's called 'competition' [/quote] Very nicely put if I may say so
  24. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350068847' post='1834337'] You wanna play for free do it in a pub that won't hurt other musicians. [/quote] Have you ever been hurt in this way, do you know of anyone who has?
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