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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. Believe the hype, the bass sounds great in the video and here's some more from info from the site: "Spunky series of increased requests for a long time there was a but, is only now introduced to all of you. Passive Jazz Bass Fender Jazz Bass as the concept of a vintage t 70% to 30% + I mixed the modern modeonham bosimyeon alike feels you'd want to gauge. Gently scoop the middle between ranges, and the bass and treble well survive a cold slab seamless tones and more subtle and more soberly to eoulrilman to play. Fender Jazz Bass has the look of the waist compared to the more slender and more nalryeophayeo overall appearance with the beauty and light weight, relatively little guy's got a little lady has been designed to complement deulegedo. "Spunky Standard" and we encourage you to create a wonderful groove."
  2. Google translate says this about the body: [quote]f*** he looks like a very sophisticated look suitable Selected Swamp ash body and chose to re. Ash seuwompeu distinctive characteristic of the large grained Beach Wave Trans White Blonde finish and chrome hardware with a combination of means sayibeotik yeonchulhae feeling even. Bass is considered important for light weight and greed for a rich, sophisticated tones that are of the same time, satisfy is a Choice.[/quote] What's not to like?
  3. What is wrong with Cubase 1 ? I ask because I use it and I can't imagine what any newer software can do that it can't.
  4. Just like to say that I completely agree with Bilbo and that's a first I've played nothing but reggae for 25 years and just started learning funk, I'm well out of my comfort zone and see it as a huge challenge - wish I'd started sooner... PS: Still don't like Wals though.
  5. That is lovely - well done and don't feel guilty, just be happy
  6. [quote name='ficelles' post='1337195' date='Aug 12 2011, 01:41 AM']'Police & Thieves" - Junior Murvin[/quote] Love the bass line:-
  7. Hello, A friend of mine has just bought one of these new and he cannot get it working properly, the audio stutters continually and he thinks it's a driver problem. Does anyone here have any advice for him, (apart from sending it back)? Thanks, Steve.
  8. I remember your Jazz bass stage well Chris, because I was sorely tempted to buy at least one of them when you were knocking them out for peanuts As far as reggae timing goes: I'd be interested to hear your track if you can be bothered to upload it.
  9. [quote name='razze06' post='1335180' date='Aug 10 2011, 03:31 PM']The songs seem to be mostly originals, not very rootsy and with more of a ska and rocksteady vibe to most of them. I'll stick to deep and smooth bass though, cause that's what I like for this kind of thing. I'll keep my plucking hand close to the neck, and my mindset on the strong and repetitive pattern. cheers![/quote] Sounds like a plan. I just realised I recommended the Jazz bass without knowing anything about your others - take whichever you feel most comfortable with so long as it's got a deep smooth tone.
  10. Are the songs cover versions or originals and what style of reggae are they? If it's roots reggae I would use the Jazz bass - neck pup only on about 75%, tone rolled right off, heavy flatwound strings if possible, otherwise well worn rounds. Play finger style between the neck and the pup with a strong and repetitive feel with no fills or fanciness. The bass must be absolutely solid and able to carry the riddim in the absence of all other instruments. Remove all treble and upper mids on the amp, it's all about deep smooth clean bass. Enjoy yourself and good luck
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='1330320' date='Aug 6 2011, 08:37 PM']I'm recording a reggae bass track and my first 10 or so attempts sound rushed. Looking at the Pro Tools files I'm on the beat, but clearly need to be a little behind it to get the right feel. However, I'm finding it really hard get that feel. Any tips for doing this, preferably from the playing side as opposed to in the edit Thanks guys C[/quote] Hey Chris: Can you post an mp3 of what you've got so far? There are as many ways of playing reggae as there are styles within the genre. Check out [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/ALIONBASS"]this youtube channel[/url] and listen to lots of music in the same vein you are trying to emulate. Oh - and get a jazz bass Steve.
  12. [quote name='Andyjr1515' post='1327725' date='Aug 4 2011, 08:12 PM']I have since clarified that making offers is generally OK but PMs are generally not. Andy[/quote] Andy - offers by PM are fine and I have made and received many, with no offence taken on either side - but then, I've never dealt with shockwave! I also missed the 'firm' part in the OP and I applaud your gracious apology for 'your mistake'. Shockwave - I don't know what drove me to get involved here and I have nothing personal against you, we all make mistakes as WOT said.
  13. Sorry but something stinks here and I can't ignore it. What do you mean by [quote]I stand by what I have said in regards to the form the haggling took and what I think of it.[/quote]? I haven't seen anything wrong about the 'form that the haggling took'. From what I understand he offered £10 below the asking price to cover his fuel costs in a PM. If such a perfectly reasonable offer makes you so angry, perhaps you should re-consider your role as a moderator of other's behaviour. And this is ridiculous: [quote]Technically the post before me was also subject of a PM to me, so really the other guy did it first. Should I ban him for it?[/quote] Are you power mad? He simply mentioned that he had PMd you, which is quite reasonable and nothing like you're public response which contained details of his message in an insulting manner in an attempt to make him look cheap in front of his peers. That is out of order in my book and I cannot see any genuine regret or humility in your apology. I may have the details wrong and I don't like to get involved in judging people - I just say it as I see it.
  14. I am disappointed by the arrogance displayed here and wonder if it is supported by the rest of the mods on this forum?
  15. PM means [b]private[/b] message doesn't it ?
  16. [quote name='dc2009' post='1325581' date='Aug 3 2011, 12:55 PM']It is banned for a seller to ask the buyer to pay him 'marked as a gift' on paypal[/quote] Oh yes, that's because paypal don't want to lose their fees - it's free if you pay with funds from your paypal account. I thought you meant it was banned by this forum where it's quite a common practise afaik.
  17. [quote name='dc2009' post='1325449' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:43 AM']Paypal payment as a gift for items sold on here is a banned activity, if someone asks for it, point them in the right direction, and if you're dubious of why they're asking for it, alert a mod.[/quote] I didn't know it was banned and I've used that method a few times - which direction do you mean?
  18. [quote name='stevie' post='1320901' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:13 PM']I think this is the first time I've seen anyone resorting to namecalling on Basschat.[/quote] You missed [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147377&st=320"][u]this[/u] (post 330)[/url] recent outburst then:
  19. [quote name='Kongo' post='1319394' date='Jul 28 2011, 02:58 PM']In case no one has though, just wanted to say in Billy Sheehan's DVD "IMHO" he addresses this well witht he whole "practise versus playing" section, speaking on music and mechanics.[/quote] I haven't seen that DVD - would you mind summarising what he says about "practise versus playing". Thanks for your time (if you have enough). Steve.
  20. I don't know if this will help cos I'm no genius but I use an Alesis multimix 16 (firewire) and cubase sx 1. To enable recording on all tracks in cubase: click 'vst inputs' in the Devices menu and activate all the tracks. Select the track input channel in the Inspector Panel on the left of the tracks. Edit: lowdown beat me to it and the video he posted is a more recent version of cubase than mine, so probably more useful. Hope this helps. Steve.
  21. The new Squier CV 50s Precision has a pine body and is very light - might be worth a try.
  22. They sound pretty good here:
  23. [quote name='BasH' post='1302850' date='Jul 13 2011, 08:50 PM'][url="http://public-peace.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=43&Itemid=49"]Maruszczyk[/url] makes a lighter Jazz bass.which can be built to look like a regular one (just mention it, 'cause on their site the look more 'bare'). On their site they only show actives ones, but I'm sure they'll built a passive one as well if you ask them (with any type of pickups, hardware etc.) It is a chambered bass, but sounds exactly the same as their regular Jazz model (with the same strings, pickups and preamp of course).[/quote] These look amazing - have you played one?
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