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Everything posted by redstriper

  1. Fender basses are the sound on nearly all the great rock, soul, funk, reggae etc. etc. from the past 50 years. To me, it's how a bass should sound and the USA vintage range are still great instruments. I don't think they're relatively much more expensive than they've ever been. I also don't think you can beat them for sound and they still seem quite popular amongst pros, but it's all a matter of taste and I don't like Ampegs or Stingrays
  2. [quote name='henry norton' post='500022' date='May 28 2009, 04:46 PM']The EB's playing really well by the way, and I've managed to keep it away from my router so far [/quote] Glad you're enjoying it, I thought it was well meaty without any need for uprades and just wanted a good playing in - which it sounds like it's getting now
  3. I agree with Henry Norton about short scale basses, they're cool and not just for kids. You might not notice such a big difference though, try playing your full scale bass as if the first two frets don't exist (use a capo if it helps), detune by a tone and it's suddenly a short scale - you still need to stretch those fingers! Short scale can mean a more clanky sound because the strings have less tension, this can be alleviated by fitting higher gauge strings. I've used Squier Bronco, EB-0 and Cort and my quick review would go like this - Bronco - plays well with a punchy tone but let down by poor electrics and cheap fittings. EB-0 - better build quality and great for 'that' traditional deep growly sound. Cort - beautifully made, highly playable, smaller and lighter than the others with more tonal options. I think you've made the right choice with the Cort, but I haven't tried every short scale bass out there by a long way and there could be something more suitable for you - there's so much choice these days! The price at Thommans depends on the exchange rate and can go either way, hopefully it will move in your favour. Good luck.
  4. Go for the Cort if you like a modern sound, it's much better quality than the Squier and more versatile than the EB-0. You can get it within budget [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/cort_action_junior_bass.htm"]here[/url]. Thomanns are very good to deal with and I think they will give you a refund (less postage) if you don't like it (check first). I've bought various gear from them and always been pleased with their service. There's a review of the Cort [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Cort/Action+Bass+Jr/10/1"]here[/url] which I didn't write but totally agree with.
  5. Cort Action Junior is an excellent quality, very playable little bass with a modern sound. Recommend you try one before settling for a bronco or EB-0.
  6. [u][quote]It is the biggest pile of bollocks I have ever heard in my entire life, and that's being kind.[/quote][/u] Good point - well made.
  7. Most classic reggae was recorded with a Fender jazz bass and it's still favourite for dub/reggae - ask Familyman or Robbie S. A precision will do it very well too, as will any bass - it's all in the heart and the fingers not the instrument. You can hear 3 different jazzes playing reggae [url="http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ALIONBASS&view=videos"]here[/url]. Jazz bass ain't too shabby for jazz and blues either I hear.
  8. [quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='493008' date='May 20 2009, 09:46 AM']Ha! Thats exactly what i'm buying! Thanks for the reply. Did you call them to get the lead thrown in?[/quote] No, I emailed them to ask if I could have a lead thrown in and they immediately replied saying yes. I then placed the order and the amp arrived next day with a long speakon good quality cable. It's a very heavy, very loud amp with a rich gutsy tone - ideal for rock music. Not smooth enough for my taste and too heavy for my back ! Great value too - enjoy !
  9. I bought a Hartke LH1000 from them a few months ago. After a few days I realised it wasn't right for me and I returned it. They gave me a refund less a handling charge which I thought reasonable. They were easy to deal with and friendly on the phone, with no problems. Hope this helps. Oh - I also got them to throw in a free speakon lead with the deal.
  10. redstriper

    73ish P

    Tidy ! I'm coming round to try it .............. (the sofa that is)
  11. Thanks for the info - The very low weight is the best thing for me, but will it play and sound as good as a precision ? And why did they make the show model in dirty green ?
  12. [quote name='casapete' post='489850' date='May 16 2009, 02:59 PM']Went to the Manchester Guitar show last Sunday[/quote] I wanted to get to the show to try that very bass, but couldn't make it. I presume you had a go on it while you were there - how did it feel and sound ?
  13. Take the Roland to uni for practising. Leave the GK with a band member and get him to take it to the gigs for you.
  14. [quote name='owen' post='486507' date='May 12 2009, 11:32 PM']TI Jazz rounds are THE BOMB. Bendy, rubbery (in a good way) long lasting. I love them very much and I was looking for just what you were looking for. Did I mention that they are THE BOMB?[/quote] I reckon I'm gonna have to get me some - have you tried the flats Owen ?
  15. [quote name='Tusknia' post='486222' date='May 12 2009, 06:20 PM']Has anyone tried the TI Jazz rounds?[/quote] I haven't, but I know a man who has and he swears by them as the best roundwounds he's ever used. He's been playing sessions for years and he also uses TI Jazz flats on some basses for a more old skool sound. Check out some of [url="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=thomastik+jazz+rounds&aq=5&oq=thomasti"]these vids[/url] for an idea of their sound in different contexts. It's a shame there isn't somewhere that you could hire strings for a week just to try them - maybe someone on this forum will set it up............
  16. [quote name='Apothem' post='486010' date='May 12 2009, 03:09 PM']Bl**dy typical... I forgot to add: roundwound only LOL!! I am going to modify the original text Thanks anyway guys[/quote] TI jazz strings come as roundwound or flatwound, the rounds are slightly lower gauge than the flats, (43 51 68 89, compared to 43 56 70 100). They also do Powerbass Roundwounds at 47 68 80 107. I haven't tried any of them, but I've heard they are all very felxible with a smooth sound and I'm sure if you search you tube, you will find some demos. You can buy them [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/frameset.asp?MAIN=http://www.stringbusters.com/ko-kat/BASS%20STRINGS/THOMASTIK/"]here[/url].
  17. Simple solutions are always best
  18. Use a jack to jack extension cable.
  19. [quote name='Beedster' post='483244' date='May 8 2009, 07:44 PM']I've got some little used TIs you can have[/quote] I would be interested in these if no one else wants them. I want fat smooth flats for a deep reggae sound on a jazz bass, heavy gauge is best. I don't mind old or used because I prefer them to be played in - I usually change them about every 10 years. I currently use GHS which are very smooth, but I fancy trying TIs, labellas and pyramid golds if anyone has any old ones going cheap. Don't like the sound of the pain with the deep talkers though - what causes that? Don't like rotosound flats because they're not smooth enough. I've got a new set of custom light gauge rotosound roundwounds to swap if anyone's interested.
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='478256' date='May 3 2009, 02:57 PM']I own a MAG 300H head and MAG 2 x 10 cab but have never gigged them so I don't even know myself [/quote] Why don't you try gigging with your present rig before buying another?
  21. [quote name='Matty' post='477954' date='May 2 2009, 08:38 PM']Would you be interested in a white one?[/quote] I'll get in the queue.
  22. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='476180' date='Apr 30 2009, 04:59 PM']does your bass maker do [b][color="#000000"]neck-thru [/color][/b]too [/quote] I think he did make neck thrus. I didn't know him very well and I bought his old bass when he built himself a new one. He toured a lot in Rhodesia (as it was then) and South Africa. I still have the bass and I'd like to know more about it. Do you know him?
  23. [quote name='Matty' post='460278' date='Apr 12 2009, 12:32 AM']Shergold porn coming up when this one arrives...[/quote] Looks like my kinda bass - please let me know if you decide to sell.
  24. [quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='475792' date='Apr 30 2009, 10:38 AM']I'm looking to upgrade my head, i'm currently using a warwick profet 5.1 500w. I use it through a warwick pro 411 (4x10) cab that is rated 600w at 4ohm with max 800w. I like a sound similar to the tool bassist and play a similar style of music - sort of progressive heavy rock...? I like a clean but fat sound, I think perhaps a slight bit of 'growl' might be nice for some of the heavy parts when i'm really going at it but i don't like an overdriven sound. I don't use any effects either. I'm very interested in the Hartke LH1000 and the GK 1001 RB II. Has anyone used one or both these amps? Can you tell me the pros and cons of each (apart from the Hartke is way cheaper) and if they would suit the sort of music I play? Or perhaps a different suggestion? Also as they are both powerful amps would they kill my cab? I am planning on eventually getting a compact or bigone from Alex at Barefaced Bass but that will be a bit after i've got a new head so I will have to play with the 4x10 cab for a while. Thanks for help! Chris.[/quote] I have also used the Hartke LH1000 but not the GK and I think it would suit you very well. Clean, fat with a touch of growl and plenty of power - it's a lot of amp for the money. I sent mine back because it was too heavy and too rich sounding for me. I prefer a very smooth sound and I now use a markbass LM11. Oh and it won't kill your cab unless you're really determined, stupid or deaf.
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