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Everything posted by spacey

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1418074518' post='2626691'] Muststand Sally? [/quote] Get yer coat pete
  2. Thats why I said, just keep the sub and ignore him, move on, if he pesters just tell him if your not going to be fair mate, just Foxtrot Oscar. Get your own back by getting a band up quickly, even cherry pick from the other members.
  3. Ok. Lets have some songs for people who can not play without a music stand... Stand and Deliver...
  4. I would keep the sub and move on, lifes too short, put the energy in to a new band
  5. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1417996179' post='2625923'] The Wilkes is pretty rare IIUC. Do we know why? [/quote] Had a fretted one, briefly in the 80's, you let go and it nutted the deck. This might explain why they never took off..
  6. The real one has a three bolt neck...
  7. The worst sound guys I know all fit one generic group. All got bits of paper from colleges and none play any type of instrument in a band. To me that is like having a teetotal wine maker, or a car designer who can not drive. The couple I know who have their own bands always nail it and nail it very easily as well in any venue. One I know was asked to go to Sheffield where a band had had atrocious mixes through the line array gear. He took his own Graphics and inserted them desk end and it sounded like pure CD mix. Next band on, he put it all back and it sounded like Mud with the regular guy on.
  8. Grape based Alcohol beverages drank the night before appear to be an odds on for a bad throat for some reason.
  9. I would narrow it down to attire ! Theirs not yours. Ballroom gowns + Dinner suits = music stands look good ! Jeans and generic band T-shirts and you look a right ****
  10. Once depped for a country band and every song was some variation of E B A all night long. I scrawled a few down to avoid mixing them up and what a crutch that bit of paper becomes, to the point if someone stole it you would panic and not be able to play. Learning to memory is harder at the start, but it soon becomes easy walking without crutches. As I agree with most, stands and music have an acceptable venue level and an unacceptable one where you just look like someone who is too daft or lazy to remember a few old cover songs.
  11. Personally if I walked in the local to see a covers band and they had music stands up in front of everyone, think I would try the next pub.
  12. Few years ago put together a really good band to get club work, the vocalist had to have this lyric book on the floor at all times. We failed every audition with agents outright as they all noticed this lyrics book and the singer reading from it. We told him he had to learn the set without it, all were well known classics anyway. He just upped and left and to this day even in his present band he still has a lyrics book and again, they only get poor quality work. I agree with above, its the difference between a "musician" and a performer. There is types of events where it is expected to see musicians reading and there is another world where people demand entertaining by the performance. Mixing them up can be costly, in club/ pub/ wedding / party land you are expected to at very least, bottom starting line, know the set. .
  13. Once vocalist gets any lyrics written down, for some reason they need it written down every performance, panic sets in if they can not find the bit of paper.
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1417872585' post='2624727'] I don't know where all this Rickenbacker hatred is from. Plug then into a barefaced and they sound great. [/quote] You need a job to buy one Like any expensive bass.
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1417870071' post='2624703'] I was always taught that if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all, of course I took no notice and that's why I am disliked by anyone on here with a Ricky bass [/quote] I have a few Ricky basses, I like your posts, thats because Pete I am an adult who like discussing things with other adults without becoming childish. I actually have a right chuckle at some stuff you post as well, a lot nearer the truth than some like, but it's still a good read.
  16. One of the worst things about songwriting is some prat in the band usually tries to rubbish it down by saying "sounds like" . Hence why you find most successful creators work alone and tell then band what they are playing, like it or lump it, one way or the highway. Then they might let them have a go at bringing some changes to how things are played. This appears to be how most successful songwriters get songs out. They dont let anyone break their stride or pull the work down. Drawing on influences is also a very good tool to have in the creative chest. A bit like having some standard tools in the tool box that get the job started. Stick with it, you are creating, that puts you in a lot higher league than the "sounds like" talentless trolls. Better still, lets hear it !
  17. I would say this one finger thing is more of an urban myth. Jamerson was a trained double bass player, he would have needed slightly more than one finger. I am quite sure he used what ever fingers he required at the time.
  18. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1417867770' post='2624671'] Do you have a 'real' 70s Jazz Bass? [/quote] Not at present, sold the last 70's jazz in July I think, 1974 USA in Scotch lacquer, looked like honey, played like a lead bass. In my time can remember 3 actual 70's passing through my hands, one, a black 77 was total dream bass, heavy, but wow factor level 10. The mex re-issue is the closest I have found to the good ones. As pointed out by many others, those that have actually owned them will all tell you the same, they go from zero to hero and not by year, you have to play it. Could be down to they were still using hand jigs and who made it.
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1417868750' post='2624681'] and you mean boutique rather than bouquet but never mind! [/quote] Ha Ha, ruddy phone, thats it, I give in, how do you turn autocorrect off
  20. The cash extraction fashion for what can only be described as [u][b]boutique [/b][/u]or designer equipment is in full swing at the present times. Fancy "driver" pedals that are just re-hashed over drive/ distortion boxes, amps with tweed coverings that are still "just amps" Bass cabs with speakers in wooden boxes that cost 5x what similar speakers in wooden boxes do with fancy Italian names that would be far better suited to a birds designer Italian Leather handbag. They are either a lot of folk with far more money than sense trying to kid themselves it "sounds better" or bass players are losing a sense of value. Most of it is churned straight out from Chinese assembly plants for pennies a go. Anyone else find the Womans handbag craze thats applied to bass gear slightly bemusing. Having seen a 2x12 cab for £1200 that is just two eminence (re-labelled) 12" £75 drivers in a plywood box, I must say, baffled who would fall for such obvious marketing ploys is my personal bemusement. That and it has never even seen Italy in its life. Handbags and glad-rags and bass gear.... PS : ruddy spell check app : title LOL...
  21. The Mexican Fender 70's re-issue Jazz bass is just one of those lost Gems in the range finish wise, change the picks for Duncans and for a fraction you have a very playable bass that looks identical to the 70's with the correct pick up spacing, neck binding and real blocks . The actual real 70's jazz went from unplayable neck diving junk to silk, the silk ones usually got worn out and the junk ones left in cases.
  22. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1417720959' post='2623489'] Current rig is Peavey Max 700 and Hughes & Kettner 4x10. Fed up with class D amps and lightweight cabs not really being able to hit the sweet spot. They 'sound' loud without actually being loud if you know what I mean? I'm not saying volume's everything; but even at low volumes my Peavey Max sounds better than the TC Electronic and GK class D amps I've owned. Unfortunately the 4x10 is a little TOO heavy! For sale on this forum. Truckstop [/quote] Same here, had a BC500 combo, loud yes, but just no warmth in the sound, back to the Firebass 700 and 4x10. The other thing is most with combos tend to have an expansion cab as well and it's still two trips to the car.
  23. Anyone dumped that ultra light combo/ set up to go back to that old school stack ? Missed the thunderous rapture of the valve/ transistor head 4x10 + 1x15". Decided something are worth carrying. Interested in your stories. What did you go back to for a gigging rig ?
  24. Apparently the Who in Leeds, bass out front, non existent dull rumble, yet they played some solos by the ox on the video screen and the recorded bass sounded awesome from the PA . Now I am confused ...
  25. Having watched arcade fire, I have to agree, my verdict was.. What the **** are they doing. As said, they could put sutty and sweep on main headline and people would buy tickets. At least LR will have a good band that can play in tow.
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