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Everything posted by raf666

  1. raf666

    Metallum feedback

    Just unpacked the Vigier I bought from metallum : Top quality bass very well packed for secured shipping. Quick & great deal, I absolutely recommand Tom.
  2. My new rig
  3. My current set up
  4. Here is my AVRI62 Totally fond of this bass!
  5. Ok, thanks. That's what I though.
  6. Hi, I don't post so much here but I'm a serious reader! Got a question for TTE owners : I've just bought a Markbass TTE 500 and I wonder if precedent owner hadn't invert the tubes. Where is the compressor tube supposed to be? V1, V2, V3 or V4? On mine it's on V1 but I find it strange and on V2 it sounds better to me. I sent an email to Markbass but got no answer and I don't find any information on tubes positions.
  7. Hi guys, Here is my last video, a compilation of my favorites Michael Jackson bass lines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0veKLw4bVZ4&feature=youtu.be
  8. Here's a video of our live on french TV http://youtu.be/lL_e4gPyuOw
  9. Here's my last cover http://youtu.be/URJVdxFMf_I
  10. raf666

    New Zoom B3

    I've just made a Skunk Anansie cover with my B3. I really love this multi effect, built to be on stage! My patch here is : MComp, BassDrive, plus a GraphicEQ on the bridge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZzRI3e2H10#t=20
  11. Here's our set list : Duke's Travels / Duke's End Turn It On Again No Son Of Mine Land Of Confusion Hold On My Heart Home By The Sea / 2[sup]ND[/sup] Home By The Sea Man On The Corner Follow You Follow Me That's All Just A Job To Do Mama In Too Deep I Know What I Like Jesus He Knows Me Throwing It All Away Tonight Tonight Invible Touch I Can't Dance Abacab
  12. Thanks for the compliments! We play 2 or 3 songs of the Gabriel era. I think the oldest is "I Know What I Like" I really enjoy playing in this band : songs are very pleasant to play and, a thing that i really like, we work a lot on every sound. We also collaborate with a really good sound engineer and the video stuff is sooooo cooool :-)
  13. Hi again, I've made a few covers that are on my youtube channel. Here are the last ones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZzRI3e2H10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHVwPpYfi84
  14. Thank you! Here in France there is not so much Genesis cover bands than that, and the little there is mostly plays Gabriel period material indeed. I actually think we're the only ones here to dwell on the most recent period.
  15. Hi everybody, I'm sure there are some Genesis fans around here, and I'd like to introduce my Genesis tribute band : The Dukes. We're based in France, with musicians and technicians coming all around the country. Here is a video with extracts from our last show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCwqJ6xe7SQ Feel free to comment and share. If you wan't some more information, we've got a website with photos, videos & other stuff here : http://thedukestribute.wix.com/the-dukes
  16. Hi, Here I am with one of my bands, The Dukes : Genesis tribute band [url="http://thedukestribute.wix.com/the-dukes"]http://thedukestribute.wix.com/the-dukes[/url] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCwqJ6xe7SQ
  17. Thanks for your welcome. I really like as much playing pop and death. I have or had a band in which I play every kind of music i mentionned, and more.
  18. Hi Everyone, I'm Raphael. It's time to introduce myself after reading so much here. First of all, sorry for my poor English. I'm from South West of France, near Bayonne and I'm a bassplayer for nearly 15 years. I play every kind of music from pop, country, blues, to death metal or jazz et cetera. I play a Vigier Passion 5 strings, a Custom Warmoth PJ5 and a Fender Musimaster Bass through a George Fairlane V20 and a Trace 1528 cab or for small gigs a Trace 712 SMC. Also have a Czech Upright. I think you know all now.
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