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  1. Hi there and welcome. I visit Menorca at least once a year but haven’t really checked out the live music scene out there. Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks 👍 Cheers
  2. I second the above comments, still got my 900 and still going strong with no issues. lovely amp 👍
  3. Top top seller, if only I were in the market for one, wouldn’t hesitate 👍
  4. These are just the best cabs I’ve ever used GLWTS 👍
  5. Agh, thanks, that’s what I was afraid of, GLWTS 👍
  6. Do you happen to know the weight please ?
  7. Forgive my ignorance but are these cabs sealed or ported please ?
  8. I’m sure I will probably end up regretting this, I bought it thinking it would be the last amp i would buy however, I’ve decided I’ve just gotta go back to valves ! This is a lovely amp in perfect working order and lives up to all of the positive reviews that are out there. Mr Genzler certainly knows how to build amps. You are welcome to try before you buy.
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  9. I second that. Lovely cab and great seller 👍
  10. Without doubt the best cab I’ve ever played through. Super seller too 👍 GLWTS
  11. There speaks a wise man 🤭
  12. Agh, it really is one of the best cabs I’ve ever used and I’ve a horrible feeling that I’m going to look back on this with regret. I always thought I would never part company with this too but the bottom line is I just don’t use it anymore. 😩😩😩😩😩
  13. Classic lightweight 212 cabinet with the sound and build quality you would expect from Jim Bergantino. Probably the only cabinet you will ever need, sounds fantastic. In excellent condition with no marks or scuffs and comes with Bergantino cover. You are more than welcome to try before you buy, kettle always on 👍
  14. Hadn’t considered postage, I guess sourcing decent packing materials could be a problem ?
  15. Just love these 👍
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