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Everything posted by tonyquipment

  1. To stick it on a pallet and deliver is about the same cost as the item itself! Lol
  2. The lmb3 is a fine choice. From limiting to pure hard squash. I prefer squashed, that way my playing is always the same loudness throughout Brick wall
  3. Now 38-48 That will give you a good indicator of what kinda tracks involved But the last decade is mostly dance and house etc
  4. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1376699245' post='2178312'] If you bring an instrument back into the country and are stopped by customs they will probably ask you for proof that you own the instrument and also proof of where you bought it. [/quote] Bought it at car boot sale in oxford in '94 for twenty quid mate What?
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375871745' post='2166646'] I don't see what the problem is. You simply factor in the extra eBay fee on top of your postage and packing cost. [/quote] +1 take your item, look at how much you want for it (realistically), add 10% to it and start the bidding with free PnP. with that methodology, you are theoretically covered. with ebay back in the day, you could make some money on items. to date, you'll be lucky to break even now. its just an online 'cash converters' with a really large audience. i dont understand why they feel the need to screw their customers over, we're not getting an improvement on service or anything. we're just getting f**ked for it. but its the reality of life in general i guess. people will find alternatives.
  6. I have a uke. It's fun but a bit annoying lol
  7. What's that rated at? 8ohm? Wow if I added that to my 1x15 GP7 3x15?? it would rip my clothes off LOL
  8. Compressor at the front with short attack and release, squashing the signal / depends what flavour you like. Noise gate on the end with threshold to suit No more noise and more balanced "extruded" signal. I have boss lmb3 at front and boss nf1 at the end. Works treat for me
  9. Might be easier to just buy a nut. There will be variance in the truss rod setup also because of deviation in string gauge
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1375129631' post='2157119'] pedalboards usually come with an average to poor dirt sound. Buy a dedicated dirt & octave & use the board for the other fx. [/quote] i would second this. dists/dirt separately. use the multi fx for comp/amp sims etc
  11. *grunting* Sweating *grunts some more* ??
  12. damn. thought i had a sale there!! hah!! roll up roll up come buy my chorus pedal nao
  13. I think the preset 1and 2 which refers to the TE sound One of them is scooped sound and the other is a mid range honk I like scoop sound, TE gear is very loud and robust which I guess in a way attributes to the overall output sound I personally really like it but some others don't,it really depends what you are after and how it's applied to the style of music whether it fits or not...
  14. Deaf neighbours or move to desolate area There's no good way of dampening the sound. It will reverberate and shake the walls
  15. Bg250! Cheap light and loud! Didn't bother with tone print but the tube drive is nice
  16. I would rip it up with some amazing disto bass on some chinesey music. The kind where there is dulcimer and sitar etc
  17. I would stick it on a pallet and get a decent cover or flight case for it. Don't keep it too close to walls and it should be fine
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