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Everything posted by tonyquipment

  1. Oi mate that's my f**king amp you t**t That's polite!! Then again maybe not!!
  2. Force it through a limiter. Brings it into 2013 then! LOUDNESS WAR !!!!
  3. 112 is not that common. It's more 115 for bass I'm looking forward to the BG250 which is 115 I think at 250w ...
  4. My TE rig weighs more than me but I don't mind. Keeps me fit
  5. It's like a adblockplus... But for eBay Ebayblockplus ?
  6. Man it up! That's light!! My rig is a double trace Elliot rig at approx 70kg+!! Since when did bass player become pussys? Hah! Mind you I did just buy that TCE BG250 for my lazy CBA days...
  7. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1369225125' post='2086498'] To each their own, but with the smiley face the mids are not boosted and the bass is boosted maybe too much, resulting in a muddy tone. A general rule of thumb for a fairly balanced tone is the opposite to a smiley face, i.e. a "frowney" face. [/quote] My rig consists of two combos chained together One is happy and one is sad. Really it depends on what one is playing. Soft rock is not the same EQ setting as say scooped metal or something... Therefore it varies
  8. Smiley face. I like smiley face.
  9. Also vote from me. Really accurate and great tuner at good price. Sold mine but bump anyway
  10. Tuner out into the instrument in will do it I've got line out so that goes into the front if the next amp and becomes a slave basically.
  11. The amp should be alright. The cabs probably not lol.
  12. Can it be possible to achieve that with passive ? Or at least close? Don't like idea of active and batteries!!!
  13. Thanks for the replies! So for example if I was to raise my pickups and have a low resistance, I would result in a really hot coloured signal? Maybe a trade off and have high pickup height and med-high resistance ? Basically, I just want it to be loud and relatively clear. I can make it dirty and messy afterwards!
  14. I like loud bass so higher would be more suited... The blend im not sure that would work on precision
  15. Thanks! High impedance is better then. !
  16. Not sure if this correct forum but.. Does anyone know anything about impedance and pickups? I'm looking at upgrading my p bass pickups but what relevance does impedance have? Is higher better or lower impedance better?? What difference does it make? Will lower impedance pickups make more noise and feedback or not? Any advice would be LOVELY.
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