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Everything posted by tonyquipment

  1. Basically any millennial music. They have a shelf life of 15 minutes.
  2. Scrambled eggs you have lovely legs yesterday
  3. Imo if you use effects live, go for reliability. You can use whatever you like in the studio. The audience tbf nowadays doesn’t give a stinky poo about what nice gear you have on show. They just want to be entertained. It’s the disposable digital age we live in. Music isn’t top of the pops now pardon the pun. Heh.
  4. Some bassist just down down down down.... badly !!
  5. Pick for me is very up and down. So the attack is very hard but I prefer without pick. You can mute strings and get to other strings during runs quicker and more precise. I am quite a sloppy player but prefer the more immediate and tactile response without a pick. Whether it’s faster or not I’m not so sure. I think it’s probably subjective to the style and player
  6. Take it all apart clean it and get some contact cleaner on there. That will make it brand new!
  7. Yep all the time. It’s to make up the fact that I suck.
  8. Get the midi file and extract the whistle notes out of it lol feed it through some vst synth and you got yourself a nice little ditty
  9. Get your synth player to diddle something out on the Rhodes lol
  11. Plinky pizzicato hahaha spot on. I know EXACTLY what you mean.
  12. It’s the “modern” sound patch that people have adjusted to. Scooped tones for everything to make it sound “HIFI” what ever happened to the mid boost ? But on the record I agree live music is a lot of BOOM BOOM BOOM BASS DRUMBS
  13. True dat. True. Worse ones are the ones that think you’re doing them a favour by having them in your band and get all salty when u fire them cos of X. snowflake vocals !!!!
  14. Yep same. It’s my least favourite finish for sure. I would prefer a solid colour or even just wood finish. That wood look pretty snazzy haha puntastic
  15. Gumtree the cheapest comprehensive kit you can find and smash TF out of it. It’s cheap so doesn’t need to look or sound great .. as long as the rest of the band sounds okay haha
  16. If it works then keep it and move on
  17. I take the bass apart and weigh all the parts individually then add it all up at the end itemised.
  18. Everything recorded is sampled whether it be from a synth or bass or voice or song it’s still a sample and if rhythmically nice, qualifies as music to me ! My opinion ofc
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