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Everything posted by Mofo46

  1. Hi, Im selling the Corona Chorus pedal i got with my TCE bg250 as already have a boss me-50b so its redundant. I have literally opened the box and checked it worked and went back to play with my amp so the plastic seal is broken but thats literally it! It has three settings; chorus, tri-chorus and toneprint. Both chorus' sound great and the toneprint gives you settings input by professionals, here the TC website; http://www.tcelectronic.com/corona-chorus/ Loads of info on youtube too. Im asking £75 which includes recorded delivery to the UK only, any questions let me know and if you want to see a picture pm me but it is as new, Cheers
  2. Whereabouts are you?
  3. Hi, yes did see the harkte 210, it's seems a good price but I don't have any experience of hartke gear and only ever seen there aluminium cones on stage with rock bands so wasn't sure if they'd fit the tone I'm after. Basically I just wanted some advice before I buy a cab without trying it first - seems like a flawed plan I know! Better to buy a well known brand especially if its that cheap!
  4. Oh and Matt P I've pm'd you for pics, cheers
  5. Hi, My head is just over 600 m&m wide, i.e.the width of the 2x10 that I don't want to carry around! Oh and I'm in Southampton so but far away unfortunately. Maybe I just need to take the hit and sell - an almost unused head due to it's size (such a waste given what I'd get for it). I don't know how/want to attempt to re-box it. I'll keep an eye on here for ads and any suggestions are greatly received, Cheers
  6. I gave it a crack myself (well a couple goes) and its greatly improved. I'll post the videos that I found helpful.
  7. Hi, it's jack from the desk to jack or XLR at the active monitor so I'll use a decent guitar lead (which was what I was using luckily) and had no probs at all. Thanks for the info, I definitely learnt something, cheers
  8. Hi, thinking about it that does make sense, passive would be like normal hifi speaker cable (two cables) and active would just be a signal so single cable. The guy was bigging up some cables which had a larger diameter than normal cables and made by Stagg but not Stagg and some other weird 'facts', some made sense but I don't have a tonne of experience to be fair. I guess I've just always used active equipment - less to put in the car IMO, I did rent a pa from a cheap place in Southampton and everything was seperates, filled two cars with our gear (acoustic 3-piece!). Cheers for the advice, guess I just need some standard guitar leads then! Thanks
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys, unfortunately I think the gear your selling is a little out of my price range, perhap the Hydrive cab isn't but my ashdown head it the full width one, the size of the 2x10 so I'd like something close to that size. The Harley Benton is looking good then, I do use some effects but its more to fill the sound then to go for it. Oh and I forgot to mention I also will be playing my EUB through it so looking for something that's no mellow but warm-ish. Spotted the GK mbe212, which is definitely interesting, very light; again anyone got/used one? http://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_212mbe_8_ohms.htm Cheers
  10. Hi, Looking for a bit of advice on a cab, my girlfriend bought me an ashdown mag head a few years ago and basically apart from a little recording hasn't been used (criminal I know) but I've never needed that much power and used a combo when needed (normally a three piece acoustic). Also the weight of the cabs put me off, at 29kg for the 2x10 I think I'd get bored of carrying it about, I'm not the biggest bloke and for an acoustic 3 piece it might be a bit overkill! If I sell it now I'll hardly get anything for it so I'm looking at an alternative cab. I've mainly used a roland 100 cube amp (12" speaker and cheap) and an old Ashdown ABM 115 which I liked but was pretty heavy at 33kg but I didn't really get on with the 15" speaker without a tweeter, found it nice and warm but a touch flat when slapping etc. I've also got an order pending with Thomann and started to look at their cabs. Has anyone got any experience of these cheap Harley Benton cabs? http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_bb210t.htm I'm basically looking at most 2x10 cabs on this page which are reasonably light; http://www.thomann.de/gb/cat.html?gf=2x10_bass_cabinets&oa=pra I could get a used mag cab but again it'd the weight - I'm checking on here of course just wondered if anyone had any suggestions. I'm also interested in the Ashdown Mi12 but think I'd want the Mi head so kinda defeats the point of it being cheap! It seems to be expensive to go light!!! Thanks in advance
  11. Bought a boss me-50b from Simon, no hassle at all, quick delivery and well packaged. Would highly recommend, cheers
  12. Cool, that's what I thought. I think it was just a case of the guy trying to sell her something that he wanted to move/make more money on. Thanks for the replies
  13. Hi, I thought I'd ask on here first due to the wealth of knowledge I've received from recent posts/questions... We're recently upgraded our pa and so our foldback monitors to active laney ones (not amazing but not bank breaking) but when our guitarist went to buy some new leads for the monitors they asked her "are they active or passive as you'll need different leads". I had no idea there would be a difference, and this is what I need some advice on, are they simply referring to a normal jack to jack lead or a j2j which is balanced? I understand the difference but only in an XLR level, can anyone help as I'm the default sound engineer/tech guy but I'm obviously not upto speed! Anyone else on here the guy/girl that cringes when a touch of feedback comes through a mic and has to adjust the desk one handed whilst still trying to play?!? Thanks in advance for any help
  14. Whereabouts are you chrisdabass? Is it a shop or do you do setups yourself?
  15. So gave it a go from the fender instructions and apart from not having any shims to measure the truss rod adjustment and a slight intonation problem on one string (mainly due to my tuner going crazy) the action is so much better and much more comfortable to play. I'm going to go through the youtube instructions today and fine tune but glad I have it a go and saved some £££. Cheers for the advice everyone. I'm now ready for a 3 hour gig we have coming up in a couple of weeks!
  16. Just to update, got my replacement, was a bit of a nightmare due to stock n build up to Christmas but absolute were really helpful. Love the amp, very capable and light!
  17. Thanks for all the advice, I've decided to give it a go and if I'm not happy i think I'll try the music shop by the station as have heard some good reviews. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend and will report back how it goes, Thanks again
  18. Hi, I just picked up a BG250 and loving the tone of the amp but when I first plugged the power lead in there was quite a rattle from the panel behind the lead, then when I was playing an F there was a resonance rattle from the same area in the back of the amp. I thought 'oh great time for a replacement' so kept playing with effects and foot switch to see if anything else was broken and after about 10 minutes the rattles stopped even at high volume. Also the high pitch whine that come from the amp had gotten quieter. Has anyone else experienced these noises? I'm wondering if I should contact Absolutemusic where I bought it from (who were excellent by the way) but thought I'd ask on here first. Any help greatly appreciated, cheers
  19. Hi, No offence taken! I've set up one or two but just want to get my bass sorted for gigging in the new year. The sound and intonation is good its just a high action, I can't play it for very long before my hand wants to fall off! Just wondering what can be done with the bolt on neck? But I think I'll have a look at some research and ask some fender veterans. I agree on Nevada and absolute music, even though I could walk to fret I won't bother! Thanks again for the info/feedback, I'll let u know what absolute suggest. By the way Tony got back to me, £70 for a set up, I don't think I'll bother as I bought the bass mainly due it's price!
  20. Cheers geddeeee, That's pretty close to me too, really struggled to fine a luthier so that's a big help. My girlfriend put her acoustic ibanez into Fret and they basically changed the strings, made no adjustments at all! I don't really rate them, started going to absolutemusic for my gear as its massive and they're really helpful. Going down to try out a tc electronics bg250 soon, I only hear good things! Thanks again
  21. Hi, I recently made my way to a fender after years of playing tobias' and ibanez but my fender jazz needs to be set up and the actioned lowered,and the few places I've tried in the past I wouldn't go back to. Can anyone recommend someone who can set up my bass? I'm also looking for a luthier to sort out my double bass but that can wait as I might sell it as is (how I bought it!) Any help greatly appreciated! Cheers
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