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Posts posted by DGBass

  1. There are always options. Just saying I can't find any commercially available rack case that weighs 2.5kg. Even with a 5kg rack case, you would in theory only be adding an extra 2.5kg over your ideal 2.5kg CF case. Thats about the combined weight of the front and back lids on a typical 3U or 4U case so if you were prepared to use the rack without the lids that would get you to within 0.5kg of your target weight. I've seen plenty players over the years use open rack cases with no front or back as its more about the convenience of having the kit in one box, in effect just like an amp sleeve. The kit still has some protection from the main part of the case and theres some weight saving by not having the front and rear lids on it. A comercially available nylon padded case might also get you down to about 4kg which would be 1.5kg over your target 2.5 kg weight. I've always found the best approach to having a lightweight rack system is to start with the rack of choice and then fill it with lightweight stuff. 

  2. I would think a 12kg SVT 3Pro would negate any real notion of saving substantial weight once installed in any rack case. A couple of kg won't feel a lot but I suspect the dent in your wallet for a full 3U carbon fibre case if there is such a thing that weighs only 2.5kg would be a lot more painful to carry! Actually, an SVT7 pro only weighs around 7kg, thats a 5kg lighter option if fitted in a decent polycarbonate or Aluminium case 🙂 I did have a look for CF cases ( ECS make them as well as composite versions), and also injection moulded types as alternatives but couldn't find off the shelf CF stuff and the injection molded cases were around twice the weight of conventional cases. ECS make a 4U composite case but it weighs 21kg. I am super interested to see if anyone on BC can find what you are looking for. I suspect though it doesnt exist (yet!) and if it does, it will be eyewateringly expensive in comparison with AL or Poly cases.

  3. Been using one of these for a good few years now and find it works with just about any amp I care to use. It works especially well where thers a tube in the amplifiers pre-amp. I initially bought it to use as a limiter but soon realised it can also do a very subtle compression that keeps the signal tight and under control without killing natural sustain. The enhance knob can also add a subtle crispness to the top end without it getting fizzy. Great all round pedal and I always have it last in the chain before the amp. 

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  4. I probably ( definitely ) don't need another ABM but this one caught my eye recently.  Apart from the current 750 EVO 5, i've never seen a Blackface ABM500 head before. I do remember years ago seeing a Whiteface Special Edition version but not the darker variant. Its basically EV0 III internal gubbins from what I can see and has a normal ice blue rear end. S/N 3585. Had had a hard life when I got it. It's been fully restored and all working well and sounding just like umm...an ABM. I never thought i'd like the dark finish but its grown on me. Curious if any BC users have a Blackface or Whiteface special edition ABM, are still using it and can share any history of these editions?



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  5. 3 hours ago, Marcus Cornall said:

    I am going to take the lid off before I package it up today,and attempt to find C25 and photograph it. I bet I find a gap there! 

     I will say diagnosing an issue without actually having the amp on a bench is always tricky. Expect the unexpected, especially if the amp is still working after a fashion. It will though be interesting to see if you can spot anything from a photo. There are a lot of high voltage caps in the SVT7 pro so be very careful when the lid is off not to touch or short anything and make sure it isn't plugged in 😬

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  6. 52 minutes ago, Downunderwonder said:

    I wouldn't expect output from a power stage that's had a capacitor go MIA

    Agreed, and sure I mentioned that when reffering to the driver chip circuit caps of potentially the value on the burnt remains of the component in the picture. C25 on the power board looks the most likely possibility to me, its a de-coupling cap and sits on its own between two parts of the amplifier. If it blew i'm sure the amp would still work as the driver circuits each have independent voltage feeds. As the cap would be gone, any harmful voltage wouldn't get anywhere else, you would more than likely just loose the de-coupling effect which might increase background noise rather than total amp failure. I'm pretty sure its not the pre-amp as I don't see any component value with a 47 or 25 on it. It's forum diagnosis at its best or worst if you like. The only way to know for sure would be to pop the hood and start taking high res photos of the SVT7 Pro mainboard. I don't recall coming across an amp guts reference library thread here on BC? Happy to attach schematics if you fancy a look at them🙂

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just for info, I had a look at the SVT7 Pro SMPS power board schematic and there are a few possibilities on it for similar spec caps as well. It's the age old issue of trying to figure out whats wrong from a forum post and the SVT7 Pro is also fairly complex bit of kit anyway. A Tech and some bench time are probably the best option when it comes down to it if you have an amp problem. I wouldn't write off class D, I've used Markbass kit as an example regularly and it was very impressive and reliable in my experience. 

  8. It's definitely the remnant of an electrolytic capacitor. Difficult to tell the rating but I can make out a 47uf or maybe 0.47uf rating and maybe 25V or 250V voltage rating. There isn't anything anywhere near those ratings on the pre-amp schematic. On the power amp schematic there are a few possibilities


    C141   0.47 250V

    C173  0.47 250V

    C25     47uf 25V


    I'm not familiar enough with these amps ( class D design possibly as it uses a pair of IRS209555 driver chips ). Whatever happened to the suspect cap, it must have let go in a spectactular fashion as the pressure cap is completely gone as are the leads that connected it to the board. Odds on if it came from your amp, there will be a couple of stubby wires protruding from the board somewhere. C25 looks the most likely candidate as the other caps C141 and C173 are integral to the driver chip circuits and i'm guessing the amp might not work at all if those failed. Class D amps by design require noise filtering because of the high frequencys involved in their workings. I know its probably not helpful but if I was to venture into non full blown tube SVT territory, I'd plump for the tube pre-amp class A/B power amp SVT3 Pro and give the class D SVT7 Pro a wide berth. I'm sure the SVT7 Pro is a capable enough amp, and a good replacement might be just what you are after. If its going back to where it came from at least you'll have an option to think about a replacement amp whether thats Ampeg or something else.


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  9. Sometimes the rig of choice for the weekend is the only rig available. An impromptu jam/gig at a friends party/barbecue saturday evening happened at his garden studio for the barbecue attendees. I once owned the ABM400 410H he now uses in the studio. It's changed hands over the last few years amongst the local bass playing population and has found its forte as a studio amp that doesn't get carted around anymore. Probably a good thing as it weighs about the same as a small elephant. Forgot how good the old school mosfet powered Ashdown ABM400's sound. Silky smooth tones with a hint of sparkle from the tube pre-amp and a very useable sub octaver. 





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  10. 1 hour ago, Jaybeevee said:

    Have you looked at the driver to check it is the original EV15L?

    Wise words from the BC community and would be first thing I would check. They don't always have a big obvious EV label on the back but should have a stamp of some type, often with a traceable OEM code. Like the TL606 cabs, the speaker chassis is fairly heavyweight. I played one of these for some years and it was the first decent cab I used my ABM's with. Must admit it never lacked delivering low end in anyway, if anything I had to moderate the amount of bottom end. It was one of the few cabs I've used that never complained or struggled with lots of bass. It was also one of the cabs I wished i'd never sold 😐



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  11. 1 hour ago, Merton said:

    We are pondering the next step with it!

    The mosfet version power boards in these early ABM's are prone to failure if the caps are past sell by date which is usually around 20-25 years with regular use. There's usually a bit of smoke and charring if they do and for some peculiar reason it's the mosfets on the left side( from front) that usually fail. As the good folks at Ashdown will tell you, it's best to replace all six mosfets if you have a failure as well as the four coupling caps. It might be easier asking if they would sell you a current pre-built APC033 (issue 4) modern Bi Polar power board as a drop in replacement. It may be cheaper than getting a tech to rebuild the original board for you. Of course thats if the power board is the issue 🤔 Had the caps fail on one I owned and elected to rebuild. It was messy but worked out in the end.


    scorched board caused by two shorted caps



    finished board




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  12. plastic vintage inspired knobs on a £4200 bass? Oh dear. My only ever pre-ernie ball bass cost me £295 new from the local corner music store back in the early eighties. That was only because the shop couldn't sell it at the retail price, an extortionate £429 😬 How things have changed. At least my late seventies bass had proper chrome knurled knobs. I'd never buy one new nowadays, even though they are without a doubt classics in their time and have that sound.



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  13. I've heard it said many a time that hiss is better than hum when it comes to bass amps. Some amps though are noiser than others, even from new. I recently had a chance to play through an old Ampeg B2-RE 450 watt amp with  1x15 and 4x10 Hartke cabs, both with horns and both horns were on at the time. The Ampeg was so quiet at idle I thought at first it wasn't plugged in to the cabs. There was virtually no hiss at all even at decent volume levels and controls set flat. I also have a couple of GK amps and even with the volume up high, they barely hiss at all through tweeter cabs. Pre-amps with a tube in them can pick up a bit of noise, especially if the tube isn't at its best. If you have the option try several amp heads with your cab to compare. It might just be a particular combination of amp/cab and not anything really wrong with either. 

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  14. I'm curious as to why you arranged the amp to sit on its end with your BC110T? Is there a marked difference to the sound if the cab is laid on its side to accomodate the amp on top?🤔 Or was it just to avoid the dreaded bass overhang in the upright position? 😉

  15. 4 hours ago, Ed_S said:

    I decided to take BF at their word (that a One10 would shift as much air as a decent 1x15 or 2x10) and get another to pair up with the one I already had

    Its quite interesting to hear everyones take on the One10 and whether one can cut it or two is the best option. I was in a similar situation when I bought my first One10 as the OP. For home rehearsal its a great option. However even at light band rehersals I found a single One10 never quite lived up to BF's claim for me at least. My main cab at the time was a decent 1x15 ( a Mesa Diesel TL606 EV 1x15 cab.) Using the One10 as a stage monitor pointing directly at me and used in conjuction with the Mesa it couldn't be heard at all over the output from the Mesa. I added a second One 10 eventually thinking that would be a better match and it did improve the situation but both cabs together still couldn't match the vast low end output from a single Mesa 1x15 cab. In hindsight, I should have ordered one BF 2x10 cab from the outset as it would have been eminently more useable as a home use / light rehersal small gig cab and less expensive than a pair of One10's and only one cab to move around. The only benefit at the end of day with the One10 for me was the small lightweight formfactor and its lovely warm tone at low to med volumes as long as low frequencies were backed off on the EQ. If the OP is used to a 6x10, then a BF 2x10 would probably be a more useable option than going down the smaller two cab route.

    • Thanks 1
  16. It's an earlier MKII GP11 in the FB ad so above schematics wouldn't apply. These also have the ECI wiring which is a heap of trouble if you can't test its working before buying it. It will likely have come from an early AH150 or AH250. The ad picture looks like a rather poor condition and well used unit with missing knob caps and a non standard input jack. So its had work before and i would guess would need a fair bit of work to bring it up to standard. You could easily spend another £50 getting it working and at the end of the day you would struggle to ever recoup that. £25 spares/repairs is probably more realistic unless the seller has the old blown power amp unit he could throw in. The power amps are generally bullet proof and very easy to fix if they do stop working. The pre-amps are a bit more complicated.

    The trouble with starting a project like this these days is that folks are stripping down old trace amps because they realise they can make a lot more money selling parts than a whole unit for spares or repair. Parts are sold as no return/untested so if you do by a dud part theres little comeback. Whole working TE amps of this era in good nick and reasonably original condition are becoming very scarce nowadays and that will probably encourage the parts strippers to break up anthing they can get their hands on. 

    Saying that, its a good enthusiast project and with a bit of work, a suitable power supply and a nice slim 2U rack case it would make a great wee project and a brilliant pre-amp once working. These old GP11 pre-amps have a great silky smooth tone. I can vouch for that as I have one in perfect working order and very good original condition 😁




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  17. 38 minutes ago, BassmanPaul said:

    Connector pin assignment

    The pin assigment can vary on TE pre-amp sections. Seeing the front panel might be helpul to identify your version. The schematic applies to MKV GP11's. MK II GP 11's also had extra wiring for the ECI function ( earth continuity indicator ).The MKV GP11's were used on a multitude of different amps but mostly AH150 heads and AH250 heads. Both had different feed voltages from the power section tranformers. Basically they use a half wave rail voltage from the main power supply, a big step down resistor on the pre-amp main board, a voltage regulator and zener diode run the pre-amp on roughly 30-35V dc. On my AH250 the feed voltage to the GP11 MK V via the 6 pin connector is 65V dc. On my AH150 GP11 MKII it is actually higher at 71V but thats because it has a rare 50V transformer and not the usual 40V one. The step down resistors are the critical part as they drop enough voltage so as not the smoke the pre-amp🥵 Some of these pre-amp sections aren't really interchageable between different models even though they have the same 6 pin multi plug socket. Might or might not work and you might or might not get smoke!

    I've just rebuilt one recently ( a MKV GP11) that had been through the wars. The multi plug was missing, long gone on a dodgy amp service years ago and the cables were hard soldered onto the pins. See pic, the red and black are the power supply, the blue  is tip/signal out and the signal out screen is on pin 6. 


    A 2 core screen cable out to a power amp and a pos and neg from a supply voltage ( anything around 60v dc would likely do) and would most likely get your pre-amp working assuming its in good order. 

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  18. Hoping to use this rig at the weekend. It's the Harry D special named after its only previous owner. Harry bought it as an 1115 combo in 1985 and at some point in the nineties chopped the head off to make it a head and cab. The pre amp is an AH150 GP11 MK V and the amp section is an AH150 4 x mosfet air cooled power section. The cab has its original 38 year old Fane Sovereign 15-250w cast frame driver and even now sounds phenomonal. I recently posted this cab on a thread and tried using port tubes to change the cab tuning but in real world testing it sounded its best with the orignal TE tuning. The whole shee-bang was recovered and refurbished in a fetching alligator tolex from the eighties I'd bought years ago from a disco supplies web shop. It's fairly unique in that its a combo chopped into a cab and head but it sounds awesome and has that TE sound anyone whos ever used old school TE stuff will recognize. 38 years and still going strong. I had to consider if bass-chatters will be posting 38 years and still going strong about their boutique class D heads in years to come? Hmm I would suspect not!🙃



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  19. Something that came my way recently as a service and repair was a '71 Marshall Superlead 100w from a local contact who had bought it purely on spec without testing it.  This thread has drifted somewhat off the orignal 'DSL" theme as various Marhsalls that are not 'DSL's' have crept in so  I thought it worthy of a post. 

    This particular amp hadn't been fired up in earnest for more than twenty years and needed little maintenance to get it working to a giggable standard. The thing that struck me most was the highly useable bass channel on the amp. My USA p-bass plugged straight in with no effects or anything to alter the sound was phenominal sounding. Transported me back to many a gig in the early eighties where all that you heard was a p-bass plugged into a Marhsall super lead or superbass with one of those curly coiled guitar leads that were all the rage at the time. Good times and a sound that is sadly missed these days.  it was a wrench giving this back to its owner but i couldn't afford to buy it from him. Pre 72 Marshalls are fetching ludicrous amounts of money these days. This one had late nineties JJ pre-amp valves and the power amp section had mid nineties winged C Svetlana's in the power amp section. All biased perfectly and sounded awesome. Orignal mains and output transformers and old school tag board. 



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  20. It could be said Marhsall 'offloaded' the Eden brand for whatever business reasons they had. There was an Eden Amps forum which had a dedicated and very knowledgeable following about all things Eden Amps & Cabs. You would have found all you needed to know their if Marshall hadn't switched the forum server off without warning or even a message to the forum users. I was an Eden amp user and forum member for many years and have nothing but praise for their products ( and the old Eden forum). I owned a smaller Terra Nova cab and it was superbly built, and sounded great. I bought it at a time when G4M were ridiculously discounting Eden gear a few years back before the Marhsall offloading incident. My experience was of a well made plywood cab with decent quality driver that sounded great. There are still some ridiculously good bargains for Eden gear. I recently bought a D115 XLT( Eden's top of the range bass cabs) OEM replacement Eden/Eminence driver which is essentaily a custom voiced Eminence Kappa Pro 15 driver for just £30! 

    Terran Nova cabs are midrange and the earlier ones were carpet covered. Later were tolex covered. They were both made offshore and I don't expect there would be much difference apart from the outer covering. The D series cabs are the pro version and priced accordingly. These were most recently made by Marshall in the UK as far as I am aware.

  21. 14 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    Indeed - was mentioned in the release

    Ahh..missed that post! Thanks for pointing it out, I obviously wasn't the only one who noticed. Thought it curious though that a possibly decades old TE branded valve would show up in an Ashdown EVO 5 demo amp and if that maybe says something about the current standard valves going in production amps. 

  22. Spare amp x 1 ( usually a Markbass LMIII - still not used it ) mainly because i've got a thing for using old well used amps these days and its peace of mind more than anything else.

    Spare instrument lead x 1

    Spare speakon to jack lead x 1

    Spare power lead x 1

    Clip on tuner just incase my polytune fails on the board.

    Selection of used spare strings

    Backup clothing  eg spare black t-shirt for sweaty gigs. Not needed spare underwear as yet but might consider it if I'm still gigging in the next few years😆. It's an age thing.

    Towel x 1

    Pain killers for the third set of a three hour gig!


    More than anything its about packing only what I think I'll need these days and keep what I have to carry to a minimum. I used to take a full tookit including soldering iron, spare batteries, fuses, jacks etc but no one especially the band enjoys waiting for the bass player to change a fuse on a dark stage or troubleshoot leads and cables. A quick swap out is my plan these days. Troubleshooting can be done later after the gig.



  23. I noticed this when I was viewing the promo video for Ashdown's ABM EVO V - 750. Had to double take at the part where the insides are revealed to the camera. Begs the questions, does the EVO V sound more like an SMX than and ABM?🤔 And do those lovely people at Ashdown HQ keep a secret backroom stock of tasty NOS Trace Elliot branded valves from the nineties to use with their own personal /demo amplifiers? My EVO IV had a no brand ecc83 in it (which didn't last long!). Wouldn't have minded a wee TE branded one to try in its place🙄. And no I haven't asked them for one - yet!



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