Hi all, wondering if someone could help me with a problem.
I gave my Ibanez ATK805 to a guitar tech a couple of months ago to replace the original 1/4" jack, as it had become a little loose (audio signal would cut out if the cable was twisted in a certain way).
Within a couple days, he replaced the jack without any issues. I used the bass at a couple of rehearsals and everything seemed fine.
A couple weeks later, I took the bass out for band practice only to find the 9v battery was completely dead. Thought it a bit strange as in 10 years of playing, I've only replaced the 9v once or twice on any of my basses. No matter, battery replaced and all working again.
However, I took it out again for another rehearsal the following week, and the battery was dead/dying again. All farty. Replaced it with my last spare 9v and all was fine again.
Took the bass back to the tech and explained the problem. He's since replaced the jack a further two times, with two different jacks, and the battery drain issue still persists. He cannot think of anything else that can be causing it, and is certain its all wired up correctly...
Can anyone think of anything that might have been missed?