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Everything posted by ZenBasses

  1. Amazing, see you in the morning/ early afternoon Cheers Ben
  2. Ive just done a deal with @Pestieand it'll be in my hands tomorrow Happy father's day to myself 😆 Thanks Mike for being accommodating All the best Ben
  3. This is not doing my GAS any good Very nice colour combo !!!
  4. Hiya On my shuker it seems the washer and a nut have decided to go on holiday...no idea how , they are probably in the office /man cave ,hiding under some unexpected object but I can't locate them. I am so struggling to find a nut and washer without buying a new toggle switch which is wasteful https://photos.app.goo.gl/eSfyDThUBwZv5x6A7 Here are the pictures, it's an S2 with a Shuker circuit hooked up to EMG soapbars. Most of the ones I have seen now use a round locking nut rather than usual hexagon nut I might be being a bit dim Help !! Many thanks Ben
  5. Been drooling the last few days ...I'm so tempted .....though Margate is literally the other end of the country .... It's crazy value and looks sweet ..
  6. Thanks for the reply My past experience is that the character switch / drive dial makes a subtle but notable difference...I should have filmed the original problem but I'll explain more Before it went in for a service when I plugged it in I got no output at but when I pressed the character switch a few times and jiggled the drive dial it would would suddenly burst into life ..... That's appears to be solved now but the output is not what it should be compared to what I am used to .... I'll have to sit tommorow and try all the send and receive configs Pre amp / no pre amp makes no difference to the output bit the EQ defo works As the 4x10 cab is alive, I hope I am safe to assume that's not the issue Cheers Ben
  7. My active basses are louder for sure, I've not played the rig for a while as I have a small EBS combo but when I booted her up after 6 months I knew something was a miss , hence why I took the head to fully serviced ..( I can supply the company's name but I don't like naming and shaming plus it might yet be unrelated to the head ) Used known working leads and also ordered a new speakon cable as I didn't have a spare to rule that out...tried all speakon connectors on the head and cab, doesn't make no difference..the high frequency dial on the back of the cab does it job .. My gut feeling is the Character dial ...one of the main reasons it went to be service is it would make no difference until it got to 1pm so assumed ,along with low output all the pot tracks needed a damn good valet , that appears to be okay now but still a low output But I have literally no idea about electrics , how they are wired and of there's a dependency/chain on certain settings I am near Leeds if anyone knows a reliable tech let me know... Cheers Ben
  8. Hiya So I recently had my Father 1 head serviced as I me mentioned the output is really low and the XLR connector is broken It was returned to me saying there was nothing wrong with it ..and the XLR socket is still broken the top clip that holds the cable in broke off a while ago back. They didn't spot that I've bought a brand new speakon cable and it still has limited volume.. The EQ and compressor still do theor job but where's the Volume ?..it's hard to film as it does seem to get louder ...with a passive bass at 12 o'clock it should be chucking out a hell ofa noise ..at full max gain , max Volume n the dials should break to the windows ..it barely clips at 12 oclock Is this a fault valve ?? https://photos.app.goo.gl/8qq6zFRiAWJLDLiq6i I know the videos displays a difference but at four inches from the cones at fully max volume max gain it used to wake the other streets neighbours up yet it barely phased a smartphone mic I've fitted a new speakon cable today and with my active basses it makes no difference Apologies for the rubbish video
  9. I am feeling like I want to start another bitsa bass build and was looking through here and ebay for inspiration and I came across a Ebay shop called Luthier Craft ( https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/luthier-crafts?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559_). Looks on the surface to be a good buy, with the understanding there is some finishing work and the like to do. Anyone had any experiences with this company? This (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/294935331996?hash=item44ab84049c:g:cf4AAOSwo1hiXthV) looks pretty nice Cheers Ben
  10. I'm crossing my fingers that this will be about in a few weeks ..Been wanting to get a P Bass as I have never owned one and fancied giving them a blast . It's very local as well (holla from Cleckheaton).......did you ever fit the new hardware and pots ...? The marks are not a concern to me ...what is the condition of the neck ..any dings to be aware of ? And what is the actual neck like ...? Is it a really wide affair or something in-between I am use the Jazz C shaped necks Excuse my ignorance on the subject ... Many thanks Ben
  11. I am really happy with my EBS Fafner but I totally regret selling one of these to purchase it and a Proline cab. These are seriously awesome....and should have a dedicated Beast Mode setting..... GLWTS
  12. That is another fine example of Jon's work and one I believe is featured on his website...I nearly went for Ziricote on one my mine by finally settled on Amburya Burl ... Can't be tempted unfortunately as Jon is currently making me a PJ which is due sometime in 2022..!!!! He is extremely busy ATM anyone wanting a Shuker bass will NOT be disappointed GLWTS
  13. The Signatire doesn't overly bother me I assumed it was some PR stunt but it's a great price so if you DM postage details we may be taking soon 🙂 i have a J Retro at home so interesting to see how it compares ..o installed in my squire and changed it back to passive as I preferred the tone ..odd I know I already have a Super Jazz (GB IV) and a custom Shuker but this is an interesting part of market for quality Vs quantity...I've been really happy my Squire 70s style Jazz bitsa bass and it's been the most played of the trio over the past few months..again ..odd... https://photos.app.goo.gl/vdkg7VDQEvANhezQ6
  14. Really good price for what looks like superb example , I've never tried a Sire but I have read and seen good things about them. Wondering how much postage would be compared to fuel and time since I live near Leeds...? Do you know anything about the authenticity of the MM signature ? How do they compared to a Squire 70s Modified Jazz ?
  15. Had mine over 15 years , still never found a reason to upgrade or change ... This is a bargain and a lot better nick than mine which the Cats have had pleasure using as a cat scratcher over the years I am nearly tempted myself as a backup but would to invent somewhere to put it unless I make a 8x10 stack 😂 which would be impressive but wouldn't get used ... GLWTS
  16. Plain , simple and absolutely stunning .... Way out of my price range but man , it's a looker GLWTS and look after yourself 🙂
  17. Probably nearer 3 times the price at Jon's going rate and not to mention the long lead time
  18. And I still keep staring at it even after a week of daily sneak peaks ..so tempting I am surprised it's still here I am currently trying to find piggy banks to raid as I am meant to be redoing my kitchen !!!! 😂 @deepbass5 Damn you , you don't fancy a day trip to Birmingham by any chance? That's at least 1/2 there from Leeds Would make a nice addition
  19. Such a shame I missed this i would have jumped at the opportunity....
  20. Yum 😋 , I've always wanted one of these after playing one at the Bass Centre If only I wasn't about to pay £££'s to the solicitors for moving house on Monday These (as mentioned) seldom come up in the market Also looks a very well kept example ...GLWTS I'd wager that any pain caused by Brexit additions would quickly fade once delivered and plugged in ....😊
  21. Thanks everyone for the comments and hints and tips . I'll try and get some pictures up shortly @EBS_freak Thanks for the suggest on the AM13R and yes a razor blade was my thinking and see what it looks like afterwards @Skybone will check out Matamp thank you @bigthumb@Downunderwonder both sensible suggestions as well
  22. So I am in tbe process of moving home and after packing up all my gear it has just come to my attention that 1 or both of our cats have been getting behind my EBS cab and using it as a cat scratcher , Cheeky little swine's (still adore them though) did it out of sight ....we are down to bare wood in places and the back has seen the bulk of the action. Cab was kept beneath a wall length desk so I didn't notice it until I dismantled and pulled everything out . How would one go about repairing /making good something like this ? I am near Leeds , West Yorkshire as a reference if anyone has any local advice ... ☺️
  23. Lovely , very Fodera(ish) or is it me ? But agree a bit more info needed on this one. I for one have never heard of this maker GLWTS Ben
  24. Still torn with this bass it would make a wonderful to make a 3 piece collection https://photos.app.goo.gl/N7Jsbni8QsNybdER8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/GYzFV1A7KLEi1jQ39
  25. Can't be 100% sure but I am pretty sure this was just being finished by Jon around the same time I picked up my Series 2 from his workshop, date checks out Absolutely stunning if only I wasn't moving house soon , I'd be all over this GLWTS Think it got a look in on Jons site as well 🧐 https://shukerguitars.co.uk/basses/shuker-singlecut-bass/#images-17
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