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Everything posted by ZenBasses

  1. Looks suspiciously like a P-Bass though I am no doubt of it's "custom" credentials 🧐, though I am strangely not offended by the color choice on this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Jazz-Bass-4-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar-/124479050135?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  2. These would be perfect for when I eventually move house in Jan. Have a couple of bitsa basses that I've built over the years so they don't have cases I'm over Leeds way , whereabouts in Manchester are we talking ? Cheers Ben
  3. I love my Series 2 4 String (wish I'd never sold my 5 string) I'm not in the market for a new bass as I am in the process of moving house but this is rather tasty and is a good price https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293789854653
  4. Changed to £40 ono. No love for the DTR-2 ?? 😊
  5. Hiya All Moving house soon, so having a bit of a clear out of equipment that I don't really use anymore, here we have a Korg DTR-2 Rack Tuner that has served me well over the years. It's in fully working order and is in good condition and has been kept in my rack case above my EBS Fafner for a number of years. https://photos.app.goo.gl/BdPE4RqzXcKwZNhDA It's worth mentioning this is a US Model and thus runs on 110v, included in the sale is a 230v > 110v converter, this again works perfectly fine but is a bit "Buzzy", these are relatively cheap to buy from the usual online suspects. This is bundled in for free Collection is from a WF15 postcode (I am approx. 9 miles from Leeds) and I am happy to delivery/meet half way if that helps depending on the distance Looking for £40.00 ono collected, I'd prefer to work digitally either via Bank Transfer or PayPal Shipping can be arranged , the tuner it's self is lightweight and compact but the power converter does weigh a fair bit, having a quick look on Parcel2Go and putting in a weight of 3kg works out between £5 - 10 depending on which service. If you did not want the converter that is fine and will save on postage costs https://www.parcel2go.com/quotes?col=219&dest=219&mdd=0&p=1~3|||&quotetype=Default
  6. Gutted I missed this , I never got a Hiscox with my Shuker due to a supply and demand issue at the time.
  7. Sorry for the delay still interested in this.....consider it sold and I'll PM you ...
  8. Really good basses , I've had my GB IV for over 15 years and it's still the best bass I've owned or own .. This bass was originally prototype for Bernie and the crew and is one of the few very (if not the only ) 4 string finished on Parismic Sparkle This has also had the full Rumor circuitry upgrade at the Brighton workshop ..it's a great upgrade Can't recommended these enough and I know I would never part with mine as it's defo "road worn" . Whoever bags this it should be a keeper for sure https://photos.app.goo.gl/61mLXjXqT9LKyewz9
  9. Now complete bit I haven't swapped out the electronics or pickups yet https://photos.app.goo.gl/JfHwkNKkoNLY1ivQA I had to sand the machine head holes with a file to get the bushes to fit For the machine head holes I got the string groove slots in line and used a metal ruler in its plastic sleeve plus duck tape to push into the gaps and make it easier I drilled the machine heads hole with 1.5mm drill bit and waxed up the screws They were tight and started to blow the gloss finish so I re drilled at 2mm and all was fine Action is really low , I need to sort the nut and the saddle height out but it's tuned up , stable and plays really well So far so good 😀
  10. So , I have done a compete U turn as Rob wanted 6-8 weeks for production and adding all the costs together ve practicality I decided to order a Vintage Gloss neck from Northwestguitarst with a set of chrome Wilkinson tuners They are a pretty good match https://photos.app.goo.gl/Bq7Mj6yobcRHs57z6 First initial impressions is the neck is well made and finished there is a slightly mark at the heal end I am in contact with them about but all seems good in terms of fit and colour match I have a few more tools coming to fit everything but should be good
  11. This would be my second venture I was going to build a Jazz bass about 6 years ago but due to financial issues way back then I didn't complete and sold everything bar the pickups and the J Retro. Both were 2nd hand at the time. Once I decide on the neck I don't plan to initially rip out the current pups and circuitry, it may be perfect find then I can move them pups and J Retro on and harvest some ££ back. I may not even change the bridge, I'll only replace it if needed. My thought process was the neck is the one thing you are constantly in contact with so if the £££ had to be spent then that's where Id spend it. My house is not most the atmospherically sound due to the Half Brick Half PVC construction. I have a GB IV with a 1 piece maple neck and single action truss rod and it moves around like no-ones business. I've just converted the spare room to an office (these current times forced me to actually do it)and have placed some dehumidifying catchers within the room. My Shuker is pretty solid but it does have a dual action truss rod and Jon has neck strengtheners in his necks. I was hoping the Status neck would be rock solid and really give a unique tone. I am still o0o0ing and ahhhHHhing over the Faux Maple, I was kinda going for the classic 70's look with maple neck with block inlays. I may get a black with white blocks. Tell me more about the matt surface? is this like a Satin finish rather than gloss.
  12. And so it begins, I originally posted this in the wrong Forum , apologies I have just got delivered a Squire 77 Vintage Modified body that's fully loaded https://photos.app.goo.gl/vgwRnZsPCeJXUYHC9 From a previous project that never was I have a J Retro and a set of Nordstrand J pups All to do is add a neck now; and there are a couple of choices Option 1. I was thinking of going with a Faux Maple 20 fret neck from Status Rob has quotes me £550 for a Jazz neck in Faux Maple with Black Blocks and pre-installed Gotoh tuners and the Nut pre-cut to Squire/Fender Specs for 45 - 105 strings (my preferred gauge). Lead time 4-6 weeks Options 2. Get a Roasted Maple 20 fret Neck and then fit all the appropriate hardware and have it setup by Single Coil in Leeds (when permitted) I don't have all the tools and I know the Fender necks can require quite a bit of nut work so by the time I have bought all the tools I might as well get someone else to do it Pricing it up the Status neck works out around £90 more expensive when everything is said and done. That would mean I have enough left over to replace the bridge with a Hipshot, Gotoh, Schaller or Fender high mass. Alternatively there is Warmoth but I feel their lead time has be been really impacted by COVID-19 Opinions ? Go Wood or Go Carbon ?
  13. I use a set Grado Prestige SR80e's Grado make a range of open back headphones that are simply awesome. They never distort or feel overworked under studio conditions Well worth a look depending on your budget https://www.grado.co.uk/
  14. If you are new to bass , all I'd recommend (once we can) getting a good setup unless you are familiar with the process. It's a hell of a find for the money As mentioned above Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 😋
  15. Tempted.com. 😨 I shouldn't check this place on Friday night on pay day ...... Damnit It would make the family complete hLttps://photos.app.goo.gl/ZTwrWLYZgjwddEPLA
  16. Hey Can anyone recommend a good amp repair service in the West Yorkshire area I have a EBS Fafner Gen 1 that requires a good service and possible replacement of some of the pots where the tracks have worn as I get intermittent sound outages and crackling when adjusting ..tried cleaning with contact cleaner by removing the casing and spraying in the service holes but has made no difference . Drive Compressor Master volume (far left volume control) Are the ones affected . Searched a few places round the Leeds area but without reviews / past few experiences one can never tell Any help is welcome ... Many thanks Ben
  17. Hiya everyone.. So after another change in the weather I am finding myself yet again changing the truss rod adjustment on my GB IV... Although I have had it for 15 years and wouldn't change it for the world it does infuriate me how un-stable the neck is.. Just to take note mine was a prototype bass and thus might have not been built from the best sources of timber. I also have a Shuker Elite Custom which had carbon fiber reinforced bars in the neck construction and within the same room, it hasn't move an mm yet alone an inch... I was wondering if anyone has had any such work carried out.. If I go for it I will get Jon Shuker to carry out the work. I was wondering if it had any effect on playability, sustain and tone.. I would imagine not when thinking about it logically rather than subjectively. Just for knowledge the GB has a 1 piece rock maple neck with an ebony fingerboard. The Shuker has a 5 piece affair. I was hoping adding some reinforcement in the neck would help stabilise it. Of course I might also have a dodgy truss rod... Any advice / help would be greatly appreciated.. Ben
  18. With healthy sum of money to spend I'd like the mention the following http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/ http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk http://overwaterbasses.com Keeping it local... All 3 could create your desired JB Not to mention Sei.... But they've been mentioned already hehe
  19. Hey, So I am doing the usual cleaning and changing batteries that I always so when getting a new set of strings and it occurred to me. How can I set the string spacing on this Hipshot bridge?...I could aim for directly between the poles on the pickup.. But they are not exposed. So I guess i am looking at 19mm..but where from? The centre of each saddle to the next? But then how far from the edge of the base plate does the first one start ? Also this bridge has tightening screws that I always assumed locked the spacing in. Last time o had it setup they guitar tech (well respected) said they should always be loose. I am pretty good at saddle adjustment for intonation and string height. Using feeler gauges and the like. But I am struggling to find a good article on this type of bridge as they saddles move all over the place. Hopefully the link below works Many thanks https://goo.gl/photos/YT99TpkABN2KB5Js8
  20. Hey, just some advice from all you knowledgeable people. I have my new Shuker now since November. It has the most amazingly figured cocobolo fingerboard.. Oodles of sap wood in it for good measure. Jon said after 6 months I will need to oil the fingerboard. I was wondering which oil to use? I have a bottle of Dunlop lemon oil that I have always used on my basses. Would this be suitable? Or should I be looking more at Danish Oil, tung, linseed oil etc etc? I have a old tin of Danish Oil that has never been open.. Kept in the garage.. Dunno if this is okay to use. Any help greatly welcomed..
  21. The zoom however has to be a purchased anyhow.. For the price it seems like a very useful bit of kit at a silly price It's a done deal
  22. I wish I hadn't sold my boss gt6b... I really want to save up and buy another one.. I am taken by one of these.. It would be perfect. [url]http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/131441340386[/url]
  23. A stupid price... I might get the hammer and see what's in the piggy banks Skint after a ceiling replacement in the living room.. Damn those leaking shower trays..
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