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Everything posted by ZenBasses

  1. This ticks the the box and is perfect for what I had in mind. Could even stretch to the next model up with the expression pedal. A great shout and I've found them new for £45.00 Thank you
  2. So I am going silent.. Not that I have had complaints from neighbours.. Ihave just had my EBS fafner 1 serviced and it is again sounding amazing.. My birthday is just round the corner and I have ordered a pair of these as a present (the joys of getting older and people have no idea what to buy you). [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00L1LXOWS/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1432324951&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=grado+headphones&dpPl=1&dpID=51F9cgGBXNL&ref=plSrch[/url] They sounded amazing when I tired a pair at richer sounds. Compared them to some akgs sennhisers and some boss and these were far and away the better headphones. So I want to plug in my bass and a aux sound sourece.i have cheap 16 channel mixing desk and can use the balanced output from the ebs. The desk however is cheap and very noisy. The tracks are going on the sliders and are cutting out. Now I don't really have the use for a desk anymore. Can anyone recommend some nifty little unit that's not a lot of money that will. Be perfect for this situation. Would be so cool to have the portability that I can practice in the living room or bedroom or take it when I am away with work.. But this is not a deal breaker. And I guess not using the ebs in that situation, just a bass and a sound source for use with headphones might be a different beast all together. I am looking at a sub £150 budget.... Many thanks in advance for any contribution.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. I might be under some sort of illusion but I always thought a stone cold room isn't good for keeping equipment in..maybe inside is that damp is unlikely. Humidity in the house is fine at around 55-60% so about what it should be. But yes I would be making musical drones in that room...just got round to putting in a desk (or an IKEA worktop as it is lol)... I measured it today and was surprised to find its 5.2m2..bigger than i thought. Its had a new carpet with good underlay. There are the odd whistles from the windows but i wouldn't say it was drafty. The house is circa 1968. The unsavoury folk are around the area..My living room is at the back of the house and although there's a conservatory attached where the dogs live it just makes me feel uneasy that my basses could be seen if anyone cared to have a peak Cheap running is a goodbl point.I have seen various reviews on small oil filled radiators. Some good and some bad. Its good to hear from you guys that they are generally okay. Pay day tommorow. I shall be heater shopping. All I know is I don't want a one of those tiny bloody convection heater..just wanting it to click on and off as needed without the noise of a cheap fan making a racket.
  4. Hey Well with the addition of 3 Hercules wall hangers it would be as well to move my basses from my living room to the 'mans' room. I keep my basses in the living room as it stays at around 16-20 degrees even without the heating on. Th small bedroom we have has no radiator so I've been loathed the store them in there. However i am getting tetchy as there has been a few unwanted people hanging around the area and well the basses aren't that well hidden. I have 3 alarms..2 being my dogs but temptation and all. Anyway the room is small around 5f x 8ft. Im wanting a cheap to buy and run heater just to keep the room warm but not sub tropical I was thinking this would be an ideal solutions [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0045JI3IS/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1420627169&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SY200_QL40&dpPl=1&dpID=41SXr6pgqlL&ref=plSrch[/url] Anyone got the same issue.would love to plumb a new radiator in there but the cost is a bit too much at this point. Seems like a pointless post I know. Thanks Ben
  5. Trying to convince the other half it's a great Xmas present and I am in a wf15 postcode... Has the amp got any marks worth mentioning. As a fafner + proline 4x10 user it'll be a perfect complement..
  6. [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/me5jhynr68y9o74/2014-11-23%2014.14.08.png?dl=0[/url] Hope this helps And thanks
  7. Hey Just a quick one. The balanced output in my fafner 1 is broken. The clip that holds the cable in place was broken off some while ago by a careless band mate and this doesn't make a proper connection anymore. With a possible gig coming up I'd like to replace it. Can anyone advise as to which type of connector I would need? Many thanks Ben
  8. Haven't the cash at the moment but these basses are definitely on the 'want one' list...
  9. A part of my musical inspiration has passed. It's a sad day...
  10. Thanks for the comments I had a very good idea what I wanted and working together with Jon this time around has been purely about design and the look of the instrument I knew his necks were extremely comfy I know the circuits and the Emg pickups are just awesome. Even Jon admitted he is a massive fan of Emg and are every bit as good as the boutiques available. Jon's never done a 3+1 Config as far as he can remember with his own headstock design.. So another first My original Shuker Series 2 Elite, 7 years ago was also the first instrument he had the controls follow the curve of the body contours, he has used this many times since. All in all I am thoroughly smitten.
  11. So here it is in all its glory [url]https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ix1a9koa15pxwsw/AACwrVHmfxM41_syLsLPi2waa[/url]
  12. It's finally at home It's absolutely amazing I won't release sub standard pictures hehe It's too dark outside and photos on my trusty phone are not coming out so good even with all the lights on So here is a teaser shot of the headstock with a 3+1 Config ..... Oh and sounds the 'dogs'
  13. T-Minus, not a lot of hours left Collection is tommorow afternoon.
  14. Thanks for the comments Deposit was paid in October last year so it's been in reality a year from start to finish.. Which I am pleased with
  15. Thanks for the comments Deposit was paid in October as year so it's been in reality a year from start to finish.. Which I am pleased with
  16. Will you just take a look at that 98% complete with just 2 switches and the control cavity to fit Looks a million dollars All paid for with hopefully a collection time made for next week Another of Jon's finest creations
  17. I followed the build diary for this bad boy. A stunning looking instrument Not my cup of tea but I have buckets of appreciation for the level of detail. Glwts
  18. It's a sad situation when things like this happen... Great looking bass though.. Has a wiff of Overwater about it.. Which is by no means a bad thing...
  19. Very nice.. Love the matt finish on these j basses.. Glwts
  20. Bit of a pointless post but got excited when the invoice from Jon landed in my inbox last night Smiled at the price.. Also means we are not too far away at all.. Whoop Hopefully I can get down next Thursday
  21. Absolutely stunning Still my all time favourite bass.. Played many but never owned one. Price even second hand is beyond my reach. The Rumour is a defo the ultimate 'will have one some day' bass. Glwts
  22. Well.. Basically I've used the equipment I've got to get round the problem with a an hour cutting down cables and making a new set of 'patch cables' I get the fact that bass is omnidirectional and thus gets louder as sound travels outwards but I try to be considerate with levels on the Marshall at about 4..it doesn't help that my GB IV is running 18v active.. I get a more 'usable' volume from the passive yam I have. I've made a couple of xlr leads Dug out the old mixing desk Made it fit Connected the balanced output from the fafner Fed in a 3.5mm stereo input Job done No money spent I am thinking that eventually I will get some decent cables and my money is more well spent on a decent set of cans...
  23. [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B005CNR7B0/ref=s9_simh_gw_d0_g23_i2?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=mobile-1&pf_rd_r=0X9MNTMBN4E48ND1NS52&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=507564347&pf_rd_i=mobile#productDescription_secondary_view_pageState_1410109491809[/url] Interesting and a good price.. Anyone had any experience?
  24. Wow Thanks to everyone for the input. Unfortunately being a mid terrace always has the sound transfer problems I am really liking the look of the Phil Jones Bass buddy.. Looks like it ticks all the right boxes.. Might mean saving a little more and just dealing with the cans I have now. The hd-251s have received great reviews. It just a case now of finding some good hand gear.. It's not the kinda Gas I am use too as I am really a bass - lead - amp kinda player... Once again. Sorry to the neighbours
  25. Some good recommendations.. Thank guys.. Though as I've just laid a new patio this summer I fear a impromptu upheaval might upset the other half.. Hehe
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