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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. I've been damn close and I'm sh*t I played in a very busy covers/wedding/function band and the money probably bettered working in a call centre at one point. As it happens, I have one of those overpaid IT jobs and when it comes down to it, not being up all night with a bunch of drunks carrying heavy things around has something to say for it. I now play once a month or so for fun. I'm still sh*t!
  2. [quote name='Tracer' post='331646' date='Nov 18 2008, 05:46 PM']Would the bass riff sampled in Rapper's Delight be too long? Because if that doesn't make people grin then there's something wrong with them and they should be publicly flogged.[/quote] And... I can actually play it - sort of. An excellent demonstration of the Dorian mode
  3. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='331614' date='Nov 18 2008, 05:13 PM']Play the bass riff from the outro of "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac. It's something like this: [code]G | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | D | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | A | - - - - - - - 2 | 3 - 2 - - - 2 - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | E | 5 - - - - - 5 - | - - - 5 3 5 - - | 0 - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - |[/code][/quote] That used to be the cheesiest line ever - now I suppose it's just postmodern
  4. I think you've probably been unlucky. They weren't sitting in the back of a freezing cold van or outbuilding where they? I've seen condensation see things off if you don't leave them for a while to warm up. You're going to have to take them to a tech to get fixed. It's unlikely to be something simple. A quick google turned up [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url] - I don't know anything about them but it looks likely.
  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='330753' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:59 PM']If you're a really simple bass player who doesn't have much in the way of chops just do this: 1. Walk up to the front of the stage 2. Raise your fretting hand aloft 3. Put on your sex face 4. Bang out 4 half note open Es over two bars 5. Bang out 8 quarter note open Es over two bars 6. Bang out 16 eighth note open Es over two bars 7. Bang out 24 triplets open Es over two bars 8. Whack all 4 open strings at once and let them ring for one bar 9. Gesture at the crowd with your left hand to applaud 10. Get back to playing the tune[/quote] Two observations: * Chops are something you put apple sauce on. * Sex Face? I'm 44 and married - I don't have a sex face
  6. [quote name='andrea_m' post='304958' date='Oct 12 2008, 05:53 PM']Hi, my name is Andrea, I'm Italian and 22 years old. I'm looking for somebody who could give me bass lessons here in Edinburgh. I know how to play a bit, but I know nothing about theory, etc.. cheers[/quote] Is this guy too far (just over "the bridge")? [url="http://www.lawriemacmillan.co.uk/"]http://www.lawriemacmillan.co.uk/[/url] Anyway. I can strongly recommend :-) BTW.. how does being Italian affect your bass playing?
  7. [quote name='Alun' post='329811' date='Nov 15 2008, 07:53 PM']Or the theme from the Simpsons always goes down well! Cheers Alun[/quote] Ha! Inspired. Danny Elfmann to the rescue
  8. I've got the rosewood (fretless) equivalent in black (same year within usual error). The sound is amazing - shame I'm pants on the fretless
  9. [quote name='johnnylager' post='329812' date='Nov 15 2008, 07:53 PM']That fast run near the beginning of YYZ. Works every time. For Geddy Lee![/quote] I must confess I'd never heard that song - never been into Rush. Still, (thanks to Youtube) I see what you mean but I just don't think I'm quite fast enough
  10. [quote name='Telebass' post='329816' date='Nov 15 2008, 07:58 PM']Have got Notepad 2008, and am working on it...It's the timing aspect that is worst; can sort out the actual notes a bit already. That last site looks interesting - thanks![/quote] I know... the timing *is* the worst. Try transcribing simple rock stuff, don't go for mad syncopated stuff. Status Quo not Radiohead I think the problem is that rock music (for want of a better word) was never written down so, in some pieces, the timing can get very complicated indeed. Much more so than classical stuff.
  11. [quote name='Telebass' post='329796' date='Nov 15 2008, 07:19 PM']Title says it all, really. What's the best way for an old fart to learn to read music?[/quote] Depends what you mean. Reading music is pretty easy, you can learn the mechanics in minutes almost. However, learning to sight read a part is a different matter entirely and can take years to get competent at. You are probably aiming at somewhere in between. The best advice I can give for learning to read music is to write some. If you take some parts you know and try to notate them it really is a good workout. If you can get hold of some notation software, they usually can play it back to you so you know it's correct. I think Finale do a freebee version - actually I see it's not free now, but ten bucks shouldn't hurt too much :-) [url="http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/"]http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/[/url] Other than that, try playing from the dots. There's some good resources on the web for this.. here's one of my faves: [url="http://thelibster.com/bass/"]http://thelibster.com/bass/[/url]
  12. [quote name='Alun' post='329797' date='Nov 15 2008, 07:25 PM']Are you playing something when you're introduced or does everyone start from silence? If you are playing a song, what is it? Might help us think of suitably quotable tunes that'll fit [/quote] No we are between songs that's the trouble. The guitarist plays a little riff, the drummer runs around the kit and I... stand there and grin...
  13. [quote name='aj5string' post='329713' date='Nov 15 2008, 04:28 PM']Why don't you write a lick or two - or nick some flash lines from other tunes and transpose them to the correct key? I know plenty of 'improvisers' who just do that....[/quote] Goog idea... and suggestions. No slap please
  14. [quote name='BassManKev' post='301724' date='Oct 7 2008, 08:05 PM']one of the main reasons why i own a stingray and love them is because the pickup position is exactly where i like to play i love the p bass sound, but iv always struggled as i cant anchor my thumb where i want to[/quote] When I first got a stingray (coming from a variety of J-style pickuped Yamahas) I was thrown by having to play so near the bridge. Now it just seems normal. Strangely, now I'm playing my G&L (twin humbuckers) most of the time, I've drifted much nearer the neck so I guess it depends on the bass too.
  15. I play in a covers band. I've always played in a covers band. Well I played in an originals for a few gigs but I replaced somebody else, so it was still a covers band for me. Anyway, you get to that bit at the end of the night where (yes I know it's cheesy...) the singer intros the band, everybody plays a little solo... except me. I don't have a clue what to play. I've never improvised in any meaningful way or played a solo in my life. Can anybody help me not look like an idiot?
  16. Thanks's guys - I'm off to try this again with renewed vigour. It's all a bit of a car crash when me and the drummer come in at the moment
  17. [quote name='Pbassred' post='206893' date='May 26 2008, 09:19 PM']I want to light a small band (safely). Anyone know of an idiot's guide? Any tips? I know that there's a shop near me in Harrow ( I live in Herts) but I don't know its name or address.[/quote] You can get kits with two multi-colour floods, stands and a dmx controller for about £500 quid. More than does the job. BTW... IMHO, don't buy PAR lamps. The bulbs are expensive and hard to get (relatively). The type that take ordinary floodlight halogens are the answer. You can get a replacement bulb for 2 quid from B&Q at 10pm!! Avoid like the plague weird cheap stuff of the Bay. The bulbs can be impossible to get from anywhere!
  18. To be fair, I've met some "guitar players" who have a real feel for the bass and are good at teaching it, so that isn't a problem per se. It only might be. I started out with a teacher who was a guitarist to trade (as it where), but was really one of those multi-instrumentalist types and his guitar experience helped not hindered. Learning songs and talking about how the bass line works with the chords (do you do that) is great practice. I dunno about the tab thing though - I would run a mile from anybody who taught tab!! To get to the point, do you know what you want to achieve? If, say, you *really* want to be a demon at slap bass then you need someone to teach you that. I bet your man isn't the person for that. Work out what *you* want and talk to your teacher. You may simply agree to part - he may know someone better for you even.
  19. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='282297' date='Sep 12 2008, 02:33 AM']thanks for pointing that out noel. I should have made sure of the model number before having a brain fart btw the one in Glasgow?,is it the one in Mcormacks which is either a honey or natural?,cant remember which. If so they've had that bass for years - it was £1200 a few years back.[/quote] Oh yeh - I played that one. The price was so stupid that I didn't even have the nerve to say I might be interested if they, say, halved the price!
  20. It's not rocket science The 12th fret needs to be halfway between the nut and the bridge (or some nominal centre point on the bridge it being adjustable). It's not about absolute measurements though it's abut dividing up the strings and the frets are positioned to divide up the intended scale length. That is on a 34" scale the 12th fret is 17" from the nut AND the bridge (or it should be). As long as that is the case or made to be the case then you are laughing. So, what I'm saying is make sure YOUR nut to 12th measurement is the same as the 12th to bridge. What do you mean it doesn't intonate? Are you running out of travel on the bridge saddles? If so, you know you need to shift the bridge. The other thing is that you might end up with the pickups in a bad place and it sounds rubbish.
  21. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='324587' date='Nov 7 2008, 11:20 PM']Sheer class....... I saw Sade live in blackpool just before the second album was released way back when.What a voice. She was described on this very forum only a couple of weeks back as sheer 80's dross What a shame.[/quote] I don't think it was anything to do with Ms. Adu's abilities really it more the type of person who bought her stuff. I generalise of course, but back in the 80s when I where a lad she seemed to be beloved by the 316 BMW crowd who also thought that Simply Red was a good idea
  22. Give us a clue... what sort of things are you looking for?
  23. [quote name='urb' post='322675' date='Nov 5 2008, 02:12 PM']Um, not really - it's a good way of saying; "he's right in the groove" etc - it's been around for years and nothing to do with being a mega-muso - John Entwhistle had a great pocket groove, as does Paul MacCartney, as did James Jamerson, Jaco - Billy Sheehan can grind a great funky line as can Flea... Etc etc M[/quote] I'm lot sure we can let you off with "in the groove" either.
  24. [quote name='martthebass' post='322918' date='Nov 5 2008, 07:48 PM']Not so sure there's that much 'sonic' difference between the Tribby and 'proper' L2500. I love the US 2500 I just got from a fellow BC'er; I had a good go on a US and a Tribby recently and 'eyes closed' couldn't tell the difference.[/quote] Yeh - it was one of those, "oh wow" moments. I've always like the idea of a 5 string, but never found one that I actually wanted to play. The 2500, though, was not only nice to play it's nicer then anything else I've played with any number of strings. The sound is quite something too, although I still can't quite remember what all those damn switches do
  25. [quote name='nig' post='322789' date='Nov 5 2008, 04:51 PM']Hi, im in essex im afraid, way down the country, its tones are more amazing than the L2500, of which I own one that is set up for high c instead of low b, these are still very nice basses even without the MFD pups and score that emg sound, as for a black ray with a maple board, well what can I say, perfect.[/quote] I recently acquired a Tribute L2500 from one of the guys here and I'm a total convert it's brilliant, even if not the "real thing". It seems to have replaced the 'Ray as my main bass in fact. However, I'm still quite emotionally attached to the StingRay and it would have to be that "can't say no" type of deal. I've been doing a bit of reading and the L5500 seems to get extremely diverse reactions from amazing to complete junk. I would definitely need to try one and our remote location makes that difficult. I also think even in today's depressed market a nice StingRay is probably worth a bit more. I can do you a Yamaha TRB4ii sight unseen mind you. Fabby bass - rosewood though.
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