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Posts posted by thepurpleblob

  1. My first ever gig on bass - I played percussion in brass bands since I was about 12.

    Location/Venue: A pub in Wishaw (near Glasgow) that's not there any more

    Your age: 39ish

    Your bass: Yamaha TRB-4

    Your amp: Gallien-Kreuger GK300 + Hartke something-or-other cab.

    The set list (some of it):  It was a charity thing and we only played a few songs. (Come up and see me) Make Me Smile.,  Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Better Man (Pearl Jam), I Believe in a Thing Called Love. 

    It was all downhill from there...

  2. Yeh - some people like the idea of being in a band but don't actually have the time/commitment/whatever to actually do it. Some people's lives are just too chaotic. 

    My default expectation is that we rehearse once a week. If you can't all spare an evening a week to be in a band then it's never getting off the ground. 

    • Like 1
  3. I don't listen to Jaco, Wooten, and so on and so on. These pushing-the-limits-virtuoso-bass-players do nothing for me. Music I like to listen to doesn't have that stuff in it. 

    But... to be fair... I know I'll never get anywhere near any of them. So respect as it were. 

  4. Music isn't my day job plus I started playing as an early mid-life-crises thing and (in my mid 50s now) have been playing less than 20 years. I don't aspire to do any better than "get away with it" as I know I won't ever have the hours in the days. 

    My day job in IT I have spent thousands of hours and become something of an authority in my limited field. However, I still feel like I am scratching around the edges and have everything to learn. That's life. Only stupid people think they're the greatest. 

    As a side note... I always walk away from crap drummers. There's nothing like a bad drummer to make me feel like I can't play any more. 

  5. Jake the greyhound :D

    I found the menu but not an option to specifically disable that feature. 

    I've had about 5 in the last ten minutes so the result is that I will just start ignoring the notifications. That is, I will miss 'real' ones. 

    Sorry - IT support is my day job. It's a change being the idiot on the other end :crazy:

  6. There's nothing at all wrong with copying a bass line note for note but if you have a set of 30 songs to learn by the end of the weekend, pragmatism dictates that a decent facsimile will do just fine. 

    I've played in covers bands for years and there's some twiddly bits that I've spent hours getting right and some others that I've quietly ignored and played a root note. As long as you capture the essence of the thing the audience won't notice or care. The other guy played that way because he/she could... 

  7. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1510229449' post='3404757']
    Sounds like a good way to waste a few hours :)
    If you do this, use a passive bass, since an active bass is likely to drive the cable without any difference being noticed (Can anyone confirm if this is the case?) Also ideally go into something like Focusrite, then there will be no unwanted interaction between the different cables and the amp.

    Yep - with an active bass, the tiny amount of capacitance in the cable makes no difference. With a passive bass it can make a difference. Not much though.

  8. Yeh - I am completely useless at getting gigs. Don't send me - guaranteed disaster.

    Our singer, on the other hand, is an expert salesman or a dog with a stick depending on how you look at it. He goes in with cards, photos, videos and then wears them down until they say yes. Some people are just better at that sort of thing than others.

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