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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. It's not a problem for me... BUT... my 5s all have 19mm spacing. I don't really like (understand?) narrower spacing and it makes switching result in a variety of fumbles.
  2. I never learned to slap. There are only so many (practice) hours in a day and there are lots more interesting things to learn.
  3. Hi! From a Carluke bassist (close enough)
  4. It's dead easy... you set everything flat!
  5. Got one... incredible bass. Don't discount because it doesn't have all the bits and bobs the "usual" Laklands have. The neck is just the best and B string is the best I've heard.
  6. I learn a part for a song. Rehearse it. Gig it. Then a few weeks later be listening to it on headphones walking to work and realise I got it completely wrong. At least I go home and fix it. Happens far to often 😄
  7. I went to an audition once immediately after spending most of the weekend changing a gearbox/transfer box in a 4WD vehicle. I had no strength whatever left in my fingers and could hardly play a note. Very embarrassing.
  8. Does badly count?
  9. I'm going back a bit too. Nearly all (if not all) club gigs were through an agent. Certainly round here they didn't like to work directly with bands. As has been mention, you need to be *very* careful about performance times. It's too easy to get a "9pm to 1am with a 20 min break for the bingo" chucked at you. I've always tended to apply a cost break to playing after midnight - mostly because I don't want to. £300-400 quid used to be the going rate for clubs with £200-250 for pubs. It still is the going rate come to think of it.
  10. May I nominate the hardy covers band perennial, "Sit down" 😂😎 Regarding the Cardigans - who cares about the bass line? I'm looking at Nina Persson 😘
  11. I'd never heard of him either. On looking him up he has a massive back catalogue, working with loads of musicians, a few of which are very famous and the majority I have also never heard of. Fender must like him, though!
  12. I'm a valve cynic. What's not "warm" about solid state amps? It's all in your head... or the EQ... or both. Let the flaming commence 🤣
  13. The small team I work for are all (coincidentally) part-time musicians plus one night club DJ - day job is IT. We NEVER discuss it 😶
  14. I will now you've suggested it... 😄
  15. What are people wearing? My collection of t-shirts cover my belts. If I'm even wearing a belt.
  16. Low to high. As an aside I always tune by pinging the harmonic at the 12th fret. I'm not entirely sure it's the best way!
  17. ...that too 🤣 Stevie Wonder is mostly dreadful - who knew 😯
  18. For the record... I'm not having a pop at the mods. It's a thankless task.
  19. I'd just like to add... my musical tastes widened a hell of a lot after I started playing in covers bands.... playing all sorts of stuff I thought I didn't like 😛
  20. Not here - but I am moderator in a couple of other sites (one a BMW forum and the other a well known education platform) and we just don't put up with any crap. There's *always* somebody who wants to spoil things and good moderation is needed to jump on it.
  21. What's a sound check? Best bit of advice I ever had - plug it in, switch it on, play a note. If it works, put it down 😉
  22. The same as everybody else I expect... there's loads of stuff deemed "classic" that I just don't like. The Stones is a good example - utterly lost on me. Most American rock bands and artists (a bit sweeping I know) I don't care for. And so on.... I staggered from prog rock beginnings at school to 80s/90s indy and such. Life's far too short to worry about such things!
  23. I could only find a list of 50 but I heard of around a quarter of them. I'll probably have a listen to some of the others on YouTube. I've been known to be pleasantly surprised. I try to go and see a few bands live. It's handy if they're not all dead!
  24. Enjoyed it... I'd never heard of The Record Company but I was impressed and will investigate further. Wasn't keen on Jess Glynne's trousers. And Buble is a bit of mystery to me... my wife says that I need to be a menopausal woman to understand 😛
  25. Yeh - should we really be compiling lists of best female bass players? In fact, lists of "best" bass players is pretty ridiculous full stop.
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