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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. So you're saying that you plug it into a chromatic tuner with flashing lights and it's bang-on in the middle always?
  2. Slightly tongue in cheek, but I've read one or two postings in the for sale forum recently were vendors claim that their instrument "stays in tune for months" or something similar. I've had a quite a few different basses and some never leave my house for weeks or months and I am quite sure they never stay in tune. Just playing the thing knocks it out of tune a bit after all. Is this "first to see will buy" talk, or is there some magic around that I'm missing?
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1373464254' post='2137897'] No , he's bald . [/quote] That's ok... me too!
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373462631' post='2137850'] 'the black bassist, Marcus Miller.... [/quote] Marcus Miller is black???
  5. I was about to say "well, do you look like Suzi Quatro?" but (kinda) got beaten to it It's possibly depressing that, with all the fantastic female bass players out there, that's the only one people can think of!
  6. I think I'd like them better if they wore cowboy boots? Not my thing - slightly more female, slightly less talented White Stripes-a-like.
  7. Twice... First time, I was playing in an originals band and the man in charge was a bit of a control freak. I made a couple of comments about how we could/should improve the PA (to be actually heard) and that was that - text, "we're looking for a new bass player". Second time, a new covers band just starting up - text, "drummer doesn't think he's gelling with you - we're going to look for someone else". Never heard of again. Ha ha ha Sometimes you're just not good enough / too old / too young / too ugly / don't brown-nose the egotist enough / etc. It's easy to say and harder to do but I wouldn't sweat it. Move on.
  8. Currently "resting"- and a bit pissed off about it
  9. I think the police just want to know it's stolen. It's not their problem if the work takes six months. It only becomes their problem if you can reasonably demonstrate that his intention was to relieve you of your property. It's doesn't sound like you can. I think they just want more info. Just take a small claims action against him. A few quid to 192.com will check his address. That should sort it one way or another. Oh... IANAL obviously
  10. Ashdown 4x10s are changing hands for next to nothing at the moment and are very good. The problem is that they are damn heavy. Buy the most powerful amp you can afford. As long as it's a reasonable quality manufacturer it doesn't make a huge difference IMO.
  11. I'm worried we're all going to turn up with Lakland 55-02s
  12. I'm 2pm - moved from 2:40. Half hour plus a ten minute gap... there's at least one other. Come on, own up
  13. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1367424092' post='2065507'] Having just clocked your location...and the song you've been asked to audition to... I've come to the conclusion we are quite possibly both auditioning for the same band!!! Hahaha...!! [/quote] Excellent. What time are you at? You'll get it. I'm sh*t
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1367402960' post='2065089'] You could use this as a lesson in transposing. If you think shapes and intervals... you don't need worry what key a song is in. Or you could use a variation of the Nashville method. All they do is line up the next section/chord relative to where you start. [/quote] True - I would normally shrug it off - but for an audition I like to remove all doubt. I'm taking the 5-string though !!!
  15. Ok - so it appears they are playing the DP arrangement down a *half* step (sorry, sorry, sorry) from the recorded version. Phew
  16. Half a step... I'm old, I take smaller steps now Playing it is no bother - done it before as recorded. It was just a WTF? moment. You don't like to go back and say "are you sure" ten times when it's an audition. Could be a bad start !!
  17. Ta... I kinda mean someone who knows the song to make sure I haven't gone insane. The recording is C, so if they have gone down a step then the chorus couldn't be G and vice versa. On this occasion I'm hoping I'm being stupid. I'm trying to avoid going to an audition haveing no clue if I am playing one of the songs in the right key !!
  18. I've been asked to play the above for an audition. To the obvious question "what key is it in" I recieved the answer... "[color=rgb(68,68,68)][size=4]B is the first chord of the verse. G is first chord of intro and chorus"[/size][/color] No matter how hard I try I can't make that make sense. I've asked for clarification about three times now. Does anybody else fancy having a go at making that fit. I'm hoping they've just gone down a step from C to B. It's not my first choice for transposing on the fly ;-)
  19. I don't think, "I'm going to play C, then G then A etc" but I could tell you which notes I am playing if you asked - so 'yes' I suppose. If anything, I wish I knew all my scales better. I can tell you if a note sounds wrong or right but it takes a few seconds to be certain it is actually a member of the scale (although often obvious from the position)
  20. It never occurred to me to do anything else. As a half-decent covers band it's relatively easy to get gigs in local pubs and you get immediate feedback from the audience. I don't have the aspiration to create my own music nor do I have the skills (or time to acquire those skills) to do so.
  21. Another for a Yamaha BB - an active one, obviously !! Speaking as somebody with nothing but active basses - I'm not sure it makes a great deal of difference. Unless you desperately want some fancy-pants EQ on your bass...
  22. I dealt with him once for a scratchplate. Sent me some scratched up piece of junk (listed 'new') and gave me a heap of unsolicted abuse when I complained. I know what I think about this dude....
  23. I like mine (an HS 4 string). I would actually recommend the HS as it gives you some options. The single coil gives a real P-bass thump. It's the only bass I have played where you can make a significant difference in the sound just by moving your right hand position a bit. It feels altogether more modern than the Stingray with comparable playability (i.e. nice neck). The downsides are, "oh... why didn't you bring the Stingray" from others in the band and, as has been said, the EQ is a bit much. The stacked knobs are a bit counter-intuitve in a rush. However, I'm the guy who won't play a Jazz because it has two volume knobs!!
  24. I give up....
  25. Dunno... the gold harware through me.
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