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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. Ignoring the blingy woman and the completely obvious part of the answer, what special edition is this... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ0NEe7gwSs[/media]
  2. I've got one of these and they're great instruments. The decider for me was the wide fingerboard (19mm spacing at the bridge and stays quite wide). This seems rare if you don't want to pay crazy money. Surprisingly similar in weight and feel to a TRB-5 which people may be more familiar with although a bit more 'toppy'. You can get a good twangy sound out of a 55-02. The passive/active switch is handy too. Good luck with the sale!
  3. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1359661347' post='1958507'] it seems to be the norm for sellers to request paypal gift or BACS on basschat, or ask the buyer to pay extra to cover fees. i didn't realise the 'gift' had no comeback via paypal so maybe the mods should put some advice as a sticky? personally i think if you take paypal payment you should take the fees as the seller, not the buyer. [/quote] It's a matter for negotiation between the parties involved but it should be seen as sensible insurance. By the way, protection also only applies if you post (or send by carrier) the item and you have proof you sent it. Again, if you meet up or send the bass up the other end of the country with your mate, no deal. It really is massively false economy to send expensive items around and scrimp on insurance and proper protection.
  4. Don't ever, ever, pay by PayPal gift. It's only for cash gifts. You have no comeback at all (from PayPal).
  5. [s]In the nicest possible way (really!). You sound like an idiot. You probably aren't but you sound like it. All that stuff about mp3's and copyright..... good grief!! If you *are* an idiot... oh well, good luck I suppose.[/s] EDIT Ahh sh*t.... I should learn to read. This isn't somebody saying "what do you think of my ad" is it? Well, in that case, he's an idiot. :-D
  6. Please tell us you didn't get talked into making a Paypal "gift" payment. If you did, frankly, I would start worrying more
  7. You're just talking yourself into GAS. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just a thing....
  8. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1359202822' post='1951462'] Mind you, I think that football fans who continually go on about '[u]we[/u] should have done this' , or ' [u]we [/u]played better in the second half etc' are even more deluded. You're just watching, probably not even at the game, there is no WE! You are just a punter! [/quote] And, to completely go off-topic, "it's YOUR Marks & Spencer". I'm guessing if I walk in and ask for the keys to MY shop it's going to end badly!!
  9. They do it with cars too. They even give them girls names. They're mental. Not in a cut you up and keep the bits in the freezer way.... well, hopefully not The nearest my fleet of ancient BMWs gets to names is some very fruity ones when they break (often!).
  10. They need to have some basic musical ability. There are some reasonable singers about but they all seem to be X-Factor wannabee Karaoki singers. In fact I blame X-Factor for everything that is wrong with the world. They probably won't have any concept of their range, they'll never of heard of keys never mind change to a different one. With one exception, all the useful singers I have known also play an instrument. And the one exception was mental
  11. Yes - there's a lot to be said for people who can manage the basic skill set of answering emails / texts / calls, can manage to string together proper sentences and show up when the say they will. Being any good is secondary - it doesn't matter how good you are if you are an idiot
  12. I agree - I've had some good stuff from Aldi but some junk as well. I've used a set of ratchet spanners and an air impact gun for a couple of years with no bother at all. Stuff like drill bits and screwdriver bits are, as ever, made from monkey metal.
  13. The site seems to have been developed by a yoga teacher (really). That's a new one....
  14. It's not a gas one, no. I've not had good experiences with any of the Parkside stuff. I bought one of their Dremel copies and the motor stalls if you stare it it hard enough! Spend the money once and by the right thing. A real temperature controlled station will set you back the thick end of a hundred quid probably but it will actually work and you'll get spares
  15. To be pedantic, it does't actually say that it's temperature controlled. I know it's adjustable but for under a tenner I doubt it has the requisite theremistor in the tip...
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358765963' post='1944500'] Maybe, but IME it makes zero difference to the sound and feel of the low B while adversely affecting the G and in some cases the D as well. I still haven't come across a 5-string where there is any substitute for making a good neck and neck/body joint in order to get the B string sounding and feeling good, and that can be done perfectly well with a 33-34" scale instrument. [/quote] Yeh - it seems to be a bit of a black art!
  17. The difference between a 34" scale and a 35" scale is about 1.4mm at the first fret (from the nut) and gets less as you go up. Shouldn't make a huge difference to playability although some clearly think it does.
  18. What's gets me is that both my amps have various weird processors on them that you can switch in - they don't do anything!! I have tried out various (often expensive) pre-amps and pre-processors and they do absolutely nothing or, at a push, make your bass sound rubbish. It's all a scam to extract money from musicians who don't know any better. For a bass, all you want is a big, meaty power amp and a volume knob.... and, if you are posh, a mute button
  19. Sigh!! Back to the water it is then.....
  20. I was listening to a band the other day and the bass player's sound was thunderous. A proper window rattler. I turned to my wife and commented that the bass was incredibly loud. "Yeh", she says, "nearly as loud as you!". Ho hum.
  21. To be honest, I think I've reached a point where I'm struggling to think of something else to buy. Having been round in circles a few times on basses I always end up back at the same stuff so there's no point denying it. The amplification I have was bloody expensive and has turned out to be as good as I hoped so stuck there too. Never mind, I'll just buy tools for my workshop - that satisfies the adiction!!
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358710872' post='1943875'] Is this with the same band, or with different bands? [/quote] Never thought about it. Always done the same I think. Back in the day, I would fiddle about the all the buttons and knobs but they always did absolutely nothing or made it sound worse. So I gave up. Flat generally seems like a good compromise to me *and* I don't have to think about it.
  23. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1358709913' post='1943845'] I know it's not really got anything to do with it, but I always worry that use of the phrase 'my sound' might possibly lead to sentences like: [i]'I dialled in my signature tone and unleashed some blazing licks from my toadally awesome arsenal of chops, dude'. [/i] Or something. [/quote] I think you may have hit the nail on the head. I don't want to be "that guy" In my experience, such as it is, factors you have no control over make the biggest difference. Size of the room. Whether anybody is in it. Type of floor.... that sort of thing.
  24. I played with the same Ashdown gear for years. Then I got ancient and I couldn't carry it anymore so I bough a Barrfaced gear. It sounds a lot different but there's still a bass in there somewhere. Yep, I live in Carluke but I came from Hull originally so I have everything working against me.
  25. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1358685318' post='1943208'] Set everything flat? [i][b]Set everything flat???[/b][/i] How can you call yourself a musician if you don't spend a few minutes twiddling knobs while the expectant crowd gazes, open-mouthed, at your vocational brilliance? [/quote] Because I don't know what the knobs do.....
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