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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1332242416' post='1585273'] music is an artform - i don't see how you can study art without discussing its development and meaning. [/quote] Maybe but, correct me if I'm wrong, this is the argument that if you are a millionaire superstar musician you can't sing about poverty. It just seems like a pointless argument to me but perhaps that's the argument in itself.
  2. I hate academics... no really, I do. It's a pointless discussion. You might as well ask if music is "organic" or something. Authentic just means something is "real" - well all all music is real otherwise I can't hear it. I work in IT and people love to bang on about things being "virtual". It's equally ridiculous. It's not virtual - I can see it; it's there on that screen
  3. I've been trying all the time I've been playing to nail that. It's extremely difficult - especially at full speed. Just slow it down and concentrate on your fingering. It'll need to be spot on (alternate plucking fingers for a start).
  4. I've never been to a funeral without somebody somewhere being offended about something. It's just the emotion of the event coming out. Speak to the familiy, explain your concerns openly but at the end of the day do what they ask. When I drop dead the miserablists can piss off... I expect to be sent off with a big party not some religious mumbling. If that offends some people then good. But that's just me of course
  5. I only once resigned from a band (sacked a couple of times!!). Similar reasons - everybody else's ambitions had taken a different path from mine. They looked really upset for 10 minutes. By the following Saturday a new bass player was installed and had learned the set. Don't sweat it. Everybody is allowed to say 'no' without worrying about others once in a while - it's the secret of avoiding stress and depression!
  6. [quote name='martin3030' timestamp='1332003739' post='1582020'] Hello wonder if anyone can help. Have picked up this and there is no output. Looking inside there is no fuse protection.Assuming it has had an overload what are the first things to be checking ? I noticed there is a thermal fuse on top of one of the heatsinks. Thanks [/quote] There's a fuse built into the mains connector for a start. Failing that it could be loads of things... it's pointless guessing. Could be a power supply failure, could be output transistors, could be something else. Unlikely to be a DIY fix. If you just want rid, I buy stuff like this as long as the price is sensible (please excuse blatant plug)
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1332089289' post='1583014'] And what did you say you thouhgt of Bongos? [/quote] The Bongo doesn't photograph well.... you've got to see one in the flesh to appreciate the... errr... subtle curves
  8. 1) Fender Jazz and its derivatives - insane controls (two volume knobs, what's that all about?), neck is too narrow, pickups are noisy in all but the dead-ahead position. 2) Rics - looks ridiculous. 3) Gibson Thunderbird et al - as above. 4) Singlecut basses - even "looks ridiculous" doesn't go far enough for these aberrations
  9. Have one of these... [url="http://line6.com/legacy/basspodxtlive"]http://line6.com/legacy/basspodxtlive[/url], in very good condition. Playing in pubs I never have any space for it so (long shot I know) would anybody be interested in swapping for the rack mount bass pod? I would also consider trades for any other rack gear - particularly a good compressor. What ya got basically? Cash adjustments either way entirely possible. Cheers
  10. Thanks guys.... my pile of broken stuff is increasing nicely. All I have to do is pull my finger out and get it all fixed
  11. Just bought a very broken (as described!) Korg DTR-2000 tuner from Steve. A gentleman to deal with... recommended
  12. I was just reading the specs on a couple of these things (how dull am I?) and spotted something interesting - many of them can be integrated with the alarm system. If any outside doors are open the cutoff volume is automagically reduced even further. How devious is that? Might be worth being aware of... don't chock open the fire-doors on a hot night!
  13. That was always my problem.... exactly *how* does one do a "singing voice"? I was never sure what to aim for...
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331906697' post='1580747'] What? No! I've never been to Newcastle. I was commenting on the ignominy of being known merely as 'somebody's dad'... [/quote] Ahhh.... my recollection is that the last time this came up somebody said "that's my dad playing on there". Thus making me feel incredibly old
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331904369' post='1580681'] Great track! ...'somebody on BassChat's dad'... fame at last! I used to be 'Mark', but am now more often known as 'Henry's Dad'. Such is life. [/quote] Is that you on there?? If so, I'll be round to grovel and/or buy beer. That band made by time at Newcastle University vaguely bareable
  16. I took some lessons last year. To set the scene, I had never sung and had absolute no clue what was involved. I just wanted to be able to sing backing. It was interesting in that - much to my surprise - I was told I could sing in key and we established my range etc. However, it still didn't mean anything to me - I only had the teachers word for it that I was doing it right or not, if that makes sense. It became a sticking point. I really have zero confidence and that became the barrier. So - yes, very useful indeed but you still have to dig some confidence and feel for singing from inside yourself. Its not like plunking on strings
  17. Brightened up my Friday... Perhaps you have to be a certain age, and perhaps you have to have lived on Tyneside during the 80s. However, I don't think I have seen a local band before or since with the charisma of this lot... [url="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F35256703&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=ff7700"]http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F35256703&auto_play=true&show_artwork=true&color=ff7700[/url] The bass line is great... I vaguely recall the bass player being somebody on BassChat's dad
  18. Summer of 69
  19. I am very sceptical about pulling necks off basses more than you absolutely have to - it's all wear on important fixings. I think it's simply a matter of discussing your concerns with the vendor. If they say no, I don't think it makes them a bad person - you just have a slightly trickier decision.
  20. I do agree. Except that it would have to be carefully moderated to avoid libel problems. Some places (and bands for that matter) can be very touchy about discussing fees.
  21. My TRB5 is currently sitting in a Musicman case, so I don't think they are terribly fussy case wise.
  22. [quote name='lucatus' timestamp='1330514416' post='1558553'] Hi there, I have a bit of a technical issue with my new second-hand TRB, so I'm copying here my original post from the "Repairs" topic. Any comment will be welcome! [/quote] I'm unsure why you think turning the volume down has anything to do with battery life. In case you don't know the battery is switched by inserting the jack so don't leave it plugged in for extended periods.
  23. After a particularly boomy night I've just ordered one. You'd all better be right - that's nearly 5 curries !!
  24. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1331713626' post='1577417'] it is reasonable to expect a band to turn up and play in a consumate manner - it is unreasonable to expect the band to be time travelling mind readers and anticipate that the venue manager would come up with such a crass excuse after and as a consequence of low attendance/takings - if venues are going to take the attitude that bands are expected to bring along a reasonable number of punters to put money over the bar then the venue need to specify it explicitly [/quote] Quite so.... that was my argument. If they guy wasn't going to pay us we could have had a gentlemanly discussion about it before we started playing. As the bar scene seems to be generally going down the toilet, I think we'll see a lot more of this kind of thing.
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