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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. Personally, I've never, ever had the desire to solo or remotely show off so this is all quite comforting. I'm off to buy a very loud shirt!
  2. To put this in perspective... I (truthfully) just bought New Model Army tickets. I am beyond your help 😂
  3. Jazz... do NOT get it. Sorry I suspect it may be my loss.
  4. I was painfully shy and painfully dull when I was 20. I think, all in all, I am a bit more fun and interesting now at 54. Although I am still fairly dull. I do play bass though (which I didn't at 20). So it isn't all bad! I wish the middle-aged me could have a quiet word with the younger me.
  5. Yeh but... not telling the wife I'm sleeping with her sister is probably lying. If they don't see you as a full member of "their" band then it may not be. I think there's some managing expectations to be done. You do need to sit down and tell them that this arrangement is niggling you. They may act surprised. They may not care. But you definitely need to get it off your chest as it clearly IS niggling you. I'm not sleeping with the wife's sister by the way! She said 'no'! 😂
  6. They see you as the "hired hand" and they will call you for the gigs they feel they want you for. Wouldn't worry me but it might worry you if you feel like you need to "belong". I really don't mean that in a patronising way. People are in a band for different things.
  7. There was a series 2 Yamaha TRB advertised on Gumtree for 300 quid the other day. Probably should have bought it but SWMBO was growling at the very mention. Point being, if you stay away from the 'trendy' makes and do a bit of digging you can get serious, pro instruments for 300 quid used.
  8. What did you use to varnish it?
  9. Kids don't worry me. They can't drive or carry a 10x8. I'll still have a gig 😂
  10. I spent 30 years playing (percussion) in orchestras, theatre bands, brass bands and such, where good sight-reading skills were vital. I now play bass in a pub band and I hardly ever read at all. However, I'm really glad I *can*. It's very useful every so often. Not for a minute do I think it doesn't matter to me. It's been an important part of my musical "journey".
  11. Interestingly, whenever I join a new band I always say, "I don't drink and I hate football. In fact I hate all sport. Anybody got a problem?". These things are a step too far for some people. Especially here in the Glasgow area 😄
  12. I have decent gear, a car that starts, I turn up on time having learned the parts, I don't drink or take drugs and I'm not excessively grumpy. My ability is entirely mediocre!
  13. I'm a fan too. Doesn't ACG fit them as standard? Maybe Alan can supply them or recommend somewhere.
  14. Ok... I'm not disputing the value of the site. I just commented that if there was a 'realistic' monthly option, I would sign up right now. I very rarely have $168 kicking around that I don't need to spend on something else. I find it surprising that there isn't. The $25 per month is, all but the shouting, double. That's not happening. I was just postulating that if people buy a year then, at least, SBL get a year out of them even if they stop using it. If they pay monthly and can't be bothered then they'll just stop paying. I'm becoming aware that I'm digging a hole for myself here. Anyway, make the monthly fee 'sensible' and I'll sign up. And I'll be nice 😄
  15. Stick... I have a five string USA Lakland. Well, maybe a Wal. I'm an 80s kid 😄
  16. I will never play this... and I've been trying for 10 years. I simply don't have the speed and the dexterity. I can get to about 75% speed but it's a brick wall beyond that. I think it depends... there's a lot of classically "difficult" songs been mentioned here. However, it's always more mundane stuff that trips me up. Things like Town Called Malice spring to mind. It's quite hard to keep the syncopation spot on right through the song. I was playing Back in the USSR last night. That's damn hard to get all the notes in cleanly. And many others...
  17. I make that a 44% discount for paying annually. I get it that it's a "standard business practice" and would expect to pay a little more. But that isn't a "little" more. I can't help suspecting the "Gym membership" effect. At least they have your money for a year even if you don't use it. Please excuse my cynicism.
  18. I quite like the free videos on YouTube. I've found many of them very useful. The marketing it horribly American and I don't mean that in a good way. I find that a bit offputting. Note to Scott... if there was a pay monthly option that doesn't take the p*ss ($25 vs $168/12 = $14) I would probably sign up.
  19. I've never managed to figure out if I'm a 4 or 5 string player. There are pros and cons to both. Currently, I'm a five player as that's what suits the band I am playing in. In other bands a 4 seemed more natural. You have to go with your gut feeling a bit and not try to overthink it. I have no interest in / need for slap but there seem to be plenty of people who manage to slap a 5. If you need 19/20 spacing then such basses exist (both my 5's have 19mm spacing).
  20. Marks and Spencer!
  21. I was your age when I started learning the bass. 15 years later, I am the youngest in my band by 10 years. Just a number
  22. I think this is the list if anybody is interested. Only including bands that gigged and weren't a complete waste of time... Band 1... was getting far too many gigs and I have a day job that pays too well. When the band was seriously affecting my day job something had to give. It was the band. Band 2... originals band. Sacked. "The drummer can't get along with you, oh, and you're too old" Band 3... punk covers band. Really good band but the lead guitarist left and it all got directionless for months. I stopped showing up - "let me know when you get your act together". The did but didn't ask me back. Band 4... Everybody resigned except me and the drummer. They then set up a new band lied about us and stole all the gigs. Nice people. They wanted all the gigs/money they could get. We didn't. Band 5... still there 😄 When you write it down it all sounds a bit pathetic. There was another 3 or 4 that split up before playing in gigs. I should learn to spot those.
  23. A Yamaha BB605 (Yes, I started on a 5 string for some reason). I've absolutely no idea what happened to it - I must have sold it but I don't remember. Seeing the error of my ways I bought a TRB-4ii (which I regret I don't still have). I've gradually drifted back to 5 strings, however.
  24. I love the neck. It's the best 4-string neck I have encountered. I picked one up in a shop ten years ago and it was a revelation. The 5-strings are "what were they thinking?" dreadful. Neck is too narrow, the G-string is insanely close to the edge and the pick guard is the wrong shape. Just my opinion of course 😄 I don't play mine that much because I mostly play 5s now but it's definitely not going anywhere.
  25. Anyway, it's a bass guitar... how many tricks do you need? 😎
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