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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. I'm pretty sure it's right down the middle. I'm starting to realise that "close enough" is the order of the day with a fretless
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='942750' date='Sep 1 2010, 10:21 PM']Ping a harmonic and it'll tell you.[/quote] How? The harmonic is only over the 12th fret if the intonation is correct, yes? And that's the problem, it clearly isn't.
  3. Fender fretless basses (and possibly others) have two dots to mark the 12th fret position. That's fine but the dots are half an inch apart. Which dot is the actual fret position? My guess is it's right down the middle but I'm far from sure...
  4. A couple of interesting offers floating around that I'm seriously thinking about but still here right now. Be quick if you don't want to miss out (thus guaranteeing it'll still be here in two months time!!)
  5. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='932241' date='Aug 21 2010, 08:46 PM']That's about as good a summary as I've heard. I like having that "How'd he do that?!?!" moment when listening to music and jazz is good for that. Absolutely! Melodic death-black-thrash-hyper-speed-core metal FTW.[/quote] When people talk about Jazz it seems to traverse the whole range from ghastly saxophone heavy elevator trash to completely unlistenable experimental stuff. Actually *most* genre's of music are like that I've yet to find any "Jazz" that I particularly like to listen to, but I don't like to exclude the possibility.
  6. [quote name='paulsummerill' post='932099' date='Aug 21 2010, 06:30 PM']I have a 1979 Kramer DMZ 4001 Made in USA bass it has Seymour Duncan P & J pickups and a Schaller bridge, it is black with the famous alluminium tuning fork neck, it plays beautifully and sounds awsome. I am looking to swap it for a made in USA precision if your interested.[/quote] A what? You have the advantage of me on the one I'm afraid.....
  7. OK, Price Reduced to a Grand. Can't be expensive, surely? Will still consider trades or even p/x's (cash to me!)
  8. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='929949' date='Aug 19 2010, 04:03 PM']It reminds me of life in the Scottish highlands circa 1973 [/quote] My mother and her husband moved to France precisely *because* it's like the UK was 25 years ago It's the food I can't stand. They take furry animals and grind them up whole - then make a stew out of it. Weird!!
  9. [quote name='JPS' post='929928' date='Aug 19 2010, 03:33 PM']"Normal friends" Purple Blob! Are you suggesting that most musicians are not normal (not that I'd necessarily disagree)?[/quote] Without a shadow of a doubt..... yes!
  10. TBH... I mostly want to be in a band to play music. I don't want to be mates with you, go drinking with you, shag your girlfriend (!!). Granted, it helps to get on and not be growling but I already have "normal" friends. Some people do seem to see playing in a band as primarily a social thing. This is probably why I have been sacked twice
  11. I've been sacked twice to date. First time.. one line email , "we're trying another bass player, thanks". Second time... one line email, "it's not gelling, the drummer can't play with you. Sorry!". Gutless scumbags. I'm not bitter. On the other hand I have sacked someone in another band. I was cr*pping myself, but I phoned him up told him he was out and there was no discussion about it but explained to him exactly why. He might not have been happy but at least I was honest.
  12. I've got all sorts of stuff up for sale at the moment - USA Fender Precision Fretless included - I need a more sensible second car (I know that sounds decadent but the wife and I both need cars for our jobs). The tumble-weed is blowing through everywhere. I'm not even getting derisory offers, which is bad.
  13. A-rather-dejected-I-need-to-buy-another-car-and-you-might-just-get-this-for-cheap-if-you-make-me-an-offer-bump Still interested in fretty trades if everybody else as broke as me.
  14. Wow... that's damn near giving it away. In the "right" colour too
  15. Ahem..... [url="http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ohim?ohimnum=E7269889"]http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ohim?ohimnum=E7269889[/url]
  16. [quote name='hoiho' post='928113' date='Aug 17 2010, 10:28 PM']a computer manufacturer and a music publishing company sharing a single fruity trademarked name.[/quote] .....and have fought like cats and dogs over it for years. If you are interested... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Corps_v_Apple_Computer"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Corps_v_Apple_Computer[/url]
  17. Bazooka Joe gum is alive and well and still for sale. Unless they're stupid it'll be a registered trademark. Expect the cease and desist letter soon !!
  18. Not even a rude comment bump!! Have I upset somebody? Any offers and trades considered. It's not even been out of the cupboard in months
  19. Very quiet around here Way too much money? I'll not be offended if someone wants to say "that's only worth £50 mate". If you are interested lets see what we can work out. It's just collecting dust. Trades wise... not sure but like the look of Status stuff, quiet partial to Lakland and I'm a big MusicMan fan - a Bongo maybe? Will have a think about almost anything decent with frets.
  20. I seem to keep having this conversation on here.... you know when you think everybody else is weird and it's just you that's normal??? Ha Ha.
  21. For (preferably) trade or cold hard cash - very nice and original USA Precision Fretless that's been in store unused for the last 30 years. Serial number indicates '78 or '79 vintage. I'm not happy to pull the neck off to check as I never thought that was a bright idea. It used to belong to a friend of mine from almost new. He played it briefly in the early 80s and it has literally been in storage since. The finish on the body has suffered in places - it has lifted very slightly in one or two spots and has discoloured very slightly in others - maily on the edges. It's not wear or damage - it's either been defective in the first place or as a result of its storage. In use it is hardly noticable. Because of the flash it looks *much* worse in the photos than in the flesh The neck is rosewood and is pretty much as new. It's currently strung with LaBella flats. Ash trays are long lost but you'll have the screw holes to remind you. All controls, twirly bits and wotnot work perfectly. Obviously everything is completely original. Original Fender ABS flight case included/available. The eight is 9.5 pounds (according to my bathroom scales). It sounds the business - it's one of the nicest basses I have heard. Anyhoo pictures.... The reason I want to get rid is that I will never have the time to get good on the fretless so it might as well go to someone who will appreciate. Original case included I'm really looking for a trade for something of similar value with frets. Really clean ones go for well over a grand but I don't think this is worth quite that much. I would seriously consider many of MusicMan's products (particularly a Bongo), something from Lakland, even a Warwick (like the Jazzman!) - that kind of thing. Something with some thump. 4 string or 5 string equally considered. Something cheaper with a cash/stuff bung also possible. What ya got? Try me I'm in Glasgow and I really don't want to post if I can avoid. I'm happy to do halfway meets anywhere down to Manchester/Hull/M62-ish and pretty much anywhere in Scotland. Small punt for diesel might be requested!! For cash sale I am looking for sensible offers. Let's put a line in the sand at £975
  22. Clearly my curse continues.... One jam which went well I think. Next jam and I get a text as I'm walking in the studio door that it's all off. The drummer (who was behind the venture) "doesn't have time". AND... I'm 25 quid out of pocket because I paid for the rehearsal room time we didn't use. Great......
  23. Another +1. I was brought up on his fretless work with Ms Bush. It's simply the best I'be heard. He's from Edinburgh too - can't be helped I suppose
  24. Unless you are 12 and have loads of free hours and no friends I have to wonder whether it is worth the bother. I have tried on a number of occasions and it's monster difficult. Offset that against the fact that I have never needed to actually play a slap part then I think I'll give it a miss. Each to their own, of course!!
  25. Me in my first band taken around 2005 (i'm the old guy with the bass). The band is still on the go and one of the more successful function bands in the area. I'm still playing sh*tty pubs once a month. C'est la vie as they say in the South of France [attachment=55929:the6yearsago.jpg]
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