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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='skampino' post='787089' date='Mar 26 2010, 03:55 PM']So are you saying even brand new gear bought from a musical instrument shop needs PAT testing?[/quote] The regs are very vague. What it says is that if (as an employer, remember) you don't then you *could* be liable. I am involved in a charity that has engineering workshops. We PAT test all new equipment as soon as possible. We still use it - it just gets done the next time the guy goes round to do stuff.
  2. [quote name='skampino' post='785361' date='Mar 25 2010, 12:05 AM']Hey guys, all my equipment is brand new so no need to have it PAT tested.[/quote] As far as I can tell that's a maybe. You can't go wrong by PAT testing for sure. However, if the equipment comes from a reliable source then it's reasonable to get it in your "normal round" of re-testing. Understand that a lot of the wording about PAT is the language of companies "covering their ass" as it were - can you prove you took reasonable precautions. In this case we are talking about actually being safe, so I would suggest getting it tasted asap.
  3. [quote name='martthebass' post='785120' date='Mar 24 2010, 08:44 PM']Nobody loves Perceptions PB! I don't mind green..........it's the new, erm, black?[/quote] Schnozz was stalking me for my (admittedly fretted) perception
  4. [quote name='martthebass' post='785105' date='Mar 24 2010, 08:23 PM']Oh this is nice. I'd love this but can only afford one fretless in the armory and (previous experience dicatates) that it'd take me longer than a week to sell my Overwater. Never mind and bump...[/quote] Pssst.... you sure you shouldn't ask him if he'd like a trade with your OW. Just a HINT
  5. [quote name='Muddythespark' post='785065' date='Mar 24 2010, 08:00 PM']And yes have your equipment PAT tested....for the sake of £5-10 per item its worth it.[/quote] Actually.... as we are technically "self employed" we're probably legally obliged to do it. More hassle......
  6. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='784975' date='Mar 24 2010, 06:41 PM']Plus one. Best in the UK[/quote] Plus two... consistent positive experiences.
  7. Mmm.... there's some serious misinformation going on here... * The RCD is NOT a substitute for, nor does it replicate the action of a fuse. The RCD detects excessive current flowing in the earth circuit (of the order of milliamps - thousands of an amp). A fuse protects against excessive current flowing in the "live" feed to the equipment (of the order of amps or a large fraction of an amp). Interesting fact... a human being does not draw enough current to blow a fuse. It only takes a few milliamps across your heart to kill you (that is, neither a fuse nor an RCD will help you if you plug yourself into the wall). * The RCD is protecting against a fault in the equipment plugged into it. It's not protecting you from faults in the building wiring (the building supply may have an RCD of its own). Finding another plug will not make the slightest difference. If an RCD trips you are allowed to attempt to reset it. Obviously, only if the cause isn't obvious (e.g. pint of beer over your amp). Failing that, eliminate the equipment causing the fault. That's right, you can't use it - it's potentially dangerous, you could die. I don't do it but I think there's actually a case for getting stage equipment regularly PAT tested too.
  8. Not sure if this bass has featured before as it came out of a trade with another BC member. Anyway, 1996 StingRay 5... in beige [attachment=45481:Full_Bass_Front.jpg] [attachment=45482:Body_Front_Close.jpg]
  9. Buuuuuuuurrrmmmmm....pppp A few interesting maybes, talking about, need further discussion stylee offers. Still awaiting the ephemeral massive MarkBass rig for free at the end of my street Seriously, any other trade offers very welcome. Might perhaps think about offering a straight sale in a couple of days if I don't tie anything up.
  10. [quote name='woolz' post='784045' date='Mar 23 2010, 09:49 PM']yeh i may get a 5 string. not sure how it would work with our tuning though, we tune to c#?? anyway, i have aroun 0.5mm gap when i check at 12th fret mate with string at top and bottom.[/quote] It's the second fret on the B string Don't tell me you're in one of those mad metal bands with crazy tuning... you're a bass player, resist
  11. [quote name='woolz' post='782595' date='Mar 22 2010, 05:36 PM']im not too hot on the neck relief adjustment to be honest i use 105 gauge on the 4th string as it is. anyone live in essex on here that could have a look at it for me? or know anyone thats good at settting basses up? i plug into the passive input because it sounds a lot better i think![/quote] Hold down the string at the first fret AND at the last fret (use a capo or phone a friend if you have small hands). Is it touching the 12th fret (or thereabouts)? It should be *just* clear at the 12th (you can tap it against the fret but can't see much daylight). If it's touching then you need to *slacken* the truss rod. Take it easy, quarter turn a go. Retune each time. Having said that, you should probably just get a 5 string
  12. [quote name='thedonutman' post='782730' date='Mar 22 2010, 08:54 PM']I've got a Peavey MAX 450 head and an Ashdown 1x15 cab if you're at all interested? I imagine it could be logistically difficult though. [/quote] Let me have a read about that amp. I'm not very familiar with it. Which Ashdown cab is it (which range I mean)?
  13. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='782684' date='Mar 22 2010, 08:28 PM']Howard is a top bloke............deal with confidence. Glad your liking the Ray5 matey, I've pm'd you btw. Have a bump on me !! S[/quote] Ahhhh... you're a wee sweetie :-D
  14. I'm sure this isn't news to anybody, but just in case it hasn't been mentioned..... get the instruments out of their cases and on a stand safely out of the way as soon as you can. Gives them time to adjust to the room and helps them stay in tune during the gig. I tune before the first set and before the second set. It's rarely out the second time tbh.
  15. Never discount poor bass setup. It's the first thing I would check. Insufficient neck relief can cause all sorts of horrors.
  16. I got damn close to the point where I could have made a living (just) out of playing bass a few years back. I simply played in a very busy covers band that was getting "them high paying gigs". And I'm a rubbish bass player I'm not advocating that you don't go and do your music degree as any training, education etc. is almost always a good thing. What I maybe do think is that making money at *anything* is more an attitude of mind than skill and good fortune. You have to hustle.... you have to acquire a business head and look for the money making opportunities. There's plenty of ways to make a buck but you'll have to dedicate some time to that as well as your playing.
  17. [quote name='lanark' post='782405' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:07 AM']Just a question from the curious. I'm left-handed, but I play bass right-handed and I've often wondered why the guitar appears to be the only instrument available commercially in substantial numbers in a left-handed version. You don't get left-handed violins, or flutes or pianos or saxophones or accordians, so why are so many left-handed guitars available? After all, when you first take up the instrument, both hands are doing something entirely new so why use a left-handed version, instead of training your hands to play a right-handed instrument? As I say, I'm left-handed, but I've often wondered if this is people genuinely being unable to play right-handed at all, or if it's people thinking "I'm left-handed, therefore I have to have a left-handed guitar".[/quote] I asked this question I while back. Apparently, if you analyse it, your plucking hand does a lot more work than your fretting hand and so you want that to be your stronger hand.
  18. [quote name='Bigwan' post='782391' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:37 AM']You get used to slapping on the HH VERY quickly. There's plenty of room there.[/quote] Probably the start of another thread/argument. But... why-oh-why... when discussing a bass, the first thing anybody says is always "it's no good for slapping" or "it's great for slapping". Unless I've been living under a rock for the last 30 years, slap bass is so spectacularly niche that for 99.99% of player it doesn't matter a stuff if a bass is good for slap or not. Still, each to their own More flames.... here they come
  19. [quote name='josh3184' post='782392' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:42 AM']Lies! Apart from than disagreement, you've got a very good point- I've had a similar revalation which I hope to make a thread about soon[/quote] I was confidently expecting a response along those lines...... Doesn't work for me though, 6 foot something fat bloke with a small-bodied "sideboard" bass just looks wrong.
  20. No responses? Giving you all another chance
  21. People talk a lot about "versatility" like some sort of holy grail but I've never cared that much. As long as you get a good basic sound then I'm not sure it matters too much. The MM basses (along with the Precision, the Jazz and so on) fall straight into that niche of "it sounds like a bass". You can get up, plug it in and play and know it's going to sound good and you're not going to look like an idiot. Job done. If you're (like me) playing in pubs and clubs where a sound check is often impossible and eq problems have to be sorted as you go then a good no-nonsense basic sound is a huge benefit. The StingRay will give you that in spades. On top of that they are built like tanks and, IMO, are reasonably pleasant to play. This, of course, is getting down to personal choice. For example, I really like the Warwick $$ but I've never really got on with the necks and it just doesn't look the part in a pub on a Saturday night. Conclusion... you're never going to go wrong buying a bog-standard StingRay. Anything over and above that is just polish. All depending, of course, if you actually like the things in the first place. As of this weekend I now have two (a 4 string and a 5 string) so I'm clearly biased
  22. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='781770' date='Mar 21 2010, 04:36 PM']Just done a great deal with Howard. The perfect deal is when both parties leave the deal feeling satisfied. Thats just what's happened. Nice bloke, good company and didn't leave ANY coffee !!! A delight to deal with and would do so again in a moment. Stewart[/quote] My pleasure...... and I ate all your biscuits
  23. ALL BEING WELL, THIS IS NOW TRADED (Thanks!) Acquisition of StingRay 5 makes this a bit redundant. Fantastic bass nevertheless and in the right colour too. Trade wise, ideally, I'm mostly looking for a decent, powerful bass head but would definitely consider a loud combo (manic drummer to content with) or a good but not too big keyboard (ideally with usb) - or some combination :-) The Tribby is in excellent condition but not mint. A bit of staining on the neck and the odd hardly noticeable scratch. On the whole it's very nice - I'm probably being fussier than I could be but I'd rather be completely honest. If I didn't have fancier stuff, I'd happily have this as my only bass. I don't have a case for it, but we could work something out if it was an issue. I'm not fussed about postal deals if I can possibly avoid it, so within some vaguely sensible distance of Glasgow (Everything M62 and up really) would be ideal. I'm happy to drive or meet half-way or whatever. [attachment=45270:Basses_0028.jpeg][attachment=45269:Basses_0027.jpeg] UPDATE: I had it pointed out to me that there appear to be some scrapes and dings in the lacquer. There isn't, it's just the reflection of the paint. Need to go and buy a polarising filter The lacquer is actually near-as-damn-it perfect. As usual... don't be shy, try me
  24. Just swapped my Overwater Perception for Stewart's much more prosaic - but infinitely better suited to the stuff I play - StingRay5. Also threw in a cab that, judging by the weight, must be uranium lined Clearly a top bloke, good for a natter over a cup of coffee and highly recommended if you are considering a transaction with him. Cheers!!
  25. [quote name='Doddy' post='780247' date='Mar 19 2010, 09:35 PM']When you say solo bass,are you thinking about playing solo's over changes or do you want to be able play things like chord melodies and things-kind of like Michael Manring and those guys?[/quote] I *think* what I want to aim for is to play solos over changes. To be able to improvise - even a bit. Mostly because I can't do it at all. I've been playing around with chordal stuff to, but I find that terribly hard going. My fingers aren't bendy enough
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