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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' post='691399' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:12 PM']"Musicians who don't seem to be alcoholics"- that's a good sign, I got so sick of being in bads that were tight in rehursal and sh1t live due to the presence of a bar. Personally I adopted a "don't go over the drink drive limit before or during a gig" rule and 9/10 don't drink at all until the gig is over these days.[/quote] I dunno.... I don't drink at all so I'm careful not to come over as being preachy. However, I've seen (and been in) a lot of pub bands where it's all been significantly about knocking back the drink. This is Glasgow of course, which (unfortunately) has a well-deserved reputation for hitting the bottle hard. I've come to the conclusion that it's not a particularly good thing.
  2. [quote name='Commando Jack' post='691388' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:00 PM']How'd it go??[/quote] Fine! Nobody noticed me hashing my way through Mustang Sally Need to learn it properly now. It's all quite a difference from what I'm used to. Musicians who don't seem to be alcoholics and a real girl doing the singing (and very well too). I think this has some promise. No email telling me to f*** off yet either
  3. [quote name='hagguy' post='691196' date='Dec 22 2009, 02:31 AM']would you post how much amp pedal and postage?[/quote] Sold about 18 months ago!! Actually rather regret it
  4. I chop about between both and don't give it a second thought. I actually find a full night on a 5 a bit hard on my fretting hand so I take both. However, I think the place to start is to lock up your four strings and play nothing but the 5. Don't worry about the B string to start off with. Just get comfy with it. You can then start throwing in the odd low D and playing root-fifths between the E and B strings etc.
  5. I was asked to come and try out for a local function band tonight, just as I was leaving work. One hour (effectively) to learn the four songs they want to do. And one of them is.... wait for it.... Mustang Sally!! Of course, that's the one that's tripping me up. I've never listened to it before, never mind played it. I get the idea but to get all the little runs and things in will take more than the 10 minutes I've got. Oh well I'll let you know when I get back!!
  6. [quote name='The Funk' post='687476' date='Dec 17 2009, 04:41 PM']I can't be the only one who read the title as "Porno pictures"![/quote] That's the spirit!!!
  7. Sex. It's not PC but it's true. Get the best looking women you can find or afford. I didn't say I thought it was right.... ahem....
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='686760' date='Dec 16 2009, 08:35 PM']Smart [/quote] Impressive.... a ventriloquist as well as a bass player
  9. All the time.... you give an interesting example as Ziggy is clearly an example of a song that isn't just playing eighths on the root (therefore I refute your "easy as pie" assertion, but I know what you mean!). So songs like that I always remember. It's all the mundane stuff that trips me up though. All Snow Patrol songs sound the same and I very often can't remember which is which and that's led to some embarrassing starts until I pick it up.
  10. What a weird website. Who puts the list of current orders and state of completion on the web? It all seems very amateurish to me. He's not doing himself any favours generating all this bad publicity. Yes - unhappy customers generate the biggest amount of publicity. Now he's spotted that basic rule of marketing he might want to think about acting accordingly.
  11. Dunno if any of this might help... print it out and gaffa tape it to his toms [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reggae#Drums_and_other_percussion"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reggae#Drums_...ther_percussion[/url]
  12. I can only play fingerstyle therefore pick players impress me.......
  13. [quote name='Jarhead' post='679671' date='Dec 9 2009, 10:32 PM']Lol, reminds me of emo type girls posing for their Myspace pics to look 'arty' and 'mysterious', only, you look less like a tool, and quite good [/quote] Now there's a man who know's how to sweet-talk a woman. Ha ha ha
  14. [quote name='Gamble' post='678094' date='Dec 8 2009, 04:11 PM']You seem to be under the misguided impression that that's an insult![/quote] Mmmm.... now you mention it.....
  15. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='677730' date='Dec 8 2009, 11:54 AM']It won't work. Howard.[/quote] Bloody hell... there's more than one Howard on here (yes that is my "Sunday" name!!)
  16. [quote name='Currrls' post='677496' date='Dec 8 2009, 08:46 AM']anyone know if you can put a stingray 4 scratchplate on a stingray 5?[/quote] Well... the pickups are different sizes for a start! However, yes, the Stingray 5 scratchplate seems to have been a real "what were they thinking?" moment It's very nice though. An unusual colour - I've always been oddly partial to those sparkly finishes.
  17. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='677578' date='Dec 8 2009, 10:00 AM']No specialists as such but for new stock Guitar Guitar in Grainger Street Newcastle would have the best selection.[/quote] You've got SoundsLive down on Dean Street too.
  18. New one on me, but good video....
  19. I think you are all insane. Single cut basses eat babies Still..... have a bump for your ugly bass that looks like an even uglier Fodera
  20. Well, they stood in the same street at the very least
  21. [quote name='jobistre' post='675465' date='Dec 6 2009, 09:54 AM']if you think 5000 usd is a cheap price, you are a lucky man [/quote] He didn't say that... he was just illustrating that irritating thing people do on Evil-bay to attract attention to their (inevitably) less than high quality item. I've no idea if that's what you are doing - I have not heard of Eshenbaugh before - but I would think it a bit pointless as anybody willing to pay proper money for such a bass will almost certainly know what one is Good luck with the sale - interesting to see something different.
  22. Pretty! Shame they forgot the frets Seems very inexpensive to me!
  23. [quote name='YouMa' post='674940' date='Dec 5 2009, 02:08 PM']No i think you misunderstand the whole point is i want to listen to my amp through headphones but it doesnt have a head phone socket.[/quote] No you don't! Why would you want to do that? You won't hear the amp's "sound" as it isn't driving proper speakers.
  24. Almost got into a fight last night. That's new! We were playing a pub we play a lot. One of those finding a space in the corner jobs with no stage. During the last song it got a bit rowdy and some big, drunk lunk was jumping about within inches of my pedal/effects thingies. Then, of course, he took a big leap straight towards me and my gear. With lighting self-preservation reactions i shouldered him back into the audience. The guy went flying. Of course, he came back swinging. By now I had my bass off and was willing to sacrifice a MM Stingray in the interests of not being thumped. Luckily he was far too pissed to actually land a punch and he gave up. Still, I really don't like that sort of thing and could well do without it. It's never actually happened before either in many similar situations. Sigh!
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